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Contemporary Romance Drama

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. However, the moment 22 years old Nina Brown saw him kissing a woman in front of her eyes while a violin's soundtrack played behind them left her numb as the realization dawned upon her. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears while her throat felt extremely parched to speak. It would have felt better if Earth would swallow her at that right moment.

Nina's 5 feet 4 inches body was shaking with hurt, she closed her black eyes not being able to hear the mockery in laughs of guests present there. She gazed at her childhood sweetheart's face with utter astonishment, while 25 years old Joseph Smith Stood there flirting with his new wife. It was supposed to their marriage day today. When After loving each other for more than 14 years, they had decided to marry each other two months back in December. It was valentines day and it was supposed to be the best day of their lives. He had declared openly his love for her last year on the same day that was supposed to be their wedding day.

Yet here he was, saying "I do." To a woman, he barely knew.

No. It wasn't love from his side. It was never love from his side and it had been proved at the time when he kissed the woman beside him who was no less than a nightmare for her. 'If this is what he did! Then What did he indicate in his handwritten letters and messages?' She was a stupid fool to believe him.

Anyways, when the crowd's chants and voices grew louder, she decided to leave him with his newly wedded wife. However, when happens according to what we want, Her leg twisted and she fell on the cemented floor, the floor that should have been cleaned by her wedding dress was now dyed with her blood. The white mermaid gown that she sported was in a mess. The gown that he had selected for her. And to add salt to her injury, Joseph's 6 feet 2 inches well built body bent down to pull her up.

"Oh. I'm sorry Nin. I didn't want to hurt you."

His voice, not even a single percent sounded guilty. It was fake. Just like him.

He aggressively made her stand on her legs as his new wife Annie brown laughed sarcastically knowing fully well her cousin was heartbroken.

He has told her one month before, tonight he will marry her but whatever he did to her cleared her misunderstanding.

Her mind couldn't think rationally, and all she did was opposite of her options that were going through her head. She just watched him while the tears dripped down from her enchanting black eyes constantly.

" Tell me, Josh. It's all fake! Please baby!" She let her tears dry as she waited for his answer.

The man who betrayed her in front of the whole of New York City and the media, the man who kissed her cousin Annie and said "I do" to someone else. To the one who had tried to destroy her childhood. Wasn't he the man who had swore, He would never even let Annie anywhere near her. Yet Destiny played its card. She was asking him. What she wasn't supposed to ask. To the man who controlled whole city like it was his paper weight.

Like seriously.

The smile on Joseph's face disappeared. He was in shock by her act. He had insulted her mocked her, and she was asking him whether it was true or not.

For a few minutes, he zoned out. He did not feel like hurting her for he has seen her worst times. Her eyes sparkling with tears never made him feel good.

But then again he remembered The night when she left him, on the day of his surgery. And then again he was overpowered by his anger.

" Are you blind Nina Brown? Can't you see, I never loved you?" He enormously spoke, his words hitting her heart and soul.

"Huh." Nina gasped blankly and muttered a small "Why?"

"It was my plan. I wanted to disgrace you."

Stumbling Nina pushed him away and walked slowly towards the door amidst hearing the mocking laugh of the love of her life.

She could still remember the days when her father loved her to death.

[Nina-3 years ago]

Her dad✔

Foam mattress✔

Air conditioning✔

Her apartment✔



Nina brown was blessed with everything she could have asked for. She was ready for her college years in a small apartment that she was sharing with Joseph. She was studying business management.

" But Daddy, I don't want to share my apartment with him."

"No baby, it had to do. You see he will even take care of you."

"But Dad. He doesn't let me talk to anyone."

"My Nin-boo, he loves you, so he is too possessive. And you need to endure it. Love doesn't just mean good things. It also means you need to endure each other's drawbacks."

"But Daddy.'

"No buts Nin-boo, he loves you and he knows what dangers are lurking in the shadows. So you should listen to him."

"Bleep daddy, I have listened to this sentence before. You remember?"

"Brat! Go on. It's time for your class."

"Love you, daddy."

"Love you more, Nin-boo."

[Nina-1 year ago]

"Daddy, Please Don't say nonsense. You will be safe."

Her father had been admitted for one week in ICU. He was having trouble with his dialysis. And the Doctors had already regarded the case as a failure.

"Promise me, Nin-boo. You will marry Joseph.!"

"I promise, you dad. But only if you will be with me."

"Joseph! Son Take care of my daughter."

"I will Dad. Don't worry."

"Dad, Dr. Please let him talk to me. He is not saying anything."

"Daddy wake up. Please. Daddy. I will marry him. Please come back Daddy!"

"I am sorry to say Miss Nina. He is no more."

