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Romance Fiction

The clattering of pans and the hum of activity filled the Michelin star kitchen. Sophia deftly sliced truffles, her movements precise and practiced; Liam flambéed peaches, his usual flair for the dramatic on full display.

"Have you considered spending less time on theatrics and maybe some more on technique?" Sophia quipped.

Liam smirked, not missing a beat, "and maybe if you relaxed a bit, you'd find cooking can be fun too."

Their witticisms were a familiar soundtrack to the kitchen, but tonight, Head Chef André had had enough. The slam of a ladle reverberated suddenly and silenced everyone within, “your petty rivalry is disrupting my kitchen!”

André’s steely gaze swept over them as his voice boomed. “Tomorrow night, Chef Marco is dining here. He expects perfection. Since you two can’t seem to work together half the time, we’ll do a little competition instead. Sophia, you’re responsible for the starter. Liam, you’ll handle the dessert,” he stopped and held their eyes for ten painful long seconds each, “do not disappoint me.” And then, as if a switch turned off, André turned and started directing the rest of the staff.

Sophia and Liam exchanged a glance. He winked at her. Her blood started to boil, in stark similarity to the pan just a few metres away from her. Then a bit further out, André started his onslaught on the newest member of the crew. The scallops were not done to his liking, so he aptly threw them in the bin. Sophia’s perfection may have rung a similar tune, but their head chefs was that of another level. This challenge, especially on an important night, was one he would never give to those he did not believe in. Proving and rising to that merit could earn whoever won praise and accolade. It could mean the next step on the ladder. It could mean becoming André’s right hand. It could equate to what each of them, Liam and Sophia, had always wanted.

The next morning, the kitchen was a flurry of controlled chaos. Pots clanged, knives chopped, and the air was thick with the aromas of fresh herbs and simmering stocks.

Sophia meticulously crafted a starter that highlighted her expertise in classic French cuisine: a Lobster Thermidor. She carefully removed the meat and cleaned the shells. Her hands steady, focus absolute. She sautéed the lobster meat with shallots, mushrooms, and a touch of brandy, creating a fragrant base. Then created a sauce of egg yolks, mustard, and cream. She mixed this with lobster meat. Finally, she stuffed the lobster shells with her mixture, and topped it with finely grated Gruyère cheese. Stepping back, she admired the plate right before it crisped up to be golden and bubbling.

Across the kitchen, Liam’s station stood a stark contrast to Sophia’s spotless station. He was alive with memories of his childhood in his grandmother’s kitchen– the vibrant colors, the bold flavors, the joy of experimentation, the organized chaos. 

Sophia glanced over at Liam, watching his dance-like movements as he prepared his dessert. Despite her focus, she couldn’t deny the admiration she felt for his approach. He caught her eye and winked, a playful gesture that sent a surprising warmth through her. 

He was a whirlwind of creativity, working on a smoked chocolate mousse with a liquid nitrogen raspberry sorbet, garnished with shards of caramelized honeycomb and sprinkled with edible gold dust. As he tempered the chocolate, the aromas filled the air. With dance-like movements, he then prepared the mousse and sorbet, liquid nitrogen hissing and swirling while the rapid cooling process locked in the intense raspberry flavor. True to his artistic flair, he then plated up with a careful yet messy arrangement of mousse, sorbet, and honeycomb. The edible gold dust was the final, luxurious touch. He stepped back as Sophia had done, and while he did, the light caught the edible gold dust. He smiled.

This dance took them the entire day, right from the morning’s careful preparations to the evenings plating. One could be forgiven for thinking all the staff were trained in the military. 

And through this dance, despite their typical rivalry, small moments of support emerged. At one point, Sophia crossed the line of no man’s land to his side to offer a suggestion, “try stabilizing the foam with agar. Might hold better.” Liam’s eyebrows had shot up in astonishment of the fact she spotted him struggle and chose to help given their ambitious tendencies. It made him ponder whether her standoffish manner towards him all this time was one of silent reverence? With this thought, he muttered his gratitude. Their glance at this seemed to dampen the mayhem around them. That one step from Sophia had meant that as their respective tensions rose to perfect their dishes, their exchanges became less biting, criticisms more constructive, gazes softer. The silent respect they had long hid rose to the surface. It was as if the competition had created a bridge between them, allowing them to see each other in a new light.

Evening fell, and Chef Marco arrived. The procession of staff served each of the twelve courses of tasting menu in sweet harmony. The night progressed seamlessly, each dish a testament to the restaurant’s excellence. 

When Sophia’s starter was served, Marco’s eyes lit up with appreciation. “Exquisite,” he murmured, savoring each bite. At the end, Liam’s dessert left Marco nodding in approval. “Bold and inventive,” he declared. He gave no more than that.

After Marco left, the room’s amped tension eased into celebration. André would no doubt reveal the revered chef’s true feelings the next morning. So, the pair found themselves alone, pensive to return to their quarters post the impassioned day.

“You were amazing tonight,” Sophia admitted, her voice soft. Her adrenaline seemingly giving way to vulnerability in the night. “So were you,” Liam replied, his eyes meeting hers with newfound warmth. “I’ve always admired your talent, you know. And maybe...maybe more than that.” He leaned closer. Her heart skipped. Her breath quickened. And their lips met. It sealed the bond that had been slowly and then impassionately building between them.

Rivalry had infused their past, but tonight, mutual respect and hidden affection had triumphed.

Weeks later, the restaurant unveiled a new tasting menu, a collaboration between Sophia and Liam that reflected their combined strengths. Marco’s high praise did not go unheard. Critics raved.

As Sophia and Liam stood side by side, watching diners enjoy their creations, André watched. “Ah... young lovers,” he muttered to his newest protégé, “everyone recognized it long before they did. Seems that sometimes the best recipes are made with a touch of love.” It was how he met his love after all.

July 19, 2024 23:56

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1 comment

Corinna Schiebel
23:43 Jul 25, 2024

Hi Veronica, Wow, you must be a culinary artist! I was very impressed by the cooking details you imbued your story with.


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