Coming of Age Drama Inspirational

The power of the storm rages as the energy of its motion builds, whipping all around, picking up all and sundry in its path, old or new, nothing is spared as the momentum builds, ready to unleash its tirade upon unexpecting participants. The turbulence can be seen, heard and felt. There is no silence, there is no escape.

Judgement, criticism, panic, fear and survival all converge into a singular moment of overwhelming emotion. Ducking, weaving, and all attempts to try to avoid, bury or outrun it appear futile. No amount of preparation can contain its nature, and no container can hold it, once the conditions manifest with their ultimate timeliness and ease of perfection of circumstance.

No excuses or justifications can rally to its call, its single point of focus is its creation. Conditions, easily fed and watered, silently layered and built over time without any awareness or warning of its impending manifestation or glimpse into its outcome and aftermath, all seemingly guarded by events and pathways previously laid. Synergies of motion and cycles inexplicitly drawn together ready to voice its wrath with indeterminable consternation against the very fabric of humanity and circumstance.

The powerbase of its righteousness akin to a stealth attack in broad daylight, levelling all playing fields simultaneously without a second glance at its core. With lightning speed, reactiveness and pre-determined path, the storm shows no hesitation or regret in its force or trajectory.

Now one could think the story and the storm are getting a tad out of hand here, however please stick with me on this one.

There is a quiet stirring and discontent in the atmosphere, disruption starting to rise and well up as it begins to fade the sunlit and harmonious sky. Dark clouds begin to gather across the frowning face of humility, showcasing the brooding presence of its self-worth and value. Effortless virtue is tinged with the presumption of an impending watery deluge as the motion stirs from its complacency and comfort zone, ready to rear its head in the face of any resistance it may perceive or encounter.

The rush of the prevailing breath inhales as it gathers its fury. As it surges forward, rising up from the darkened and scared pits below, an avalanche of epic proportions ready to unleash against the hapless landscape ahead, almost waiting with bated breath until the crescendo is near and its peak ready to release its fury with deadly accuracy and annihilation.

Fear, held in gut-wrenching tightness, fists clenched, readied for action, breath short and sharp as the momentum surges whilst courage fights bravery to rise to face the unknown not knowing which one will win. 

Will humility and grace be its ultimate sacrifice? Will silence ensue causing inextricable complications? Or will stillness prevail as the wind is literally knocked out of its sails?

Standing at the crossroads, contemplation short cut by reactiveness, mixed emotions causing procrastination or action and fear guarding the door to love, where do our choices leave us? At what point do we abandon ourselves? Where is it that we pretend we are not as good as someone else? Where is it that we launch our inner distrust, disrespect and anger at someone else out of our own reactiveness and unparented emotions even if we feel we are justified?

Can we recognize a glimpse of the storm scene above? Have we ever taken on someone else's anger? Have we ever been ready to unleash our own anger, fury, rage and frustration of everyday life onto others? We’ve all been there, pushed to the brink, holding back until one day we can’t hold back anymore, we have to speak, our inner nature forcing out the pain we’ve been holding onto, no longer fearful of being rejected, cast aside, or walked away from, we can no longer contain our truth and out it comes. Vitriol, criticism, judgement and all the pain of not feeling loved in that moment, not of self, not of others. Spewing out the poison of hatred that lies within that we've hidden about our self from the world.

These are the storms of our lives, stretched at times to our emotional breaking point, not unlike the crescendo of our weather patterns, here one day and gone the next. Winds around the globe picking up the cries of humanity at worldly injustices to be carried across oceans until our voices finally dwindle into complacency and become silenced in our day to day lives along with our promises to do better and then kept until another tomorrow passes us by. 

Are we people pleasing or standing up for ourselves against perceived injustices? Are we standing for truth, our truth or someone else’s? Everyone’s perspective is different. Are we wrong, are they wrong, are we all wrong, or are we all right? Each person standing in their own consciousness, karma and experiences.

Love isn’t easy, it’s a stretch of heart opening proportions and not for the feint hearted. There is a reason when we point a finger at others there are 3 pointing backwards. It’s not done in spite, it’s done for learning for the others are our mirror. How else would we be able to perceive ourselves, if not for someone else?

It’s a choice for our own truth, our own circumstances and experiences. Growth and learning for our heart and soul within, building faith and trust in ourselves to be able to completely trust our insights and intuition in any given circumstance, situation or event and not bend on our False Expectations Appearing Real. 

Life is a choice to find harmony, peace and love, goodness knows we could use some right now. It’s never up to someone else, it’s only ever been up to each individual to know themselves, their actions and reactions through their choices and experiences. Modify them, justify them or walk away from them, but if we could learn to love them, we would find the balance of harmony and peace we are all wanting to see in the world.  To find peace we need to speak our truth and be authentic.   Life would become calmer if we took the time to just be and breathe. To sit in nature and breathe with the planet, as She breathes in, we breathe out, when we breathe out, She, breathes in.

Life is air, life is water, life is fire and life is Earth.

May we find our bliss in peace, may we find our peace within and may it reign supreme. 

Om Namo Narayani

September 09, 2024 12:30

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