A way to love

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt

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I opened my green eyes with the thought of only one thing! Brushing the hair out of my eyes I glanced over at matt and watched for a minute while he slept. Today was the day I'd go to my boss and ask for vacation time off. I had worked for Michael Miller for five years and I had not requested time off. So I was due a break from work and the everyday requirements of the responsibilities I had at Miller Law. I didn't plan to do much else, until my love woke beside me and reaching around me to hold me close. Then my morning plans changed. Instead of putting makeup on and getting ready meticulously for the office I'd lay in my loves arms and make love to him. My boyfriend of ten years name is Matt, he just turned thirty three yet acted like a fresh eighteen year old. He dosent take our relationship as a joke he always goes out of his way to steal my breath away with his thoughtfulness and generosity to our relationship. I wouldn't trade or change him for anything in the world! We kissed brushing our tongues against the other, while rubbing on one another's body trying, to reach all possible places. I eased back from the kiss and whispered that I loved him, he kissed me again. Then he pushed me away and said " Sarah, I have been with you for a very long time and have cherished every minute we have spent together. I could not ever imagine waking up beside another woman. You bring such happiness to me." He brushed my hands off then stood up gloriously naked and reached in the bedside table and grabbed a jewelry box out of it then sat back down on the bed. Staring me in the eyes he exhaled then opening it he held it out to me and asked "Sarah, will you do me the honor of being my wife? I'd like nothing more than for you to become Matt Spear's wife." I gulped for air because I didn't expect this, I began to stutter. I closed my eyes to get my response in order because there was nothing in life I wanted more. I opened my eyes with tears pouring out and looked him in the eye. " yes, Mathew Spears. I'd like nothing more than to become your wife!" He snatched me up into a big hug and laughed, a minute later he let go of me and reached into the jewelry box he placed upon my finger a breath takingly beautifully carved size 7 ring , I gazed immediately to see what beauty was upon my finger. I exhaled sharply because there on my hand the was a white gold engagement ring. It had intricately carved Celtic runes upon the band , I knew on sight alone what each stood for. They meant love, faithfulness, promise and forever. I I exhaled deeply then allowed him to put the ring upon my finger. In tears I grabbed his face and told him " You make me so happy! I can't wait to be known as Sarah Spears!" Then with nothing more to say I began kissing him recklessly and with passion. In fevered ecstacy we made love in no other thought than to do it with everything that was in us. By the time we finished it was twenty minutes till I had to be at work. I hurriedly got up and snatched a pair of under wear and a brawl out of the dresser. I next got into the closet and reached for a simple yet pretty pale pink dress and dressed. I pulled my blonde hair back into a ponytail. I glanced at matt and looked into his brown eyes and told him " I'll be home after work, please dont make any plans for tonight because I'd like to celebrate our engagement with a dinner out tonight at The Dock At Water." He agreed with such understanding and leapt off the bed. His 6'4 frame walked slowly around the bed his well made body that he worked out for daily reached out his arms to hold me. My 5'8 build fit very nicely into his generous embrace. We let go to finish getting ready for work. Matt was a contractor for a very prestigious construction company, and he had spent his life working up the ranks, and just got promoted to foreman. At the front door we kissed with urgency and then went our separate ways. I only had to go three blocks from home to reach the office that I worked in, i rushed inside and flipped every light on in each room and began a pot of coffee. I placed all necessary requirements of coffee out and placed a spoon in the bowl of sugar. I had a very short time before my boss Mallory Kross arrived. I began to prepare my computer and pens for the day. By the time Mallory arrived I was typing a report from yesterday's interview with a new client. We recorded each interview and saved each recording. Mallory walked in the front door and I noticed that her fit 5'2 frame was wearing a beautiful suit. It was grey suade with pink lines drawn throughout the stitching. She had her black hip reaching hair into a braid. We each said hello then started our day, it wasn't long before lunch time was upon us. I quickly got out my cell phone and texted matt to tell him I hoped his day was going well and that I loved him. Within seconds he responded with how he loved me as well and that he prayed things were going well for me. I quickly ordered a salad at my usual restaurant. It was a Italian family known restaurant called " Bianchi's." The salad would be delivered shortly, I walked into Mallorys office holding up my hand I announced " you'll never guess what happened this morning!" Glancing at my hand Mallory shrieked and jumped up rushing around her desk to clasp my hands. She stated " I knew this day was coming! I am so happy for you!" She walked back around her desk and reached into the wine rack and announced that we were going to celebrate with a couple of glasses of champagne. By that time my salad had arrived, so while eating we sipped upon our wine flutes of Cristal champagne. Trying not to get tipsy I refused anymore wine for the day. I smiled and glanced into Mallorys eyes and said " thank you, so much for the warm celebration we just had." She replied by saying " your welcome hon, I'm so happy for you! I am sending you home with a bottle of wine for you and your gorgeous soon to be husband!" I figured at this time it was a good and appropriate time to ask for a vacation. In answer Mallory said " yes of course you can take time off! When would you like to take this vacation?" I answered "within a weeks time please." I knew that I'd have to call in the temporary secretary to fill my position. So after achieving that I prepared to close down the office. I had half an hour till I was to meet matt at the restaurant. So I went into the restroom and changed into a black leather halter top dress. I pulled the hair tye out of my hair and brushed it and placed it around my shoulders and walked into the front office. I grabbed my purse and jacket and walked outside. I locked up the door and walked to my car, it was a Mitsubishi eclipse beautifully colored blue, with a sunroof. I climbed inside started it and drove to Bianches. I pulled up and parked beside Matt's grey colored Chevy. By the time I pulled my keys out of the ignition Matt had my door open reaching into the car he helped me to get out. I quickly kissed him an wrapped my arms around his neck to hold him close. By the time we pulled apart we had a couple of seconds till our reservation time. So we walked into the restaurant to be seated when the waitress left with our orders I asked matt "what are your plans after we got married." In response he replied " I would love to build a house for us and have as many children as you will allow." I chuckled knowing we'd have beautiful babies I told him " I'd love to have at least four children with you." His eyes got so wide in disbelief then he told me " four it is then! I will give you anything you could ever ask for!" After dinner we arrived home, I was very tipsy from a day of champagne and wine so I quickly got into night clothes and brushed my teeth. Matt was already in bed so I climbed onto his lap and gave him a long, slow kiss. We made love that night with no abandon. When finishing I snatched his face into my hands and told him I loved him. The following week we were married and in Cancun for our honeymoon. It was everything I ever imagined! When we arrived back to the states I began searching for houses to look at with the intent to buy. We bought a brick six bedroom home with three bathrooms. I knew itd be great decorating it! I knew with no doubts I'd spend my life happily and fully in the house being mrs. Miller

July 10, 2020 19:41

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1 comment

Nan Bogue
04:04 Jul 23, 2020

Hi Sarah, I really like the style of this piece. The way you've written it with no paragraphs makes the reader feel the breathless kind of excitement mrs. Miller feels. The title is great, too. "A Way to Love" - with passion and simplicity...


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