The Rain

Submitted into Contest #290 in response to: Center your story around a first or last kiss.... view prompt


Romance Sad


              They stood at the edge of the dock, looking out over the once beautiful lake. Lake Francine was undergoing a face lift and had been drained, almost completely, for the beautification process. Mark and Renee were so taken with one another they did not even notice the state of disrepair that surrounded them.

              Mark reached in his pocket and began whispering in Renee’s ear. “Do you know how long I will love you?”

              “Tell me, how long,” she replies.

              He opened his hand to reveal the shiny dime he had retrieved from his pocket. “Until someone finds this dime.” Then, pulling his arm back he launched the dime into the murky waters below.

              The sound of the music seemed to fill her very soul. She sang the words from the deepest part of her broken heart, and she allowed the music to soothe her sorrow. She felt a touch on her elbow. She had not realized the music had stopped and she was the only one still standing. She smiled at her son, who had graciously saved her from further embarrassment, and quickly sat down.  Renee was flanked on both sides by her sons, Jake and Tucker. They had been her rock for the last few months. She was so proud of the men her boys were growing up to be. She knew their dad would also be proud.

              At the end of the church service, Renee thought she heard someone call her name. She had dreaded running into old friends, but she knew it was inevitable. She had been so busy getting herself settled into the new house, and her new job and the boys were also getting acclimated to their new schools and activities that she had used Sundays as a day of rest for herself. She was almost regretting her decision to attend church this morning. She turned as she heard her name called again; she could not believe her eyes. Josh Bradford was standing right in front of her!

              “Renee, is that you? After all these years? How are you?”

              “Hello, Josh! I am fine. How are you?”

              “I’m doing well, I guess. It’s so great to see you! I mean how long has it been; 10 or 12 years?”

              “Longer than that, I think! More like 15 or 16 years. These two handsome young men are my boys; this is Jake and this is Tucker.”

              “Nice to meet you,” Josh replied to the boys. “Are you here visiting family? And where is Mark? Is he inside. I cannot wait to see…” He stopped when he noticed the look on Renee’s face.

              “Mark was killed in a car crash last year,” she said softly, fighting tears.

              “Renee, I am so sorry. I had no idea. Would you and the boys like to join me for lunch? I’ve always had a good listening ear.”

              “No, thank you. Maybe some other time.” Renee and the boys walked quietly to the car. She knew her decision to come back to this town would have her answering tough questions; she just didn’t want to answer any questions coming from the likes of Josh Bradford.

              The next month seemed to go by quickly. She was doing great at her new job. The boys were doing well in school, too. Jake was already on the baseball team and Tucker had the lead role in an upcoming play at school. She had run into Josh at church nearly every week, even when she tried to avoid him. He always seemed to be walking out at the exact same time as she and boys. A couple of times, he was parked in the same row as she was; he was hard to avoid.

              One Sunday she and the boys went to the local BBQ place for lunch. Josh was already sitting at a table alone when they arrived. He waved at Renee and the boys. Then he invited them to join him. The wait wasn’t too bad, and Renee declined but the boys were starving, as boys often are, so she relented and joined Josh and the boys at the table.

              At lunch Jake was quite taken with Josh because he knew so much about sports and cars. She and Tucker talked about his upcoming role in the play and to everyone’s astonishment, Josh knew a thing or two about the play Tucker would be starring in. Renee appreciated Josh and his conversations with the boys. But at times her annoyance was hard to hide.

              After they had said their goodbyes in the parking lot, Renee and the boys headed home. Renee’s mind went back to her high school days when her connection with Josh began. Renee had been a cheer leader and was very popular in school. She would lead the cheer squad to a state championship in her senior year. She was the quintessential cheer captain! Josh on the other hand was not popular. He was interested in art and was the president of the art club. Renee and Josh had 3 classes together…every single year of Renee’s high school career! Each year, she could not believe it when Josh walked into class after class.

