The End or Just the Beginning?

Submitted into Contest #44 in response to: Write a story that starts with two characters saying goodbye.... view prompt



“Goodbye Jason,” My girlfriend of five years sadly said with a certain look in her eyes.

What is that look? Longing? Regret? Hope?

She needs to go to the air force while I have to go back to accounting. Our relationship wouldn’t have worked out in the first place. Gosh, I need to respond, or she would think I zoned out.

“Goodbye Maria,” I said as I turn away with tears covering my eyes.

As I took four steps, I turn around to Maria walking away. I could have sworn I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. Did she turn around to look at me walking away?

As I was going to take another step, I had a gut feeling. I don’t know if it’s that pizza or that feeling of pain when I am away from her. 

“What if you guys could work things out?” my hopeful subconscious annoyingly pokes at me.

“What if I end up with a broken heart?” I spoke to myself while taking more steps.

“Finding what matters in life is never easy, and keeping those things is never seen as valuable until you lose it. So suck it up, Jason and tell her you love her before YOU regret losing what matters to you.”  My conscience says as I know he is right and I turn around to see she is already out of sight.

“She’s already long gone. There is no point in telling her how I feel now.” I said to myself with a sigh as I keep walking.

“Then run and find her, you idiot! Maybe she didn’t say anything after goodbye because she was thinking about you and how you should tell her what you couldn’t say before.” My conscience exclaims as I turn around and start running to her.

~Maria’s Point of View~

I keep walking back to my apartment, but I only see darkness with no light at the end.

The tears wouldn’t stop rolling down my face as people either don’t look at me or give me concerned looks.

I can’t believe it’s really over.

Five years and we picked something over love.

True love.

The kind of love that involves pillow fights, chasing each other around the house, and sharing deep thoughts during late nights.

My previous relationships do not compare to how Jason and I were together.

I thought he felt the same but maybe he changed. Maybe I changed.


I bumped into someone while I was being consumed by my thoughts.

“I am so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Here, let me help you up.” The stranger spoke as I grabbed his hand and I saw one of my past relationships.

“Brandon, hey” I said as I took in his appearance.

He has a stronger build since I last saw him and he grew his hair to its natural brown color. He looks kind of hot.

No, Maria! You just got out of a recent relationship! Don’t you dare go there! My conscience angrily says as I ignore her.

“Hey, I didn’t expect to bump into you” he laughed as he smiles warmly.

I didn’t remember him being kind or having that smile. I wonder what changed him.

“Me neither. How have you been? Maybe we can---” I was interrupted by a woman’s voice.

“Brandon! You forgot your watch at my place, babe.” A woman with dark chocolate hair and perfect tan skin runs behind Brandon. She gives him loving eyes and Brandon’s whole face just lights up. I didn’t even think his smile could get any warmer.

“Honey, thank you so much. What would I do without you?” Brandon says and then gives her a kiss.

“I am sorry. I am being rude. This is one of my old friends Maria. Maria, this is my fiancée Nina.” Brandon introduces me to HIS fiancée.

I blinked a few things to absorb this information as my conscience smugly says, “I told you to not go there.”

“Hey Nina, I am so sorry for bumping into him. I wasn’t looking where I was going and I—” I was rambling as I was trying to get out of this situation.

“It’s fine, hun! A friend of Brandon’s is a friend of mine!” She proceeds to give me a hug but then I said, “We actually used to date. Brandon was just being polite.”

“Oh”, Nina sadly spoke as she put her arms back at her sides but then she looks at my face.

“Are you ok? You looked like you were crying.” She said with genuine concern in her voice.

“Um, if you want, we can talk about it at that café over there.” I said as I admit defeat about getting away from them and eating ice cream at my apartment.

As we got our food and drinks, we sit at a table and I told them about Jason and I.

How we met, how our jobs got in the way of the relationship, how it….ended

When I finished my story, I had tears rolling down my face again.

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Can I give you a hug?” Nina says with a sweet smile.

“Oh, alright.” I gave in as she gives me a well-needed hug.

“May I ask how long you guys have been together?” I asked as my curiosity got the better of me.

“Nine years” Brandon says as he looks at Nina as if he is her everything.

“How did you guys stay together?” I said as I never would have thought that Brandon would settle.

“Well, there were some tough times, but Brandon actually lost me once. Ever since then, he treasured me and our moments. I am glad that he and I were able to find each other again.” Nina says as she looks at Brandon with love.

“How did Brandon lose you?” I said as I can’t believe what I am hearing. They look so in love and happy as if this is their first year in the relationship.

“Well, he—” Brandon interrupts Nina as Nina was able to explain why.

“I used to do weed. This one time, it got out of hand and the only moment I remember was Nina leaving my house because she had enough of me and my addiction. After the weed was out of my system, I realized what had happened and shut down. My brother talked me into winning Nina back. The most important words from my brother were ‘You can love as many girls or get addicted to as much weed as you want. They will never compare to the one girl who will be by your side. The feeling from weed will never be enough for you, but I believe Nina will be enough for you and so much more. You need to get her back, man. A girl like that does not come around every often and deal with you.’ Since then, I quit weed and asked for help. I listen and communicate clearly with Nina about everything. I will never lose sight of what matters.” Brandon holds Nina’s hand as they look deep into each other’s eyes.

That sounds like the old Brandon I used to know and that explains how he changed so much. 

“When did this happen?” I said as I almost forgot why I was in this café with one of my ex’s and his fiancée.

“This happened on our fifth year of dating.” Nina spoke as her eyes saddened a bit.

“Wow, I am so sorry.” My eyes widened as I feel bad for asking.

“No, no, it’s fine. You were just curious.” Nina said as she looked at me with understanding.

“I am happy that you and Brandon found each other and made each other better. I wish—”

“Maria?” I see Jason as the café door opens. He looks out of breath as if he was running.

~Jason’s Point of View~        

“Where is she?? Maybe I should look back at her apartment, but I need a drink first.” I murmur under my breath as I looked at the window of a nearby café window. Then, I saw her. I saw her talking to two other people.

Without hesitation, I made my way to the café and said her name, “Maria?”

“Brandon? What are you doing here? I thought you had to go to work.” She spoke with sadness in her voice but hope in her eyes.

I walked over to her and looked in her eyes as I speak with sincerity, “I love you and I do not want to lose what matters to me the most. I want you even if we don’t see each other that often due to our work. I want you to know that you have me and I have you. I want to try again.” 

As I tell Maria all this while my subconscious is giving me a thumbs-up, there are tears rolling down her eyes but a smile on her face.

“You idiot, of course I want you but we need to go slow. I don’t want us to hate each other like last time.” Maria said as she wipes her tears away.

“I have to do this first.” I finished my statement with kissing her on the lips and gosh, I miss her and our kisses.

Everyone in the café cheered for us but I am focused on my lips on Maria’s lips. 

As I pull away, I smiled as I realized that our new relationship is just the beginning.

The End

June 05, 2020 20:09

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Crystal Lewis
03:24 Jun 10, 2020

Very sweet story. :)


Nancy Doan
16:25 Jun 11, 2020

Thank you so much! This is the first story I have written for Reedsy!:)


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