The Locked door

Submitted into Contest #130 in response to: Write a story titled ‘The Locked Door.’... view prompt


Fiction Mystery Drama

The door inside the house was a mystery. No one knew what was behind it. Some believed it was full of riches others thought it was a serial killer lair. There didn’t seem to be a key to fit it and locksmiths couldn’t make one for it. It couldn’t be knocked down or cut down. People in the town would try to open it but none could. It was said only the owner of the house could open it however the owner vanished years before. So the door inside the house remained locked and mysterious.

Jack arrived an hour before schedule which was good he thought. The sooner he could leave this town, this place the better. Jack got a call from the town’s realtor who also was the town’s historical society president, saying he had to do something with his old house. Jack didn’t want the house. That house caused him trouble and the memories weren’t always pleasant. So he was giving it to the town and they could do whatever they wanted with it. Jack got out his car, grabbed his bag and walked into the office. He was greeted by a familiar face.

“Jack? Oh wow, it is you. Welcome home! Glad you could make it.” Nancy the realtor said.

“Yeah, no problem Nancy. I want this to be over with.” Jack replied.

“Of course. Now I just need the keys, deed and any papers you have pertaining to the house and property.”

“Right.” Jack said getting a folder out his bag and handing it to Nancy. The folder held all the paperwork needed and had the keys attached to the front pocket.  

“Thank you. Once we verify everything I will call you to come and sign the papers releasing the house.”

“Okay. Do you know how long that will take?”

“Well if everything is in order like it should be then shouldn’t be more than a day.” Nancy smiled.

“Okay well you have my number.” Jack said then walked out the office.

Jack got in his car and drove to the house. He was going to stay at the Bed and Breakfast in town but it was full so he had to stay here. It shouldn’t be too long though. He stared at the house through the windshield contemplating on going in. Jack got out his car and looked at the steps leading to the front door. He couldn’t go in yet, he was hungry. Jack decided to go to the diner and grab some food; it wasn’t that far so he walked. Jack felt the stares walking down the sidewalk. He hated small towns and hated how gossip got spread. Soon everyone would know he was back.

Jack got to the diner and saw that it was filled with people, he could still go in and get something to go but he didn’t want the rumors to start. He decided to hit the grocery store instead to get something to eat. Jack turned and started walking back to the house when someone grabbed his arm.

“Jack! I knew it was you. Come give me and hug,” the woman said stretching out her arms. Jack leaned in and hugged her and she said, “Come inside get you something to eat.”

“No thanks Gina. It’s pretty crowded in there.”

“Nonsense. We have some catching up to do.” She said tugging Jack into the door and sitting him down at the end of the counter.

“The place still looks the same.” Jack commented.

“Some things don’t change and some do. We do have new menu items, give me a sec and I will get you a menu.” Gina said pouring coffee into the cup of the person on Jack’s right.

“I’ll just take a burger and fries with a soda.”

“Ok then it will be out in a few minutes.”

Jack looked around the diner. Some people he recognized, some he didn’t and some he was unsure of. It had been awhile since he was here. Gina brought out his food and he was about to get it to go but she got called away. So Jack waited then he noticed the stares and the whispers. Yep, he thought, it was time to go. He motioned for Gina and asked for a go box.

“Hey you here about that house right?” Some man Jack didn’t recognize asked.


“So what cha gonna do with it?”

“I’m giving it to the town.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I don’t want it. So Nancy and the historical society can do whatever they want with it.” Jack said in a huff.    

“Oh so you opened the door. What was inside?”

“What door?”

“The locked door.” The man whispered.

Jack was confused. There was only one locked door in that house but he didn’t know how this man knew about it. Gina brought his box then so Jack packed his food and left. The man didn’t give up though.

“Listen I don’t know what door you are talking about.” Jack said when the man followed him.

“Sure you do! Everyone is talking about it. The mysterious locked door. No one is able to open it and no one knows what’s inside. That door is the town’s legend. So what’s inside?”

“Everyone’s been inside the house then?” Jack asked angrily.

“Well not everyone but sure.”

“Well, man I don’t know, that’s trespassing and you and everyone that went inside could be in trouble.”

