Drama Fiction Romance

Christy and Peter's eyes followed the cup as it plummeted in a straight line. There was nothing they could do but wait for the crash of the gas station 32-ounce "Big Filler." 

It landed upright as if it ready to still pick up and drink. But it wasn't finished. The pressure from the fall pushed the Dr. Pepper upward...and out. The spray covered everything in the hallway of the reception venue. This included Christy and Peter.

As the carbonation settled, Christy dove into her purse. "I'm so sorry!" She pulled out a pile of napkins. She scanned the hallway for where to start. "Did it get you?!"

Peter smirked as he watched her. He felt an immediate urge to comfort the stranger. He held out his arm and pointed at the forearm of his suit jacket. "I'm afraid I've been hit," he exaggerated.

Christy didn't notice the dramatic flair to the comment. She disregarded her own outfit and went straight to his arm. As she patted the napkin into the fabric, Peter studied her face.

Her eyelashes were the longest he had ever seen. They fluttered up and down over her green eyes. Her brows were meticulously shaped but the color still matched her dark hair. Her skin was pale and beautiful. Her embarrassment only added a lovely natural blush to her cheeks. Peter watched in awe as she worked at the soda.

Christy was wearing a light green silk gown. The reception hall was indoors but the ceremony was outside. August in Austin meant for a high temperature ceremony. Christy wasn't a bridesmaid but she had dressed appropriately for the occasion.

Peter noticed that like his, Christy's fingers were still missing a ring on her left hand. He also noticed the disappearing foam from the soda on her side. He took one of the napkins in one hand and raised her elbow with the other.

"Hold still," he said. His voice was soft. Christy’s eyes met his and Peter felt a rush of emotion he hadn't experienced in years. Christy held her breath as she felt it too.

"It's got you too," Peter said. His voice was still quiet. His touch felt delicate. He wiped the foam from her dress in a delicate motion. He kept her arm in his at the same time. It does," Christy emphasized, no longer talking about the soda.

"Good news," Peter exhaled as he released her elbow and moved the napkin away from the dress. His eyes looked deep into hers again and he tenderly brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. "It looks like you are going to pull through."

Christy laughed. She pointed at Peter's elbow and nodded. "I think you're safe too."

The air between them felt thick with tension. Both had stopped thinking about the spill. Peter didn't know what to say but wanted the conversation to continue. "Do you live nearby?"

Christy nodded. The spark between them increased as she smoothed the lines in her dress. "Do you think it will be noticeable?" She pointed back to the spot on her side.

Peter stepped back and studied her. She felt a rush through her body as he looked over every inch of her instead. He squinted his eyes as if he were deep in thought and rubbed the bottom of his chin.

He slid back to her in a smooth movement, and stopped inches away from her face. He tilted his head forward to help with their difference in height. Christy could feel his warm breath on her forehead. She studied his dark eyes. She noticed his dark hair still had some golden elements tucked away in the strands. His facial hair had it too, but only if the light hit in a certain way.

"I think the only thing that will be noticeable is how incredible you look."

Christy stared back and forth between his eyes. She felt frozen in place. The world had gone silent as she inched closer in hopes of a kiss. She was mesmerized.

"You have a terrible taste in soda, though," he added. His lips moved into a beautiful grin. Christy laughed and the light sound ran through Peter's body. 

"Pete?" Andrew's voice appeared as he came around the corner. He looked nervous. "They're ready for us, dude."

Peter looked at Christy one more time. "Showtime," he whispered. He followed Andrew out of the hallway.

Christy inhaled through her nose. She stretched out her arms and wiggled her fingers to compose herself. She had never felt so alive.

"Bride," Christy told the usher as she arrived to the ceremony. "Are you by yourself?" He asked. She nodded. "There's a single seat on her side in the second row," he pointed.

Christy sat down a few feet from the platform. The garden had been decorated with Lillies and sunflowers. She hadn't seen Tiffany since graduation, but remembered her dorm decorations. When Tiffany and Christy met outside of a party, Christy had been crying from a breakup and one too many drinks. Tiffany had stepped out of the hallway and into her dorm, and re-emerged with one sunflower and one lily. She had asked Christy which one would cheer her up. After sobering up, they had stayed good acquaintances but never close friends. Close enough to be invited to a wedding, but distant enough to never meet the groom.

Just after she sat down, the audience stood again for the entrance of the groomsmen. The bridesmaids followed. Christy recognized Andrew from the hallway. She recognized some of the bridesmaids from college but couldn't remember two of their names.

The music carried on for a few beats after the bridal party took their positions. Christy’s heart sank as everyone turned again to see the groom and his mother. Peter walked down the aisle to his wedding.

"If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace," the officiant announced. Christy looked up as Peter turned and made eye contact with her. He pointed to his elbow where the soda had landed.

"I do," he said.

February 16, 2025 17:04

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07:53 Feb 27, 2025

I love the concept of your story - the idea of two strangers meeting at a wedding, one being the groom, and having an instant, electrifying, unspoken connection is great and believable. It seems a little far fetched that with their minimal interaction, the guy would consider calling off his wedding, but I suppose it's plausible. When she was hoping for a kiss, I thought it was a little much, given the little interaction they'd had together. Maybe more conversation? Something more tangible between them than the feeling they get when they meet...


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Kathryn Kahn
21:21 Feb 25, 2025

Well this is a twist! You don't expect the groom to be the one with objections to the wedding. This is a lovely little romance, very well written.


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