
Submitted into Contest #7 in response to: Write a story with a child narrator.... view prompt




Hi, My name is Nathan.  I am five. I am supposed to be playing with trucks in the backyard, but I really am the emperor of a forest kingdom and I have to keep the kingdom safe for my anipeeps.  I spend my playing time patrolling the forest for the lion that hides there and tries to eat my anipeeps. He is usually disguised as a chipwocky or a bird wasp, but I can spot him anyway and my job is to keep the realm safe.  I work hard, so I’m ready for my snack and nap when playtime is over.

Today was a hard day, I had to keep patrolling, but I made sure that my anipeeps were safe.  Now they are asleep and I have to eat my dinner and have a bath afterward. Mom asked what I wanted for dinner and I told her that I wanted a chocopizzi, but she made meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  I guess she just doesn’t understand that chocopizzi is pizza and chocolate cake. Oh well, when I am older and in my special realm, I’ll eat what I want.

The monsters that come out at night try to scare me, but some of my anipeeps sleep in my bedroom, under the bed so that my mom doesn’t see them, and they keep me safe.

Today I start kindergarten, someone said it really means children’s garden, but that’s stupid, it’s in a building and there are no flowers.

We are learning about animals and birds and flowers, but none of them are like the anipeeps in my kingdom.  I’ve invited other kids to visit and we have had fun playing, but most of them don’t see the anipeeps and don’t understand about the kingdom.  I still visit the kingdom when I am alone and the anipeeps know that I still worry about their safety.

Today was my birthday, I am six now and tomorrow I will start first grade.  I know all my letters and some of the words they make and I know some numbers too.  I like learning things and will be glad when I can read books by myself. I love learning about animals, but actually the dinosaurs are even more interesting and bigger.  Did you know that some of them only eat vegetables? They’re herbisomethings, but I can’t spell that yet. I found out that there are no lions in our neighborhood and I can only see them in books or when we go to the zoo.

Second grade is a lot harder than I thought.  I have to do homework and some of it is hard. I can read by myself now, but Mom or Dad still read to me at night.  I like books with pictures better than the ones that are only words. I also have to do chores now and help with some of the yard work too.  My Dad mows the lawn, but I have to pick up any toys or rocks that are in his way. I found a few of my old plastic animals out there, but they were very dirty and some had to be thrown away.

Summer is over and it’s back to school again.  Third grade is better than Second, we can choose some of our projects and I like learning about other countries, space, and nature.  Some of the math is hard, but Dad helps when I get stuck.

I have been very busy and I didn’t realize how long I’d have to go to school.  It’s finally summer and I have time to read and do the things I like. I’m looking forward to playing on my computer and my iPad; I only hope that when my little cousin comes to visit he doesn’t ruin my stuff.

Geez, little kids are something else.  He’s like four and actually believes there are monsters in the woods behind our house and he thinks there are tiny creatures living there that he has to protect.  He calls them firefleas and says he has to protect them from the aminals that are hiding in the woods and waiting to capture them. I don’t want to play his silly games, but he is company and Mom says I have to be nice to him.  Sometimes it sucks to grow up. At least I don’t have to babysit him when the grown-ups go out.  

The babysitter is kinda nice though.  She brings her guitar and will play songs for us and let us eat pizza and watch TV.  She sometimes forgets when it’s bedtime and Timmy falls asleep on the couch. I stay really quiet while she carries him up to bed, and she usually lets me stay up and watch the end of the movie.

School keeps getting harder and harder and there is a lot more homework too.  I decided to take guitar lessons, so that’s another hour of practice, but I want to be able to play like the babysitter does.

Junior High is okay.  It least I’m away from some of the little kids.  More homework than ever and I’ve joined a few clubs as well.  Between the clubs and the guitar and homework, it’s a good thing there’s weekends.

High School is a big pain.  Yes, I get to choose some electives, but Jeez, the homework, the Seniors, the rowdy bunch in the cafeteria.  At least I’ll soon be able to take driver’s ed and I’m already saving for a car. 

My parents are the worst, not only do I have to report in constantly, but my mom is insisting that I learn to cook and do my own laundry.  Who has time for that?

Finally, High School Graduation is behind me and I have one more summer before I head off for college.  I do have to work though, have to keep my car in gas and have money to take my girlfriend out. She is going to a different college next year and I think we’ll go our separate ways after this summer.  Looking forward to being on my own and not having my folks monitor every move I make.

Timmy and his folks are coming to visit next week.  He’s going to start High School in the Fall and is a little nervous about attending a new school.  I’m sure he’ll do fine once he settles in and makes some friends. I’ll try to talk to him and give him some tips while he’s here.  I know that in another year or two he’ll be eager to take driving lessons and start saving for his own car. I’ve gotten fairly good at car repairs, maybe I can help him when he’s ready.

Sometimes when we talk, we remember the old days when we played in the back yard and thought we could battle monsters and have pretend wars.  I think college will be sort of like a war. There will be some anipeeps to save and some lions to tame. I think I’m up for the challenge

September 15, 2019 20:06

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