Tempting tendencies. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Written in response to: Write about two characters arguing over how a past event happened.... view prompt


Christian Inspirational Kids

Imitation or Imitatio is to copy or replicate another’s behavior. It is a form of social learning that leads to the “development of traditions, and ultimately culture.”

Imitation can be applied in many contexts, ranging from animal training to politics. In general the term refers to conscious behavior. (WK)

Subconscious imitation is termed “mirroring”. According to Webster, a Copy Cat” is one who imitates or adopts the behavior or practices of another.

”Oops gotta grab my camera as he ran back inside, yelling to his sister as he grabbed his gear.” Cameron huffed.

“The camera doesn’t lie” Cameron hollered to Claudia as they excitedly set out on their tour. As Claudia acknowledged running out the door applying her make up, she replied. “Yes” but, the camera cannot talk”, lIt is just a snapshot, Of a single moment in time.” It is virtually impossible to “tell” about interactions of two beings.

Interpretation allows for two sides to every story. “Intention has a lot to do with behavior,” said Claudia.. They both agreed on that point. “Interactions are too personal” she continued. As Cameron listened to this person he so admired.

Indeed. Funny how that can happen. As they walked along, Coincidence? “There is no such thing as a “Coincidence.” Claudia replied. Cameron asked, “What is a coincidence?” Claudia, a self described lover of words, replied, “A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.””

“It isn’t so much that there are two sides to every story.”, Claudia continued, “In our 24/7 so called picture perfect world”. Any one can “photo shop”, in “real time”. “Huh? Asked Cameron. “Any one can “look” better than any one.”….”Of course” replied Claudia.

“The camera doesn’t necessarily DO the lieing”, Claudia explained. But the camera is one piece of the puzzle. OF the lie.” “Huh”? Cameron became frustrated at the thought of being unable to understand what Claudia meant.

”Depends on the intention. Of the shooter.” Claudia attempted to explain. “Uh, huh” Cameron replied. “You see, by the time the person shoots a picture, a moment has already happened, already occurred.”, Claudia explained. Once the explaining begins, the moment is tainted.

”Ohhhh”, replied Cameron. “What does that mean exactly?”. “In a nutshell, think before you shoot”. “Especially nowadays”. “Don’t some people LIKE to have their picture taken? Cameron begged as he tried to understand.

”Of course.” Claudia agreed. “Some say a picture is worth a thousand words.” Seeing something is better for learning than having it described.” Henrik Ibsen said, “A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed.”

”I give up”, Cameron lamented. “No worries, little brother” Claudia replied with a small smile of a protective nature. No good deed goes unpunished.”

There was some silence for a moment as they made their way through the trail.

”Then WHY do people take and then send pictures? Cameron asked proudly as he felt he was now understanding the conversation. “For a host of reasons”, Claudia replied. For example, “The better people in the world take a picture to remember a good event in their lives.” To reflect on a moment and reminisce with good feelings.”

“What is reminisce? Cameron asked. The lover of words, Claudia instantly replied, “To recall, remember, look back, hark back, review, think back, recollect, live in the past, go over in memory.” Some people journal their thoughts, write them in a diary, journal, on paper. “To either happily remember a thought, memory or even work through the pain of a moment.” She explained.

”Ohhh”. What is the difference between taking a picture and writing down? Cameron proudly asked again as he felt understanding.

“Great question!” Claudia exclaimed. There is an old school saying “Take a picture, it’ll last longer” when one person saw another person staring at them, or lingering and loitering. Today, some not so good people take them as a “Gotcha” thing.

”A “gotcha” thing…Cameron asked. Claudia explained”Gotcha doing something bad and am gonna keep it in my hands. To getcha later.”

Claudia sternly told her little brother, “Don’t ever do that.”

His mouth hung open in disbelief. That a person would do that to another person and said firmly back. “I won’t. Ever.”

”It will be tempting to do,” Claudia continued.

”Tempting”, asked Cameron. Claudia said, “To entice or attempt to entice to do or acquire something or someone that they find attractive but know to be wrong or not beneficial.” “This is bad behavior”. “We all are tempted from time to time”. Claudia said. We must check our tendencies. “Check ourself before we wreck ourself.

”Aargh” Cameron said. “What is tendencies”. Claudia “An inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior. “We all have them inside of us. As humans. Even animals have them. The tendency toward survival. It is human nature. It is nature, natural.”

“To want to survive.” Cameron stated. Once again proud that he was “getting it”. As they continued, Claudia pointed out a squirrel running up a tree. She asked, “Hey Cameron, How do you catch a squirrel”, he said, “I dunno”, Claudia said, “Climb a tree and act like a nut!” They both busted out in laughter!

Claudia went on to explain, that the squirrel was practicing survival right then and there. In his natural habitat. Collecting nuts for the winter when food sources would be scarce. Kinda like animals at the grocery store, doing their grocery shopping.

As they walked and wandered, they looked around in awe of the scenes surrounding them. Funny thing happened, or actually did not happen. Because they were so engrossed in their time spent together, their questions, conversations, neither one of them snapped one picture.

They were in the moment together. Enjoying the moment together building on the foundation of trust that already existed between them.

Cameron looked up at Claudia and said “This has been the best day ever!” “For me too! Claudia exclaimed. “Thank you for sharing you with me” she said to Cameron. One could see his chest rise in pride at the words.

It was the best day ever!

July 24, 2022 13:59

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