~Seeing Red~

Submitted into Contest #292 in response to: Write a story that has a colour in the title.... view prompt


Science Fiction

~Seeing Red~

Shielded by stealth technology, the massive triangle shaped UFO hovered over the barnyard of nervous chickens and sheep. From the cockpit, Wisty’s voice echoed throughout the transport ship that they had arrived back at the ranch. Home at last. After centuries of cold war, recruitment and preparation between Earth-bred combatants and the Alien contingent of would be conquerors, it was over. The inevitable final battle. Earth’s indigenous army won the day and secured the right of our world to survive. But at such a cost. Entire Hybrid clans, gone. The desert Jinn of the Middle East and the Dragon People from the Underworld dead to the last one. The majestic race of the Sasquatch, wiped out of existence. Ironically, the advanced technology of both sides: EMPs, combustion suppression and mind shielding, forced a final conflict of brutal and primitive hand-to-hand fighting. Debbie, the Comista of Earth, was consumed with the pressing weight of loss and regret. Voluptuously muscular with long shining white hair and striking emerald green eyes, she was bred by the Erran race to lead the resistance. Flanked by her ruggedly handsome Reptilian/Human husband Jimmy, and her Empath Consort, the athletic, olive skinned beauty and Hopi Chieftess Shewuma. Debbie watched seven Kachinas gather. Holy Warriors from the Hopi Indian tribe and the ragtag survivors of their righteous army. Was it righteous, Debbie wondered? Was it worth it? Jimmy and Debbie waited while Shewuma explained to her people what she wanted them to do. Then she called to Debbie and Jimmy, “I’ll be back. Don’t you two leave yet,” as she headed to the cockpit.

           Debbie looked at Jimmy. “What does she mean? Isn’t she coming with us?”

           “I guess so. I’ve got all our stuff together.”

           Debbie wasn’t listening. Using the alien Cric (Crystalline Integrated Circuit computer chip) in her head, she patched into the ship’s security system and was using the cameras to find Shewuma. In the crew quarters she saw the Erran Alien Malachi, tall, white haired and disturbingly gorgeous, and Shewuma having an animated conversation. She enabled the shotgun mic on the camera to listen in and was shocked to learn that Malachi fully intended to fuck Wu as soon as the ship departed. Malachi was the brother of Enoch, Debbie’s mentor and Shewuma’s dead husband. He was explaining to her that the Erran Marriage Law of Kumatra applied to her even postmortem. Having Enoch’s memories in her Cric, Debbie was familiar with it. The Law of Kumatra stated that mates of Erran Nobility be available for sex with blood relatives. Though what he said was accurate, it infuriated her. Enoch was long dead and Shewuma was hers now. Erran law be damned. Malachi pressed her. “Shewuma, you know all of this. You took the vows with Enoch. Have you no honor?”

           Debbie was stunned to hear Shewuma’s response. “Malachi, you know I loved Enoch and will always honor him and the vows I made to him.”

           Debbie shut down the camera and gave Jimmy a cold stare, turned and walked off the ship.

           A few minutes later Shewuma came running across the Troop Room to Jimmy. “Where’s Debbie?” At the exit she saw Debbie waiting at the bottom of the ramp, arms crossed and eyes burning. “Debbie,” she said as she went down and reached for her. But Debbie pulled back. Feeling confusion from Debbie’s recoil, she said, “See you in a few hours.”

           “So you’re not coming now?” Debbie’s cold voice asked.

           “No, I have…”

           Debbie interrupted. “Your Kachinas are staying but you’re not?”

           “Yeah, Babe. But I’ll be back soon.” Without another word Debbie turned and walked away.

           Jimmy came up beside Wu and laid their gear on the ground. “What’s gotten into Debbie?” Wu asked him.

           “I guess she’s mad because you’re leaving.”

           “I’m not leaving. We’re taking Malachi to Dulce and taking and my fallen Kachinas to their families at the Reservation. Then we’re returning the ship, and I’ll drive me and Wisty back here.”

           Wu was pouting. Jimmy put his hands on her hips. “She’ll be fine. She’s a Comista now, but she’s still the same ole Debbie I guess. Tell Wisty goodbye for me.” He looked in the lower level and asked, “Where’s the van?”

           “Wolf already moved the van behind the garage and put my Trans Am onboard.”

           Jimmy gave her a long kiss then hugged her. “You be safe. I miss you already.”

