Friendship Sad Teens & Young Adult

                      I sat on the chair, my water bottle in the little drink holder, looking off into the golden sun as it rose from its peaceful slumber. Remembering the memories from this very place; the tide pulling the crystal blue water in and out, the salty smell of the breeze and the sound of contagious laughter of young teenagers. I reminisce about the has been, the past that has come, and gone, and the uncertainty of the short future I have yet to live. I am so old now. Has time really come and gone so quickly? 

                      It seemed to be, no, it was just yesterday that I was a gullible teenager. My mom, in her matching sweatpants and sweater, was making breakfast in the kitchen, half-awake. She seemed to be so tired sometimes. I very clearly remember the breath-taking scent of sticky maple syrup on fluffy light pancakes with a side of crispy bacon and the classic, scrambled eggs. Whenever that scent would waft up my nose my stomach would start calling, begging for food. After I devoured that delicious breakfast, I grabbed my beach bag and dashed out of the house to the Berley Bay Park to meet my friends, Alya, Alex, Ray and Beth.

                 Within moments I had arrived. 

“Hey guys!” I trilled as I entered the park, approaching my long-time friends wearing my new $19.95 tan vinyl sandals, my unruly hair tied in a bun and my daisy patterned dress calmly and gently flowing with the cool breeze. My warm and friendly greeting was exchanged for the pearly white grins and broad smiles of my friends who were all dressed in various bathing suits of bright colors. 

                     “So, you know that new hotel by the beach that just opened, well they bought part of the beach, and we were thinking…” My close friend Alex said, his eyes darting about the area as he fiddled with his fingers.

                      Once their friendly smiles turned into devious grins, I knew exactly what they were thinking. Alex was the Mr. Popular among our friend group. Captain of the football team. Dark hair, brown eyes, caramel skin. A small chuckle let out as I shook my head. What else could I have expected from them? I queried to myself. The hotel was just a mile away so we walked. I knew this was wrong but, then again, what is life without a little bit of adrenaline? As we arrived at The Gi Gi Grand Hotel, everyone's mouth fell to the floor as if an anchor had pulled it down. The spacious, sleek, grand and all in all marvelous hotel held many floors and a large pool with a dozen umbrellas surrounding the pool put everyone in awe as the building proudly towered over us. You could hear the calming melody of the waves singing in the distance as we stood there, star struck. 

                     “W-Well from the magazines I have read about this hotel, there s-should be a gate on the corner over there that should be short enough to jump…” Beth said softly, mumbling her last few words as she pointed to the left, specifically next to a long wall. 

                     Beth loved reading so much you would sometimes forget she was dyslexic! Anyway that's not the point and has nothing to do with the story. We walked alongside the white, detailed wall until we finally reached a small gate that led to the beautiful beach. Quickly, trying not to get caught, one by one we jumped the small metal garden gate. Running to the calming water, the breeze engulfed you in its salty scent as the sand rubbed between your feet and the blazing hot sun shone upon us. Just then as we were joyfully playing in the turquoise water, we heard a man. 

                       “Hey, you, kids! You’re not allowed back here without permission! Come here!” The mysterious man yelled. 

                       Everyone paused., We slowly turned around with worried expressions plastered on our youthful faces. Bam! We began running as fast as we could, the security guard followed us for about a whole half an hour until he finally gave up. Everyone was ok, actually everyone was great! The five of us laughed and laughed till our stomach’s hurt. I remember us all deciding to go have dinner by my house, since it was the closest. My mom greeted us so kindly, welcoming us back and asking questions about our "little outing", as she called it. But, as soon as our hearty home cooked meal was done, her wide grin turned to a disappointed face.

"So, had a fun time at the beach?" She asked, as she got up from the table and took the plates to the sink.

"Mhm..." I replied with a smile on my face, trying to cover up my laughter.

"Wouldn't doubt it, that private beach looked really nice on magazines, it's a shame you didn't get to go inside the hotel." My mom said, lifting one eyebrow as she turned around, crossed her arms and leaned on the shiny silver sink. "Hotel called. You left your wallet on the sand."

I took a sip of water and immediately spat it out as she finished her sentence. My friends and I glanced at each other, my heart beating a thousand miles per hour. Immediately, we begged my mom not to tell the other parents.

"We will clean your house!" Alex said in desperation.

The loud chatter stopped as Alex said this, everyone else's eyes widening open as Alex shrugged, knowing he had messed up big time. My mom smiled and before we knew it, we were spending the next day cleaning the entire house. It was worth it though because the summer of 1995 was truly the best summer ever.

Having reminisced over that summer, I'm reminded how lucky I was to have had such beautiful friendships. After all, what is life without friends? But now, I must go, leave, say goodbye, to the family I have lost and loved. The friends, I have had and gone. The breath of life, that keeps me living.

June 25, 2021 18:01

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