25 Magnolia St

Submitted into Contest #149 in response to: Start your story with the flickering of a light.... view prompt


Fiction Teens & Young Adult Middle School

17th October 2015

17/10 3:42 pm

CREEEAK!!! It was a cold October afternoon and Sebastian Meadows (although everyone called him Seb) was walking up the driveway of 25 Magnolia street. My friends Sam and Max had dared me to enter the old, creepy and spooky mansion that stood shakily on 25 magnolia street. The howling wind had caused the old, wobbly and rusting gates to swing open. I thought I was being very brave by entering the old horror house, but I was starting the think twice about it. I decided I would just do it, after all, what was the worst that could happen? Then I saw something absolutely horrifying…

A hooded silhouette stood, carrying a flickering candle, against a broken wooden window frame high up in the house! I was absolutely petrified! I glanced up again, but the hooded silhouette was gone. It must have been my imagination. I continued to plod slowly and cautiously towards the front door of the creaky old house. As I trodded up the creaky steps to the porch I heard a soft click and the door swung open!

I stood numbly, horrified of what I was about to see. Then it came. A scaly, white and bony hand reached out from the darkness beyond the doorway and dragged me, forcefully inside…

I was pulled along a dimly lit, musty corridor and thrown into a small, bare room with beige walls. I whipped around to try to catch a glimpse of my capturer but he slammed the door behind him, or maybe it was a her, I was absolutely perplexed, without a single idea. I wailed and moaned and wondered if I would ever see sunshine again. I decided that that screaming and wailing was useless and I tried the door. It was locked. Obviously. I began to search, frantically, for any possible exit.

12 minutes later:

I has been searching for a while when I found it: a small crevice in the wall. I know it might not seem like much, but when I pulled back it made a whole section of the wall fall away to reveal…

A secret passageway stood beyond the wall! I was so surprised to uncover this secret that I stood perplexed for what felt tike an hour. I decided that this passage must be the only way out of the musty room and, therefore, I must enter it. I began to plod slowly into the gloomy darkness of the tunnel when…


I whipped around just in time to see the last of the room I had been trapped in disappear! At first I was confused, but then I realized..

The hidden door had swung shut behind me! I was absolutely spooked, maybe coming in this tunnel wasn’t such a good idea after all.

3 minutes later:

After walking down the passage for a while, I felt a small insecure section of wall about halfway down. I reached out and tapped the small section of uneven brick when I heard footsteps approaching behind me! In a rush I accidentally kicked the section of uneven wall and it slid open to reveal the chilly outside air. At fist I was confused, but then I realized, it was a window!

I jumped out and, hitting myself, realized what I had done! These would be the last seconds of my life!…

SPLAAASH!!! I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by water! I swum to the surface and discovered I was in a pool! I was alive! I climbed out and ran for my life. I heard someone running me. I glanced back and saw…

It was the worst face ever! Wrinkly skin all over! It gave me an extra burst of speed and I saw the gates up ahead. I had nearly reached the gates when I tripped over! I thought this was the end, but surprisingly, I managed to pull myself back up again and dashed forward.

I sprinted through and launched myself into the car which my friends were in just outside the gates.

“Going into that house was a hooorible idea” squeaked Seb, out of breath.

“Why, what happened?” replied Max.

“Yeah, why are you out of breath mate?” Sam questioned.

And so Seb busied himself explaining the events of the past hour.

Once they arrived back at Seb’s house, they had a quick dinner, consisting of some hard boiled eggs and warm, buttered toast, and then discussed the event of the afternoon further…

1 hour later:

After Seb had explained the spooky afternoon in more detail to his friends, they were left with a very big question: what should they do about it?

“We should call the police about it”, said sam, absentmindedly.

“No way!” Exclaimed Seb, “I want to keep it a secret.”

12 hours later:

Seb didn’t sleep at all that night. He couldn’t stop thinking about the events of the previous afternoon. They will permanently affect my life forever, he thought miserably.

He went downstairs to find his friends seated at the table having breakfast. Seb desperately tried to keep his worries inside, but he couldn’t hold it. He told his friends about his worries, but they weren’t any use, they just told him to live with.

Despite asking them numerous times over the next few days, his friends still gave him the same response to his question. He had also tried calling his parents, but they wouldn’t even believe he had been in a “haunted house” and said it was just rubbish.

2 weeks later:

Seb was absolutely sick of this, and he had made the big decision to run away from home. He woke up early in the morning and packed a suitcase full of all his earthly belongings. As he stood on the doorstep, he tied a note to the fence post to tell his friends where he had gone. Then, he left.

The End… or not!

The story continues in another exciting and thrilling short novel by Sebastian Meadows called “Kidnapped!”

June 09, 2022 21:45

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Etya Krichmar
16:57 Jul 13, 2022

This would have made a great story if you used less repetitive words and more active verbs. Also, you should have let the reader know that Seb was going into a Haunted House from the start. After that, you could've continued with his recollections of what he saw. You could've turned his memories into more interesting segments were you to describe each of the encounters in a more sinister way. Well done!


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Arya Paruchuri
15:00 Jun 17, 2022

Your story was very nice, but I think you could have used your capitalization a little better


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00:45 Jun 16, 2022

This is the first story I have written in my life, please leave a like and subscribe


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