African American Fiction Romance

  My dearest reader, this writer has the most delicious scandal for you, something I genuinely doubt you'd ever expect from this quill of mine. It is said that yestereve's ball was set at Mayshire's town manor- for the announcement of their niece, Miss Wysteria Mayshire and the Earl of Longburne's oldest son, Mister Rhys Hawkins-Smythe- it has come to this writer's attention that this is no longer the case. For keen eyes watching from the ballroom of Mister Hawkins-Smythe and the eldest daughter of Lord Mayshire- Miss Dahlia Mayshire- caught in a passionate embrace that even lovers would blush to see. After her rendezvous with the dashing gentleman like the young Earl, the budding flower shook herself into bloom. It is said that wallflowers of the season spoke in hush tones of how quiver and flush Miss Dahlia Mayshire's appearance was during the ball.

The soon-to-be groom's absence, Mister Hawkins-Smythe, was a thunderclap amid the announcement, leaving the guests in utter disbelief. The palpable anticipation in the air was shattered, replaced by a scandalous revelation. It was later revealed that the couple had been discovered in a dishevelled state, adding further fuel to the scandalous fire. The guests' shock and disbelief were palpable, their whispers of gossip and speculation filling the room.

It's no surprise, dear reader, that the young Earl was captivated by the most radiant blossom in the Mayshire garden. While Miss Wysteria may possess charm, it pales compared to the resplendent beauty of her scandalous cousin, Miss Dahlia. The stark contrast between the two, one a mere attractive match and the other a scandalous beauty, only amplifies the scandal's impact. Mere attractiveness is not enough to secure a catch in this season of such high standing. What a dramatic twist to act one of this enthralling tale that unfolds before us!

                     Yours Always,

                          Lady Amethyst

  "That wretched woman!" Lady Thea Mayshire's wail echoed through the tearoom. She flung the writer's column into the fireplace, the flames quickly consuming the neat script letter.

"My poor Dahlia having horrible fainting spells, keeping to her rooms, not wanting to see me at all!" The mother of four paced feverishly along the tearoom rug, her anger and frustration palpable. Wysteria couldn't help but feel her aunt was more ashamed of it than Dahlia or herself. Many sets of eyes watched her in tense silence, peering at her and then at one another to be the voice of tranquillity. Within the tearoom was Lord Mayshire in the loveseat, his nose buried deep within the papers, leaving his daughters and niece to salvage the morning. The distress of the Mayshire family was evident, and their once peaceful lives were now shattered by scandal.

"Mama, may you call upon the Hawkins-Smythe to a small luncheon after visiting Madamosille Bouquet. Indeed, if the ton dares to gossip about such nonsense-" The second daughter -Rose Mayshire, with the same caramel complexion as her parents and sisters, prattled on only to be shushed by her younger sister, Petunia.

  " How dare she besmirch my gentle Dahlia's reputation like that! And the young Earl is also to be put in such position as what she claims!" Lady Mayshire stopped the venom in her words, peering down at her niece.

"Albeit for I to admit defeat to scandalous wretch is right for you are a weed among my blooming daughters. Pray that, due to your lack of understanding of Dahlia's feelings, this doesn't cause the Earl to retract the engagement!"  

Wysteria lowered her head. The heated gaze from her uncle's wife kept her petrified of looking anywhere but her saucer and teacup. Keeping a steady composure, she politely faced her aunt. "Rose is right, Aunt Thea. Would it not be best to call upon the Earl for a light luncheon? The ton already believes that Dahlia and the young Earl have feelings for one another."

"Of course they do! Why wouldn't that pompous young fool not care for my Dahlia; she shall lead our family to higher branches indeed!"

Hold her gaze steady with her aunt's only for a muffled cough from Lord Mayshire's robust silhouette? Standing in complete form, taking command of the room, " Enough of this wailing about Thea; the girl is already wounded enough with poor looks. There is no need to continue adding on; this could be seen as an opportunity for our dear Dahlia, for she is the most handsome of our daughters," taking hold of Lady Mayshire's hand, leading her to the loveseat, tea in hand. It doesn't stop her disapproving gaze from wavering for a moment longer before taking a sip.

  "It shall paint us in a good light to be seen together to guide both families in a good light." Lord Mayshire spoke with a final word, ringing a bell to notify the bulter.

Wysteria was thankful for her dark complexion so anyone could notice the embarrassment warming her face. She made a note to call on Jayne later once she could slip away from her guardians' strict gazes.

It didn't take long for Lady Mayshire to write a simple message to call upon the Countess of Longbune for a light luncheon regarding the engagement to the Madamosille's Bouquet that afternoon. "Until I hear back from the Countess, none of you will seek any companions or take one foot outside these doors."

Having said the final word and gathered her skirts, she left the tearoom to coax Dahlia from her rooms. Rose and Petunia complained endlessly to their father to no avail. He soon went to his office, gathering papers and his coat and leaving for their family-owned factory. This left the young debutantes to cry after their mothers for missing tea luncheons, balls, and other social gatherings for the next few days.


My dearest reader, this writer has kept thorough details of the engagement of the Mayshire garden for a disappointing conclusion. It has been said that Lady Mayshire has tried fruitlessly to engage in any contact with the Countess of Longburne. It was to be purposely ignored at every turn this past Tuesday when the Covington household put on their play. The nurtured Lady Mayshire—who seemed to have grown a bit feverish since we last saw her a month prior—was pointedly ignored by Countess Hawkins-Smythe.

This dear reader, brings an end to act two of our once enticing play; now lies only a dear spectacle of its once vibrating self. This writer could only banter with you, dear reader, for the once-blooming garden seems to fade in its past vibrating colour.

                            Yours Always,

                                     Lady Amethyst

Days, which turned into weeks and nearly a month, still had yet to be replied to by the Countess or any member of the Earl. Lady Mayshire's anger escalated into hysteria, her desperation and frustration palpable. Soon, she began to keep to her rooms more so than Dahlia. As well as the latest column of Lady Amethyst kept her abed. "Whatever will become of my dear Dahlia now! Not only has the Countess of Longburne ignored all my replies, but they would not even acknowledge our presence at the blasted Covington theatre!" she wailed while her personal maids looked for her smelling salts to calm her.

   "Where is your father? He should be on his way to Earl Hawkins-Smythe to duel him and to have Rhys marry Dahlia! Where is your brother? Reginald! Hurry and help your father to duel!" Shouted in angst, only to wail into her pillows once more.

  Wysteria kept back towards the door, only for the housekeeper, Miss Vance, to rush in. "Milady, there's a message from Countess Longburne; it says w-well, that is-"

"Spit it out, woman, no need to sputter about!" Rose snapped at the older woman.

"The young Earl of Longburne is set to marry our Miss Dahlia-" Lady Mayshire cheered. Taking both her daughters' hands in joy.

"You see what I told you; your father and brother shall have the Rhys to marry our Dahlia!"

  "Milady, the only way for Miss Dahlia to marry the young Earl is if we can pay off the young lord's debts to Longburne." Miss Vance finished in a small voice that evaporated the happiness in the room. 

"What do you mean Reginald owes the Earl debts? What is this nonsense that you speak of? Give me the missive!"Snatching the papers away, she quickly read through the pages only for Lady Mayshire to grow faint from before, collapsing into her bed again. 

 "That foolish son of mine has doomed us all! " she wailed into her pillows.

June 11, 2024 06:04

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