              For Renee, Josh was like a little puppy that wanted to play with her. She had no desire to be his friend. However, there were times when they were paired together or placed in the same group for a group project, much to Renee’s chagrin. Josh was nice enough; he just wasn’t Renee’s type of friend.

              Now here we are 15 years later, and Josh is pushing into her circle again.

              The next Thursday was a day that Renee was dreading. As the day approached Renee became more and more anxious. Thursday morning came and Renee did not even want to get out of bed. This day would have been Mark’s 38th birthday; her first birthday without him. She lay in bed remembering his birthday from the previous year. Mark was just as handsome as the day they had met. His eyes still sparkled with love and adoration for her. The two of them had been so full of life and ready to meet any challenge they came across together. Then her mind went to that awful day. She had thought she had died the same day Mark did. But she knew she had to take care of the boys. They were so like their father. Mark had always been the strong one. Renee knew she could be a little shallow at times, but she was so thankful for Mark. He was always the strength their family needed.

              The day had not started well. The boys were cranky at breakfast, but she knew they were missing their dad just like she was. Once she got to work, she thought the day would never end. She could not wait to get home. At 6:00pm the doorbell rang. She reluctantly answered the door, exhausted from the stress of the day. Josh was standing there, flowers and cheesecake in his hands.

              “Hi!” he cheerfully said.

              “Hi, Josh,” she said. “This is not a good time.”

              “I know,” he said. “I know what today is. Jake told me on Sunday. I just want you to know that I am here for you. I am truly sorry for your loss and…”

              “Thanks, Josh, but not today.” Renee shut the door without taking the flowers or the cheesecake (even though it was her favorite).

              Josh left the flowers on the doorstep and took his leave. He had been trying since freshman year to make this one person see him. It was at this very moment that he knew she would never see him. He thought when she moved back that things may have changed. He knew all about Mark and he was truly sorry for Renee. But Mark was gone; he was here.

              Just as he was walking away, he heard the door open again.

              “The flowers are gorgeous, and cheesecake is my favorite. Would you like to come in?” Renee quietly asked.

              “Only if that’s what you really want. I just want to be your friend Renee.” He said with his hands raised.

              Josh and Renee sat up until well past her bedtime reminiscing about high school, and apologies were made. The two talked about how Mark and Renee met at college and all that Josh had been up to since Renee had been away. Josh learned that Renee made Mark work really hard to earn her love and affection; Renee felt bad about it in the end because Mark had loved her so well. The evening ended with tears from both Renee and Josh.

              In the grief, in the sorrow, and in the remorseful apologies from Renee and eager acceptance from Josh, a beautiful friendship began that evening.

              Renee and Mark heard the dime hit the muddy water. Renee turned to Mark and smiled that smile he loved so well. She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed with every bit of strength she had.

              What a beautiful way to spend their anniversary. Renee loved Mark more than she had ever loved anyone; even herself. He cared deeply for her in ways she could not understand. He cared for her in ways she had never been cared for. He was the love of her life, and she could not wait to spend every day, for the rest of her life, with this remarkable man.

              As she and Mark made their way to the car they continued their walk around Lake Francine. The workmen had left their equipment, waiting for the next days work. Even though it took away the true beauty of the place, you could still see the charm of the downtown park and lake.

              Mark opened the car door for Renee. He walked around and got in on the driver’s side. They carried on a conversation about their boys on the drive home. Jake was growing up so fast and his love for baseball was so evident anytime he put on his glove. Tucker was the quiet one. He preferred the drama club as a way to express himself.

              The rain began as they went under the overpass of the highway, heading home to their boys. At the red light, Renee leaned in and gave Mark a sweet, longing kiss. Mark kissed her back. The car behind them blew their horn as the light turned green. Mark and Renee laughed as they continued the drive home.

              The car came out of nowhere. Renee wasn’t even sure what happened until she woke up in the hospital. T-boned at the intersection, on Mark’s side of the car. He didn’t have a chance, the doctor said.

              The rain continued for two more days but the memory of their last kiss never left Renee’s mind

February 16, 2025 23:06

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