           “I’ll be back soon. I swear.” She walked up the closing ramp saying, “Four, five hours max.”

           Jimmy just smiled and waved. Inside Corrine’s house Jimmy got a great big hug from Cousin Corrine and then some serious love from all the dogs. Eventually he went to the kitchen where Luce and the Eagle had gathered two days’ worth of eggs and were cooking up some grub for their fellow Kachinas. “I’m going to make some stir fry and egg rolls. You two want some?”

           “Is that mostly a lot of rice?” asked Luce.


           “No thanks. We’re good.”

           Debbie came into the kitchen. “Jimmy, you’re going to cook? It’s so late. Don’t you want to get some rest?”

           “No. I’m hungry. Corrine and Daniel said they’re hungry. Aren’t you? I’ll make you a steak. Besides, I want to wait up until Shewuma gets back.”

           “Oh,” said Debbie as she turned to leave.

           “Hey, what’s with you and Wu all of a sudden?”

           She stopped and thought for a moment. “You don’t want to know. You’d just take her side anyway. Call me when the food is ready.” And she walked away.

           “Women,” he said under his breath.

           “I heard that,” Debbie replied.

           “Yes, Comista. No, Comista,” was his mumbling retort.

           Shewuma closed Corrine’s front door a couple of hours before sunrise. She barely put her gear down when the dogs rushed her. After several minutes on the floor greeting them properly, they calmed down. In the great room Jimmy’s human cousins Corrine and Daniel were in their robes napping side by side on the couch. From the CD player Patty Austin sang to a muted episode of The Rifleman on the big TV. Four Kachinas, Bear, Chevayo, the Rock, and Makia, slept on makeshift pallets on the floor. Wolf, Luce, and Eagle sat crossed-legged in front of the fireplace playing Chinese checkers.

           Seeing the last seven living Kachinas, Shewuma felt sorrow in every cell of her body. But there was pride and gratitude as well. So much nobility and so much loss. Then she remembered what Custos, the leader of the Sasquatch clan said to Debbie before he died. “It’s what we do.”

           “Everything good?” whispered Shewuma, not wanting to wake Corrine and Daniel.

           “Yes, except Wolf keeps cheating. We were waiting up for you.”

           “Where are you guys sleeping?”

           “We’re sleeping in the back bedroom. Are you hungry, Chieftess? Jimmy left you two plates in the fridge. All I have to do is microwave them.”

           “Thanks, Little One, but I think I’ll get some rest first.” Tippy the cat had been walking circles around her legs when he suddenly jumped up into her arms. She buried her face in his fur and said, “Do you think your momma is still mad at me?” Tippy rhythmically alternated pushing his paws into her chest while meowing softly.

           Corrine startled awake but smiled when she saw Shewuma standing there. She sat up, waking Daniel also. Corrine yawned, stretched, and asked, “Where is Wisty?”

           “She had to stay for debriefing. You know the government. They wanted me to stay too, but there weren’t nearly enough soldiers to make that happen.” The comment brought chuckles from the three Kachinas. “So why are you two still up?”

           “Jimmy said you would be back tonight, so we wanted to wait up for you.”

           “That is so sweet.”

           Corrine whispered, “They’re in the bedroom.”

           “I know.” With her heightened senses Shewuma could hear and smell them having sex. It stirred her deeply.

           “Jimmy left food for you. Want me to heat it up?”

           “No thanks. Luce already told me. I’m good for now. I’m going to hit the sack.” Without thinking she pulled her buckskin dress over her head. Standing there in her panties and moccasins she apologized to Corrine. “I forgot the clothes on in front of Daniel rule.” While her Kachinas admired her, Daniel tried to act nonchalant while strategically placing a throw pillow over his lap.

           “Oh man,” said Corrine. She stood up, pulling Daniel behind her. “It’s okay, Wu. Come on, Big Boy. Let’s get rid of that lump in your throat.” As they walked toward the bedroom Daniel glanced back over his shoulder. “Eyes front!” ordered Corrine.

           Shewuma entered the bedroom as unobtrusively as she could and closed the door behind her. Jimmy was on top of Debbie making love to her. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, feet hooked, pulling him in with each thrust. “Wu?” said Jimmy.

