
With my eyes closing like heavy black curtains, I fall asleep into a daydream and start to pack up for the day. With the most everlasting stress of my workday, I head home from work. This is the one day they would let me off early because I have plans for Friday night, I was going out with my girls. It was the middle of winter so I had to start my car for five minutes so it would warm up before I get home.

On the way home I have to get some groceries so I make a quick stop at Walmart. I need some fruits and vegetables so I head to the fruit aisle. Grab some stuff and I am out of there. My house is in the country a mile out of town so I have a pretty long drive to get home every day. 

One the way out of town I realize that it is five and my girls are going to get there at five-thirty so I got to buggy home on time to set things up. But as I drive home I look ahead of me with the luscious green grass and the sun setting upon the horizon I realize it isn’t all about what other people want you can take your time and just watch as the beautiful landscape overcomes you with and booming sense of calmness.

The overcoming sight of the nocturnal animals coming out from the depths of their sleep is astonishing. The drive from the city to the country is transforming into this beautiful winter wonderland, a landscape full of life a wonder. As the trees sway and the squirrels skip up the tree into their brow they life of them is brought beyond me. There is life at my fingertips I decide to stop on the side of the road and watch the daytime world becomes night. 

 Whisk away the stress of work with the owls that begin to hoot, the water that begins to freeze, and the moon that has risen. There is nothing anyone or anything can do to take me from the beautiful thing that we call life. 

It gets too dark for me to stay on the side of the road anymore so I have to take off to my house. I have never seen this happen before because I always get off an hour later so the one day that they let me off early I got to watch that beautiful thing. The closer and closer I get to home the more I wish I would have stayed there longer so I flip on my flashers and drive very slowly.

With the pond on the shoulder, I stop and go sit on the dock to embrace all of what has happened today for the life of the world has changed me. I think maybe I should bring my friends to this hear very pond. So I began to drive home with all the energy that life has given me to strive for new things and become a new person to be one with the earth. With my final stretch coming to my driveway I have to stop and check the fuel my car has been acting up lately.

I get out of my car to go check and see if the engine is ok but it is not that is what it is like living in the ’80s. I walk over to the shoulder with my bell-bottom jeans and with rips in the knees. I stand there waiting for something to happen like someone is going to see me in the middle of nowhere so I got to get fixing my car all up. “Did you know that it is really easy to fix a car when all of the animals bring you confidence and energy. I head home and that when I realize there is no dear in the field to greet me at the end of my driveway. Then I remembered it is the opener of the gun season.

With the very last stretch of the road left, I think to myself what if I could change my world that I live in. This is the only way that everyone can change they just need to see what I saw that would really be a life-changer.

Scratch!!! my boss runs his fingernails along my desk oh crap that was some deep daydream. I have to quickly get home so I can set up for my party. This was the one day that they are going to let me off early. I have to start my car and leave right now it is 2020 and the middle of summer so it is the perfect time for a party. I grab my keys and run to the door almost forgetting my purse I sprint towards my desk and back to the door. I am on highway 16 to my house in Gaylord and the only way I can get home fast enough is to cut through the felid. One way I can get home without breaking the law is by taking the back fields and speeding. 

The final stretch is coming with two miles left I have got to hurry it is five and they will be there at five-thirty. Speeding down all the way to town makes me think what if I have up stuff and actually thought more about the earth like in my dream that makes me think more about what I should be doing instead of worrying about a stupid party. Whatever I am staying the way I am. With a zoom across the road, I almost get a ticket that would have been bad because then I would be late for the party. It is as with a blink of an eye am in town I drive a slow as you could imagen with the summer breeze blowing in my window, with my hair flapping all over. This is the best day of my Life I arrive home with fifteen minutes to set up.

March 06, 2020 19:11

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