Mystery Suspense Science Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Exposure To Darkness

By Lee Kendrick

Ron Goodward had been a photographer for twenty-four years, since he was age twenty. Photographing: weddings, portraits, and work for magazines.

Back in his photographic studio in Swindon, Wiltshire, he was working late preparing his darkroom for processing photographs he had taken of numerous ancient sites in Wiltshire -including Stonehenge and the large Mound at Silbury Hill for an archaeology magazine. 

 Turning off the light, he then switched on the red light for processing the first of a dozen b/w films he had taken with his twin lens, Rolleiflex camera. 

After an hour he was ready to use the first negative in the enlarger to make his first print of one of the ancient sites he'd photographed earlier. 

Because it was late he decided to just print a few photos before going home. 

He was very pleased with all the prints thus far, when as he put the next print paper into the developing dish as he slowly agitated it, the image started coming through: trees, plants, rocks and the Mound now appeared. Suddenly his jaw dropped and his weary eyes widened standing a short distance in front of the Mound were a group of white-robed, hooded figures holding hands in a circle.This was odd in itself thought Ron, but even more weird was a shaft of brilliant, white light from above, entering the group circle. Ron looked perplexed because he hadn't witnessed anyone nearby while taking the photograph.

Now fatigued, he slid the strange picture in an envelope and drove back home.

The next morning back at his photographic shop, he was excited to have another look at the strange photo he'd printed last night and to print the rest of the films.

After developing more films Ron started printing more photographs. After exposing another dozen images and developing the prints, he found nothing unusual about them. After checking a photo of Stonehenge… In the stone circle were a group of white-robed, hooded figures inside the circle, holding hands, staring upwards at a beam of bluish light; emanating from… an orange disc-shaped object, hovering above the group. Again he couldn't recall any people by Stonehenge when taking the photo!

After a few hours of printing, Ron found no more odd photos. He had a break and took both the strange prints downstairs with him to look at while drinking his tea.

He scratched his head bewildered, why at the time he didn't spot the robed figures when he took the photographs!

 From the envelope Ron had another look at the Silbury Hill Mound photo; surprised to see the white shaft of light now changed to a hazy, blue colour.

That's odd,” he thought, he was sure the shaft of light was white when he first saw it. Even stranger were the white-robed figures now turned around, staring in surprise in his direction from where he'd taken the photograph. 

“What the heck?” He gasped as the hairs stood up on the back of his neck, feeling an icy cold chill through his body.

Ron hesitated, nervously as he gradually took out the other photograph from the envelope. For the moment the photo was the same as when he'd first observed it: 

A group of white-robed, hooded figures staring up at a blue beam of light from a mysterious object. As he stared away for a second: 

“What the!” Stammered Ron. In a moment, the image had changed; the robed figures were now turned facing him; their facial expressions were as if startled, shocked at being discovered!

“How can this be?” He uttered, dropping the photo on the table. His heart raced as he feared for his sanity! Suddenly the shop bell rang, someone had entered the shop.

In front of the counter Ron saw two men dressed in hooded, white robes. 

“ Urm, hello can I help you?” He asked nervously. 

“Yes, we understand you take photos of archaeological sites?” Enquired the taller man.

 “Have you taken any of Stonehenge recently?”

 Gritting his teeth, Ron thought for a moment:

“Well, I do photograph ancient sites, but so many people photograph Stonehenge, I don't bother!”

“Why do you ask?” Ron said, gaining his composure.

The man smiled, and replied:

“We were hoping to get a picture of Stonehenge for our Druid publication.  

“I'm sure someone will have a photo for you, there's lots of photographic shops in Wiltshire, good bye, " smiled Ron. 

Both men looked dejected as they

 opened the shop door to leave.

The taller man then turned abruptly and stared menacingly at Ron:

“We are not fools, Mr Goodward, please do not do something you will regret, you might have an accident!” Both the men Grinned sinisterly, as they left the shop.

Ron wondered how the strange men could possibly have known about the photographs; and thought it strange they were wearing white-robes, like the figures in the photos!

He closed the shop early because he had an assignment to photograph the Uffington White Horse, a few miles away. He had to plan for an aerial photo shoot of the white horse from an aircraft in a couple of weeks for a magazine.

