Assassin's Training

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends with a character asking a question.... view prompt





Jacob woke up to a loud bang in his dorm room, he looked around to see where the noise came from, it was Logan his bunkmate, he had fallen off of the top bunk. 

“Are you alright?” Jacob asked Logan who was now rubbing his back with a groan 

“Yeah, I will be,” Logan answered laughing at himself and Jacob helped him off the floor laughing along with him. 

Little did Jacob know that Logan was about to become his best friend and both of their lives would change forever.   

“So… do we start training tomorrow?” Logan asked Jacob as they climbed back into their beds, 

“I am not sure,” Jacob answered he was starting to get nervous he really wanted this job and he needed this job,

“I am scared to Jacob,” Logan admitted 

“Really?” Jacob asked looking up at Logan 

“Yeah,” Logan replied and he looked down at Jacob who was smiling up at him and 

Logan added smiling as well “It's okay to be scared you know,” 

“It is?” Jacob asked his smile fading 

“Yes it is,” Logan answered 

“Oh,” Jacob said as he turned to the wall he felt like an idiot for being scared 

“Well we better get to sleep if we are doing training tomorrow,” Logan said rolling over in his bed “Goodnight Jacob,” Logan added 

“Goodnight,” Jacob said sadly he rolled over on his face and cried silently for a few minutes and soon fell fast asleep. 

The next morning Jacob woke up from a loud alarm, he searched the room for Logan but was unable to find him, he jumped out of his bed throwing on his shoes and he started running with the other 18-year-old guys, 

“Logan!?” Jacob shouted out to the crowd of guys but got no response so he continued to run but was soon knocked over by the crowd, he had no idea what was happening and he was terrified, 

“LOGAN?!?!” Jacob screamed loudly at the crowd as he got kicked in the side, 

“Where are you?!” Jacob yelled in anger he had to find his friend and find out what was happening. 

“Jacob?!?!” He heard someone yelled from a distance and he ran back into the crowd of people, 

“Hello?!” Jacob called out still very confused on the matter, “Logan?!” he called out again, he decided to ask someone about what was going on and where Logan had gone, 

“Excuse me, do you know what is going on?” Jacob asked a girl that was jogging alongside him 

“I think it is a training exercise but I am not 100 percent sure,” the girl answered as she stopped to walk with Jacob

“Do you know a guy named Logan?” “He is my friend and I have not seen him since last night,” Jacob explained with pleading eyes 

“I know his name from the list they sent out for everyone, but I don’t know him yet, I thought he bumped into me today, but I don’t know where he went after that, I’m sorry,” the girl said 

“I am sure we can find him though,” she added as they continued running into the crowd, 

“By the way my name is Jacob,” Jacob said 

“Jacob, it’s nice to finally meet you, my name is Jessica,” Jessica said 

“It’s nice to meet you too, Jessica,” Jacob said as they continued 

“JACOB?!” someone called out near them the crowd of people turn and looked around 

“Logan?” Jacob asked quietly as he and Jessica got closer to two figures 

“Jacob?” the voice asked with a groan he came out of the shadows, it was Logan! 

“Logan!” Jacob cried as they hugged “I have been looking for you, where have you been?” He asked letting go 

“Well I heard the alarm, I was going to wake you but I got dragged out of the room then I got lost in the crowd, and got hurt as you can see, haha,” Logan explained as they looked down at his side he had gotten cut by something, 

“You poor thing,” Jessica said making herself known now

“Oh yeah, this is Jessica, she helped me find you, Jessica this is Logan,” Jacob said as the two shook hands 

“Thank you for helping him,” Logan said smiling at Jessica 

“It was no problem,” Jessica said smiling back 

“Logan who is this?” Jacob asked nodding to a girl who had her face covered 

“This is Rose,” Logan said waving her over

“Rose?!” Jessica cried out hugging her best friend 

“Jess?” Rose asked pulling from her to get a good look, “I thought I lost you!” Rose cried as they hugged each other again, 

“They know each other?” Logan asked Jacob with a hushed voice 

“Apparently so, I had no idea,” Jacob whispered back smiling

“Well, I think we should see…” Logan began but was soon cut off when they heard an explosion, the ground began to shake, 

“What is going on?!” Logan yelled as he caught Rose from falling they smiled at each other and pulled away. 

“I have no idea, but we should find out!” Jacob shouted over some loud screams from a crowd that had just formed

“Does anyone know what is happening?!” Jessica yelled from on top of a table as she scanned the building for the cause of the explosion. She spotted a figure in a black cloak, she began running after it with her friends behind her, “Stop!” Jessica yelled at the person

“Where are you taking us, Jessica?” Jacob called out as he tried to keep up with her, he tripped on his shoelaces, Jessica helped him up. 