           She leapt on the bed landing on her knees facing them. It was so hot seeing them locked together like that. “Don’t stop, Jimmy. Give it to her.” Her presence and words excited him. He pumped faster and harder. She could tell Jimmy was close. With her knee touching Debbie’s side, she put her left hand on his buttocks and her right hand on his neck. Being an empath, she wanted to experience the feeling of his ejaculation, but she also needed to feel the movement of his body and the flexing of his muscles as over and over he pushed deep into the woman they both loved. Debbie’s feelings flowed into Wu, and she was surprised it was much more than just passion.

           In Debbie’s mind it wasn’t complicated. Shewuma left once before and put herself and the movement in danger but Debbie buried her anger and moved on. Now she left her again and to sleep with Malachi no less. She felt possessive of Shewuma in the same way she felt possessive of Jimmy. But she and Jimmy had grown up together and dated for years. Lived together and then got married. Hell, they had even worked together since their late teens. Many were the times friends and relatives asked them how they kept from driving each other crazy. Then both were turned when the Alien DNA in their cells was activated and joined the resistance. What people didn’t understand was that Jimmy and Debbie belonged together. It was more than want or need. They were bound to each other. Shewuma was so different. Was it even reasonable to expect such a commitment from someone she had known for less than a year, and a woman at that? Comista or no, Debbie decided yes. It was her way. She gave that commitment and expected it in return. Wu’s presence ignited Debbie’s ire, which pushed Debbie’s passion to sublime agony. She needed to come or die as she fiercely grabbed a handful of Wu’s upper thigh. Debbie’s mixture of arousal and anger sent Wu’s mind reeling. Jimmy began to tense and Debbie’s moans became short and raspy. Wu realized with profound expectation that they were going to climax together. Hoping not to pass out, she braced herself for the searing intensity of feeling both sides of a simultaneous orgasm. As the pleasure approached pain Shewuma slowed her time sense and immersed herself in the rapture of the two things she loved most in the world. The piercingly erotic spasms and contractions finally subsided into contentment. Jimmy rolled off Debbie onto his back, exhausted. Even more spent, Shewuma collapsed on her side and put her head on Debbie’s shoulder. Jimmy reached across Debbie’s torso, his frenzied hand searching till he found Wu’s stomach and then relaxed. Debbie more or less needed zero sleep and Shewuma could go days without it. Unlike them, Jimmy needed regular repose and had been running on fumes for quite some time. “My girls,” he murmured and began to snore softly.

           The thought of Shewuma and Malachi having sex remained in Debbie’s mind like a splinter that couldn’t be removed. She suddenly rolled over on top of Wu, straddling her. Lowering herself so their bodies were in full contact, she aggressively grapevined Wu’s legs, locking them into place. She pressed against Wu in every spot their bodies touched. She took Wu’s head in her hands and held her tight, possessing her. Mouths met and Debbie’s kiss was hard and desperate, her tongue invading Wu’s mouth. Feeling Debbie’s hurt and indignation, Shewuma accepted her intensity with submission. She pulled Debbie in and moved her hands gently over Debbie’s body, comforting, reassuring. Debbie finally began to relax and they melted together. She pulled back just enough to clear their lips. Through clenched jaws she said, “I love you.”

           “I know,” Wu whispered. “And I love you.”

           Not really wanting to know the answer Debbie made herself ask, “Did you sleep with him?”

           “Sleep with who?”

           “Malachi. I heard him invoking the Kumatra and demanding sex from you. That’s why I left and I can’t stop thinking about it.”

           “Well Sweetie, you should have stayed for the rest of it. Because I told him to kiss my boney ass. I would never cheat on you and Jimmy. I love you both too much.”

           Still looking stern Debbie declared in the Erran tongue, “From this moment on we are Crevetch. Only Jimmy can claim the Right of Kumatra.”

           Lovingly, Shewuma gave the Erran response. “Yes, Comista. Our fates are one until the end.”

           “And don’t ever leave us again,” Debbie said. Then her face softened. “Please?”

           With her legs still locked in place, Shewuma rolled her hips up, pushing against Debbie and relishing the residual wetness of Debbie’s pelvis from her earlier lovemaking. Unlocking the grapevine, Debbie put her knees against Wu’s inner thighs and pushed her legs apart. Desire rising in them both, Debbie panted, “Miss White Bird, you have got to be the sexiest woman that ever lived.”

           Wu began fanning her face quickly with one hand. Faking a southern accent with the best southern belle voice she could muster, Wu drawled, “Why Miss Debbie, I do believe you have given me the vapors.”

           Debbie was filled with optimism as her new life opened up before her. She purred, “I’m going to give you a lot more than that.”

March 02, 2025 14:36

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