As he drove nearer to the Uffington White Horse he thought about what the creepy man said. He felt his stomach turnover… The man was actually threatening him. Should he go to the police? But how can he explain the odd photos? They wouldn't believe him; they would think him insane!

Meanwhile, he finally arrived at, White Horse Hill.This ancient horse figure inscribed into the hill is some 3,000 years old, made of white chalk, outlined in deep trenches and is 360ft long up 850ft on the hillside.

 Struggling to climb the top of Dragons Hill in the strong wind with his camera and tripod he found the best vantage point for him to take some shots in the distance of the chalk horse figure on White Horse Hill. After taking some long exposures he walked up White Horse Hill for a closer look at the Ancient Horse figure.

 As Ron reached the top of the hill he noticed an odd looking, large,dense black cloud above him. Moments later a bolt of  blue lightning shot down from the cloud smashing perilously close to him. Moments later, a long, blond haired man and woman appeared from nowhere, raised their hands and stared at the cloud uttering some strange words. Shortly after, the cloud seemed to melt away.

“We saw your danger and had to help you!” Said the man.

Just as Ron was about to thank the couple they heard the sound of a horse. He and the couple looked around them but saw nothing. Suddenly, they felt a tremor underneath them and out of the earth came a giant white horse that started to buck and kick out its back legs, dangerously close to the three of them.

They began running down the hill with the giant horse in close pursuit. The couple then stopped and turned to the white horse, raised their hands and garbled more strange words,shortly after the horse gave fright and turned back, entering into the earth once more!

“What happened?” Said Ron, getting his breath back as he turned to the couple.

“Are you okay Bronwyn? I'm afraid you are in danger. One of those two men who visited your shop is the dangerous, Nuada, (High Priest of the dark force); they wish to kill you because you know too much about them!” Said the man.

“ But who are you, and my name is Ron by the way!" How could you possibly know about those two men?” Replied Ron looking bewildered.

“This is Artenia and my name is Magazall. You will soon get your memory back!"

"But I haven't forgotten anything !" Said Ron, looking confused.

Artenia and Magazall turned to each other and smiled for a short moment.

"Long ago, we lived on this Earth! We have chosen to come back to help Mankind fight against the dark forces." Said Magazall.

We have been watching you ever since you took those pictures of the Burial Mound and Stonehenge, that is how we come to know you!”

“But, who are these dark forces?” Asked Ron, picking up his now broken tripod.

“They have always been here since man was put here thousands of years ago! They are fallen Druids, once good beings, they have decided power is all they want and not Love…They go against the laws of the Universe!” Answered Artenia, as she brushed back her windswept, blond hair from her eyes.

“Be careful, Bronwyn, if you feel you are in any danger just close your eyes and mentally call us for help!” Said Magazall. 

“Thank you both for helping me!” Replied Ron as he staring away for a split second, realising Magazall called him Bronwyn again.

Upon turning round, a gust of wind hit his face - astonished to see the couple had disappeared.

Later, Ron got back to his mini and drove back home.

Now sitting in his armchair watching a black and white crime film he started to reflect on the fantastic things that he'd witnessed during the day. He wanted to tell someone what had happened, but he knew it was too incredible to be believed.

Feeling tired Ron began to close his eyes; moments later, He heard a voice:

“ Hello Mr Goodward, I see you had quite an adventure today?”

Ron's heart pounded as he opened his eyes. There on the TV was a fuzzy/snowy 

 picture of a hooded man staring at him. It was Nuada.

“Yes, Mr Goodward or should I call you Ron, over here! Don't worry you are not hallucinating, what you are seeing is real!” Nuada Chuckled.

“Wh, what do you want from me?” Ron asked nervously. 

“You have lied to me; I know you are hiding the photos somewhere, you have until midnight tomorrow to have them ready at your shop or…!” 

Seconds later the B/W film came back on at high volume, making Ron jump from the chair. Tired, frightened and late he went to bed. 

In the morning Ron arrived at his shop. As he walked in he saw a mess everywhere; it must have been those hooded men, looking for the photos, he thought. He checked the darkroom upstairs, and saw his enlarger smashed up, bottles of chemicals broken, strewn over the floor and films destroyed.

At first he thought of calling the police, but these people were not your typical criminals; And it's unlikely the police would believe him if he told them what they really are.