“Nope cuz the realtor let us in cuz we were looking to buy it.” The man said and walked off.

Jack was angry. He did not give the realtor permission to start showing the house. How long has it been going on? Jack would have to have a word with Nancy.

Jack walked inside the house and put his food down. It was clean which surprised him but if Nancy was showing it then he expected it to look nice. He looked around. Everything looked the same except for the updated furniture. Jack saw the door, the locked door, and shivered. All he could remember of it was what he was always told.

Don’t touch it. Don’t go near it. Don’t try to open it because if you do you will regret it. Jack shook off the memory and ignored the door. Soon it and this house wouldn’t be his problem anymore.

The next day Jack woke up early to go talk to Nancy, the less time he spend in this house the better.

“Oh I was about to call you.” Nancy said when he walked in.

“Why have you been showing the house when I didn’t give permission?”

“Oh well I had several people ask about, so I wanted to give them a tour so when it did become available it could be a quick sale.” She smiled.

“That wasn’t ok. I should have been informed.”

“You’re right. Well since you are here let’s get down to business. Everything seems to be in order. I just need the key.”

“What key? I gave you all the keys I had.”

“But I already have these keys. I need the key to the locked door.”

“If you already had the keys why ask for mine? And the locked door I don’t have a key for.”

“Wasn’t it given to you with the rest of the house stuff?” Nancy asked.

“No. Just the deed and papers.”

“Well do you know where the key is? I can’t sell or process the house without seeing every room.”

“No I don’t know where it is. In fact I don’t ever remember that door being opened. Why not call a locksmith?” Jack shrugged.

“I already did and they couldn’t make a key. It’s a special lock apparently. And until you find that key or a way to open the door I can’t finish processing the paperwork.” Nancy said standing up.

Jack got back to house and was angry. He had to stay here longer than he wanted. He didn’t want to leave and come back; he wanted this house dealt with now. Jack tried to think where the key could be so he went to his parents’ office to look. After about an hour he found a key so he went to the door to try it, it didn’t work. Frustrated Jack kicked the door, it didn’t budge and Jack screamed. He grabbed the doorknob and shook it and to his surprise the door opened.

“What the…”

Jack looked inside the room and didn’t see anything. It was pitch black he didn’t even see a window. He left the door open and went to get a flashlight. While looking for a flashlight he found a letter from his parents. It was about the door, he didn’t read it though. Flashlight found he headed back to the room when he heard a knock on his door. It was Nancy.

“Can I help you?” Jack asked in a rush.

“Yes. I was wondering if you made any… The door’s opened!” Nancy said pushing past Jack.

“Yeah I just opened it.” He said following her.

“Why is it so dark? Where’s the light switch?” Nancy asked walking into the room. Jack was about to follow her when he heard her scream. He grabbed the flashlight and shown it in the room but no one was there not even Nancy. Jack went back and got the letter and read it. Apparently the door was a gateway to another place. It only worked one way or at least that’s what his parents thought. It didn’t say how it worked but it did say only the owner of the house could open it.

“That explains a lot,” Jack said to himself, “No wonder they didn’t want me near it or why we didn’t have guests over. It also explains the rumors about them being serial killers.” He looked around and wondered how many people vanished inside the room or even if that’s where his parents went. Jack was curious about the other place but also didn’t want to get trapped there. Maybe he would continue his parents work on it. They left behind notes so he could or he could just leave. According to the letter only he could open the door so no one else would get trapped on the other side. Curiosity got the better of him though. He decided to stay and try to figure out how it worked. He could get volunteers from the town, he thought, they did want to see what was in the locked door.  

January 29, 2022 03:01

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Cat's Books
03:09 Feb 03, 2022

Interesting story, Rebecca!! I did notice that there were a few grammar mistakes, but it was mostly just places where you need to add a period. Also, make sure that there is no informal writing in your story. I know this is fiction and not an essay, but I noticed the use of the word "cuz." It's not a big thing, but it might be better if you just use the word "because." I am in no means an accomplished writer, but these are just things that I would fix. I would also like to know more about the locked door. Why is it locked? What is behind it?...


Rebecca Hackney
03:01 Feb 05, 2022

Thank you for your feedback. The door was locked to protect people. :)


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