“Thank you,” Jacob said a few minutes later as they were looking for the sabotager

“Well, hopefully, that guy is still around…” Jessica started but she got interrupted by an explosion that knocked the two of them over, “He is at it again!” Jessica yelled as Jacob helped her off the ground, 

“Where are Rose and Logan?!” Jacob yelled over the loud noises 

“I am not sure, but we should find them,” Jessica said starting to jog but Jacob stopped her, “What?” Jessica asked Jacob who looked terrified as usual, 

“He has them!” Jacob yelled in anger he pointed to their friends who were tied up to a pole, “If I find him..” Jacob started in anger but was stopped when something threw him across the room 

“JACOB!”  Jessica screamed she got thrown across the room toward him 

“What just happened?” Jacob asked coughing as he crawled over to Jessica who had gotten knocked out by the force of the ground, “Jessica?” Jacob asked worried for his friend, 

Jacob looked up to see where his friends were and saw they were being thrown at him, he caught Logan who had caught Rose and the three of them fell down a black hole, 

“What’s happening?!” Logan yelled as they fell down the hole for two minutes and landed with a big thud, Logan got up and caught Rose into his arms, they smiled at each other but soon broke apart when they heard Jacob screaming, 

“Look out!” Jacob yelled from up above them, and the two friends moved out of the way for their friend. 

“Ouch!” Jacob called out in pain “You did not need me to land that hard,” Jacob said glaring at Logan in irritation, 

“Sorry mate,” Logan said holding his hand out to Jacob help him off the ground, 

“Now where are we?” Logan asked looking around the room/cave, he had no idea what it was 

“Where is Jess at?” Rose asked helping Jacob off of the ground 

“She was up there the last time I saw her, she got knocked out by that man,” Jacob said angrily as he brushed the dirt off himself, 

“I didn't even see her up there when we got thrown, I feel like a bad friend,” Rose said sadly 

“You are not a bad friend,” Logan told her as she gave him a hug 

“Thank you, both for being great friends to me and Jessica,” Rose said as she hugged Jacob as well, 

“Anytime,” both the guys said together 

“What do we do now?” Rose asked standing in between the guys who for some reason were glaring at each other, “Guys?” Rose asked getting their attention 

“What?” Jacob and Logan both asked irritated 

“What are we going to do?” Rose repeated herself “And what is wrong with you guys?” she added she pulled Logan away from Jacob 

“We should get some sleep and then in the morning we can try to get out of here,” Jacob said as he laid down on the ground and used his jacket as a blanket, 

“Goodnight,” Rose and Logan said together smiling 

“Do you want to use my jacket?” Logan asked taking off his own as he saw Rose shivering, 

“You should keep it, I already have one on,” Rose said kindly with a smile 

“But you are shivering like crazy,” Logan insisted and he put his jacket around Rose 

“Thank you for your kindness,” Rose said as she kissed his cheek 

“Your welcome,” Logan said, he laid down next to Jacob as Rose laid down on the ground a foot away from the guys, she looked at her friends who were surprisingly fast asleep, then she thought of Jessica, she was determined to get her friend back. 

A few hours later Rose felt the ground shaking and she woke up “Guys!” she yelled as the ground gave way and she fell down a dark hole, it was like an unpleasant slide, Rose soon hit the bottom with a smack, 

She tried standing up but couldn't, “Please!” she cried quietly for her friends, she was running out of the air and they did not know it, “Help,” she whispered as she laid down she realized they could not hear she was too low under the ground, “Guys!” she screamed in pain her whole body felt sore. 

“Logan wake up!” Jacob yelled he realized that Rose was gone 

“What?” Logan asked yawning “How is Rose doing?” he added looking over for her he saw she was not there and he jumped off of the ground “Where is she?” Logan asked panicking, 

“Well there is a hole right there that looks like she could have fallen down it, Don’t worry we will get her back,” Jacob said putting his hand on Logan’s shoulder and walked over to the hole, Rose’s jacket was hanging in the hole they picked it up, “I thought she was cold?” Jacob asked 

“Yeah she was,” Logan said stomping over to the hole “Someone took her,” he said angrily as he put his feet first down the hole, “Let’s go get our friend back!” Logan called and he went down the hole calling out to Rose, “We are coming!” 

“Wait for me!” Jacob called after Logan as he zipped his jacket up and jumped down the hole after his two friends 

“Logan?” Rose asked weakly looking toward the hole in the ceiling she heard someone calling from it she tried to stand up but she soon fell to the ground, “It’s too cold,” she said shivering violently as she soon fell asleep.  

“Rose!” Logan yelled as he reached the end over the slide he jumped and rolled onto the ground with Jacob right after him. 

“Oh no,” Jacob said sadly as they reached their friend, Rose was very blue and barely breathing, “Rose?” Jacob asked touching her skin, it was freezing cold, “She must have been down here for several hours,” Jacob said standing up and turning away from her,

“Rose please wake up,” Logan said holding her in his arms “Please get my jacket,” Logan told Jacob who had started to cry, 

“I am sorry Logan,” Jacob said sitting against a wall 

“Please Jacob!” he yelled at his friend irritated, “I won’t give up on her!” he added but Jacob did not move an inch, Logan picked up Rose in his arms and walked over to his jacket and sat down with Rose, he put the jacket around her shoulders, “We have to do something,” Logan cried as he looked up to see Jacob crying too 

“I don't know what more we can do for her,” Jacob said walking over to Logan and sitting next to him, they had to keep Rose warm until they could find a way to escape the cave/room, so Jacob put his jacket on her as well.  