Shocked and desperate he sat down and remembered what Magazall told him. Taking a few breaths he mentally called out to the couple for help.

Nothing happened! Then he tried to reason with himself… 

This is nuts how can anyone hear me, all this telepathy is nonsense!”He shouted,

kicking the chair in front of him.

Shortly after, the shop door opened and it was Magazall and Artenia.

“ Hello Bronwyn, you seem to have had visitors?” Said Magazall.

“ Oh, am I glad to see you two!” Exclaimed Ron.

He explained to them of his TV experience last night and that he was to give the Druids the photos by midnight tonight.

He went on…

”All I'm doing is innocently taking photographs, trying to make a living; Why me?” Ron said.

“Well, I'm afraid existence isn't that simple, you are special in the scheme of things. Because of your work creating light images our God, Source, Cosmic Mind, whatever you call our Master has chosen you to bring the dark entities to the surface so that we can capture them and bring them to Universal justice!”

“But I'm just a simple, everyday person!” Replied Ron. 

“No, my friend, you are important If you were just simple I'm sure you wouldn't have been picked for this important task?” Said Artenia.

“Now, snap out of it, we have a serious job to do for Mankind!” Magazall said sternly.

“ We will entrap these dark Druids tonight when they come for the photographs. This is the plan…”

At 8 o’clock the phone rang. 

“Hello Mr Goodward, I do hope you are not going to disappoint me, have you got the photographs ready?” Nuada asked impatiently.

“Yes, you b****rd!” you can also pay me for smashing up my darkroom!” Steamed Ron.

“ Oh Ron! Ron! Calm down, we wouldn't have damaged your precious equipment if you had given us the photos when we first asked for them. Anyway thank yourself lucky we will not harm you when we have the pictures. We will be round your shop shortly!”

“ They are on their way round.” Said Ron nervously. 

“Good! Just give them the photos and we will deal with them. Said Magazall. 

“Brilliant they've gone!” 

“No we are invisible Ron, but close to you, have no fear!” Said Artenia.

Ten minutes later the shop door opened and in walked the two Druids. 

“Hello, Mr Goodward have you got the photographs ready?” 

“ They are in the envelope,” said Ron, sliding it on the counter towards the men.

“Thank you, glad you are cooperating.” said, Nuada opening the envelope to check the photos were there. 

Moments later, there was a bang the Druids released a smoke bomb in the shop.

Ron started choking as he waved the smoke to see where the Druids were. The shop bell went and the Druids slammed the door.

“Bronwyn, they are heading for a portal nearby!”shouted Magazall. 

He rushed out the shop and could see both Magazall and Artenia closing behind the Druids, – not running but they seemed to be hovering a few feet above the ground. They then seemed to disappear.

Unable to do anything Ron went back into his shop and waited, hoping the couple would be back soon.

A few hours passed, Ron began to worry, hoping nothing bad had happened to Magazall and Artenia. He waited into the early hours. Losing hope he locked the door to go home; he noticed something odd as he glanced up at the streetlight above his car, by the yellow light was a tinge of blue steadily growing bigger with small sparks emanating from it. By now the light source was the size of a door. Just then the blue light expanded to double its size, two human figures burst out of the now spinning vortex and glided to the ground…

It was the Druids!

“Oh s**t!” Murmured Ron. He quickly ran from the shop and hurried around the side street. This was a longer way but he could get back to his car.

“Where has Goodward gone, Nuada?” Asked the other druid.

“I don't know Fintan, he was here;

Quick let us go down this path, I can almost smell his fear!”

“Now we have dealt with Magazall and Artenia he cannot escape us!” Shouted the Nuada.

“Listen, can you hear it, he is in his red beast, quickly Fintan, shape-shift to a wolf, and get him before he goes!” 

As Ron turned his key in the ignition for the second time his red mini just wouldn't start.

Now yards away, Fintan on all fours, as a large, black wolf, got ready to pounce. Finally Ron started the engine and sped away, hitting the wolf hard, bouncing him off the bonnet.

“Oh no! Fintan my loyal friend, he has killed you!” Screamed Nuada, as he kneeled down stroking the wolf's bloodied head. Moments later the wolf transformed back into Fintan, his face now disfigured and covered in blood.

“You will pay for this Goodward!” Nuada shouted, raising his fist, as the mini screeched further away down the road.