[Nina-7 months ago]

" Miss Nina Your kidneys matched. You can be the donor for Mr. Joseph."

" Okay Doctor. I will come on time. Just let my name as a donor of kidney a secret."


"I don't want him to stress about me."

" Okay. Miss Nina. As you wish."

[ Nina-14 February]

"Why did you leave me here daddy? All alone. I'm so afraid. Joseph had already acquired everything you have worked for so hard daddy." Her heartbreaking into millions of pieces for the two men who had left her, who were her only family.

"You saw daddy. He broke your promise."

"But. Why can't I still hate him? Daddy. Why?"

[Joseph-7 months later]

"Where's your wife who donated her kidney to you. I must say I am quite jealous of you. How can you find someone as much caring as Nina?"

" She donated her kidney to me!" Joseph's hands trembled beneath the table when he comprehended what Dr. Joshua was saying.

" Yes. She even requested to me to never mention it to you. You are blessed Mr Joseph."

"I... His body shook as he left the party which was arranged to bestow him award of best businessman of the year.

[Joseph-2 months later]

"How can you not find her? You all are useless!" His voice boomed with anger as he threw whatever he could find at the team of private investigators.

"Go. And search again. I want her information in one week."

The marriage Nina saw was never real. It was just a contract that he had signed to humiliate her. But From the day of valentines to this day he was regretting it. Joseph's heart never wanted to betray her but his evil side had overpowered him.

Shaking his glass that was filled with strong alcohol, he gulped it down in one go. Since the day he got to know about her, His evenings were spent to drown his miseries in alcohol.

"I'm sorry. My love. Please! Just come back."

" God, Please. Send her back to me. I'm sorry Daddy." He murmured and slept on the same ground of the room, they used to play in childhood.

[Nina-1 year later from 14 february]

Feeling tired she closed her eyes as she rested her pounding head on the bench of the hospital she was sitting. She gently rubbed small circles over her temples to ease the raising headache, but it looked like the headache was inevitable. She had been working in the hospital as a receptionist for 7 months now. One month after Joseph betrayed her. She had left the city and had come to find her father's old friend Romano John. He lived in a small city. He had been a Doctor in a small hospital and he was kind enough to offer her a job to help her make her living. However, just two months ago she was diagnosed with cancer, and it was considered to be last stage. Finally, God had pitied her since her time in the world was limited. Nonetheless, she wasn't complaining about it. It would do her more good since her father was in heaven. Maybe they will be reunited. The doctor attending her had already informed her to admit herself to the hospital. But neither she had the money to pay for it nor she wanted to die in the hospital. So, she had decided to fly back home.

[Nina-One year One month later]

"I heard you are going back. I will still advise you Nina to not travel. It will worsen your condition."

"Don't worry Doctor. I want to die in my hometown."

Dr. Sasha sighed and looked at her with pity. Nina's condition has worsened in the last month, Her hair already started falling. But she still stubbornly wanted to travel. Since her end was near. She decides to agree with her. Yet informing her was her duty.

" You just had a week to live Nina."

Nina smiled a sad one and left the room.

[Nina-3 days later]

"Mam, you can't go inside. It's private property."

Nina stood outside her father's mansion, requesting the guards to meet the owner. She wanted to stay in her home in her last days. It was her last wish, she even had saved some money with her job to provide the owner, if he will allow her to rent it for two days. But at last, she was driven out by guards.

[Joseph-2 days later-7th april]

"Sir, we found Miss Nina."

Joseph smiled a bright smile and dashed to the door asking for her address.

[Nina-on 7th April]

In morning, She had been coughing blood since last night, it seemed what Dr said was true. Her end was near.

In the evening, Nina remembered all her childhood memories and her father. She was too sad to feel that she couldn't even get the courtesy of dying in her home. But at least Joseph wasn't able enough! to take the courtesy of dying in her hometown

" Joseph! You destroyed me."

In the evening when Joseph stood outside her small shabby room contemplating on how to explain things to her Or how to apologize to her. He knocked thrice but nobody opened, panicking he destroyed the door. However the sight that awaited him, turned out to be his nightmare.

Her body was lying in a small bed with too much of blood stains on her side.

Without wasting a second, he dashed to her motionless body wrapped in a white dress. He tried to find her pulse. Yet when he noticed it wasn't there. His whole world came crashing down, he wanted to ask for forgiveness.

But By then it was too late....

November 20, 2020 13:48

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1 comment

Abhiraj Sengupta
16:18 Nov 20, 2020

Excellent story....Well written and perfectly narrated...Loved the story....As a suggestion would like to recommend a better introduction of side characters... Rest all good...Keep it up!


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