“Why are you crying Jacob?” Logan asked stroking Rose’s hair to keep her warm 

“Because, first off she is our friend, second I don’t think Jess would be very happy with me if she found out her sister died,” Jacob answered laughing a little with Logan 

“So are you saying you are afraid of Jessica?” Logan asked still laughing 

“I guess I am,” Jacob answered laughing his head off 

“Afraid of a girl!” Logan and Jacob said together laughing extremely hard 

“Logan?” Rose asked in a hushed voice and the guys went silent

“Yes Rose?” Logan asked her as she tried to sit up,

“I missed you,” she answered and kissed his cheek, Rose was no longer blue.

“I did too,” Logan told her and he kissed her head, then he continued to stroke her hair.

“So how are we going to get out of here?” Jacob asked Logan who was half asleep 

“To be honest, I don’t even have a plan I just came down here to save her,” Logan said yawning 

“I don’t have a plan either,” Jacob said sadly as he laid down beside Logan on the cold ground. 

“Okay,” Logan said laughing silently to himself “Goodnight Jacob,” Logan said closing his eyes, 

“Goodnight,” Jacob said back laughing a little now as he too closed his eyes. 

A couple hours later Jacob woke up startled from a crash that was beside him, “What’s going on?!” Jacob called it was now pitch black, he could no longer see his friends or where he was going, 

“That hurt a lot,” Logan said groaning he had run into a wall and fell over 

“Where are you guys at?” Rose asked terrified that her foot would get hurt again 

“I am right here Rose, I think,” Logan said touching a shoulder 

“That’s me, Logan,” Jacob said laughing “We need a light,” Jacob said putting his arm around Logan’s shoulders 

“Do you think my phone will work down here?” Logan asked searching his pockets for his phone, “I can’t find it,” He quickly added 

“I have mine,” Rose said, turning her phone on “And it works,” she added smiling as she shined the light around the room to find her friends they were standing a few inches away, “That is so much better,” she said laughing as the two came over to sit by her. 

“We have to get out of here,” the guys said in unison as they laughed with Rose who smiled brightly at them and said, 

“At least we have each other,” 

Jacob and Logan smiled back at her 

“How do you do that?” Logan asked looking at Rose 

“Do what?” Rose asked still smiling at the guys

“Always stay positive? Logan added 

“I just know everything is going to be alright,” Rose said looking around the cave/room “We will get out of here,” she added with a small sigh, she really missed Jessica.

“Come on guys, there must be a way out somewhere,” Logan said getting off the ground searching the room for something to help them escape, 

“Okay,” Jacob said getting off the ground he looked down at Rose and asked her “Are you alright?”  

“Yeah, I just wish I could be of more help, but…” she said nodding at her foot,

“You have been a big enough help already Rose,” Logan said as he walked over to put a hand on her shoulder,

“Really?” she said smiling up at him 

“Yes, you have,” Logan answered as he kissed the top of her head and smiled back,  now Jacob had been quiet and walked away to look around he finally spoke up, 

“I hate to break up the moment, but I think I found something useful over here,” Jacob looked at the two friends 

“May I help you get over there?” Logan asked Rose who looked up at him and answered, 

“Yes, you may Logan,” 

Logan picked Rose up in his arms and carried her over to where Jacob was standing 

“What did you find?” Rose asked Jacob who was smirking at them 

“So look at this shelf it looks like someone has moved it,” Jacob said pointing at the marks that have been made into the dirt in front of the shelf, “I think we should move it and see if there is something behind it, what do you guys think?" He added looking at his friends and then back at the shelf, 

“Let’s do it,” Logan and Rose said together 

“Okay, Logan could you help me move it please?” Jacob asked as he looked at his friends. 

“Is it okay if I put you down?” Logan asked Rose 

“Yes you can,” Rose answered

“Okay, is this good?” Logan asked putting Rose down against a wall a few inches away from them, 

“Yeah it is, good luck moving it guys,” she added 

“You ready?” Jacob asked Logan who put his hands on one side of the shelf while he put his on the other side, 

“Yeah, let’s get out of this cave,” Logan said as they moved the shelf against the wall  the guys moved to see what was left in its spot and saw that there was a doorway with stairs in it, 

“Wow,” Rose said as she used the wall to stand up

“I hope this is the way out of here because we have to save Jessica,” Jacob said getting nervous as they stepped on to the staircase together, 

“What exactly are we saving Jessica from though?" Rose asked terrified.

"What do you mean?" Jacob asked.

May 23, 2020 01:08

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