Nuada stood and raised his arms uttering a few words In a guttural tongue and the bluish, portal reappeared in front of him. He jumped into the vortex and it vanished.

After driving miles a few miles, Ron slowed the car down on a quiet country road; pulling in by the side and sat back trying to catch his breath. As he calmed down he looked outside ìnto an eerie, pitch darkness on the country road without street lights; moments later he turned on the engine and he noticed in the headlights something stirring. A blue familiar shimmering light with bolts of lightning was now forming. Ron knew this could only mean one thing.

Hoping that Magazall and Artenia were okay somewhere, he closed his eyes and prayed for them to help him.

 Meanwhile In the blue, swirling vortex Ron observed three Druids come through, hovering towards him. He noticed their eyes were like red hot coals with sparks of energy bursting from them.

He put in third gear and drove straight towards them, missing them as they evaded being hit by hovering above the mini. Nuada and the other two druids burnt-out the car's electrics; Ron closed his eyes, resigning that he was going to die.

Suddenly, Ron felt someone enter his car; sitting behind him was Magazall and Artenia. 

“ Hang on Bronwyn!” Magazall shouted, with that the mini, lifted some fifty feet above the three druids. 

“I thought you were both dead!” shouted Ron.

“We nearly were, but we jumped Into another portal before our friend Nuada and his men got to us!” Said Artenia.

“ We have beaten Nuada; we secreted a timeblast into his Portal which will seal it for good. He and his dark forces will never be able to come to Earth again!” Said Magazall.

“Let us hide behind this hill to protect us from the blast!”Magazall continued.

 The mini set down and seconds later… An almighty blast shook the car for a split second, then all was quiet.

“Thank you for your help Magazall and Artenia!” Ron smiled.

“you are too modest! We always join together when Earth needs us!” said

Artenia smiling back at Magazall.

Just at that moment Ron remembered who he really was - Bronwyn!



July 12, 2024 16:03

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Joseph Ellis
23:38 Jul 29, 2024

You've written a super fun adventure Lee. I was smiling throughout my read.


Lee Kendrick
12:32 Jul 30, 2024

I am very glad you liked the story Joseph. It is a wonderful feeling to hear that someone has enjoyed my stories. Spurs me on to continue churning out another mystery. Thanks again Joseph and good luck in your stories too! Best wishes Lee


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02:15 Jul 28, 2024

A jam-packed story with bonus photography lessons. A good read.


Lee Kendrick
11:38 Jul 28, 2024

Thanks for your nice comment Christine. Continue your lovely stories. Best wishes Lee


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Melanie Yorke
10:38 Jul 27, 2024

Another good read. I felt goosebumps when the druids in the picture moved and I really like the little touch of Ron's surname being Goodward as in Good Warden: a very nice detail. There is always something a little Doctor Whoesque about your stories which I absolutely adore. That mix of suspense, adventure, wonder and the supernatural which make for a gripping read. I look forward to reading more.


Lee Kendrick
15:28 Jul 27, 2024

What a wonderful comment. Loved what you said about Dr Who !oved that show,especially the earlier years after the last few years it has gone ridiculous ly, PC! Anyway your comments have super charged me for more mystery stories. Thanks and best wishes for your wonderful up and coming stories. Lee


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Adekemi Adeniyan
21:37 Jul 17, 2024

Lee, I think you've done an excellent job interpreting the prompt and bringing it to life in your story. The way you've integrated fantastical aspects into mundane environments demonstrates your creative mind. You gave the fantastical events a wonderful air of realism by using well-known ancient sites, such as Stonehenge and the Uffington White Horse. You've done a fantastic job of creating an air of mystery and peril, and your plot is full of surprises that will keep readers turning pages. An engaging and superbly realized concept revolves ...


Lee Kendrick
10:40 Jul 18, 2024

Adekemì I feel humbled by your wonderful comment. It certainly spurs me to carry on writing these short stories; the longest comment I have ever had! I feel I should frame it and put it on my living room wall for posterity! Yes, I would have loved to have strengthened Ron's character but focused on the plot line and felt confined to the 3,000 word limit. Still some how I will try add more to my character's persona . Thank you most sincerely for your comment. Lee Kendrick


Adekemi Adeniyan
16:08 Jul 18, 2024

That makes absolute sense. Your writing is amazing. Keep writing!!


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