Two for tea and tea for two or Two for tee and Tee for two

Written in response to: Write a story about a conflict that breaks out over something ordinary (like tea, perhaps).... view prompt


Adventure Kids Mystery


The basic tool of communication.

Some obvious. Some oblivious.

A mathematician may translate the equation this way:

Words + Meanings= Understanding

Point A + Point B = Point C

If only it were that easy!

Intertwined within this arithmetic equation is a host of wires. Disconnected Connected. Cut. Coiled. Rolled.

Twisted. Here exists the mystery and adventure of communication. Don’t you think? The Joy of the Game. So to speak.

Sometimes unfortunately conflict arise when the language doesn’t fit the script. Then, an unfortunate big ball of conflict develops. All because of an ordinary and simple game of catch. Missed wires, kinked wires, twisted wires, tangles wires. How did this come to be?

“Let’s play catch” has been uttered by kids on the playground for years! A simple, participatory game normally played by two. One glorious day, Scotty and Wally just started playing. Simply. Innocently. No agenda. No plan. Present in their selves and thoughts.

“You throw to me,” “I throw to you.” Hours of endless fun and connection. Two for tea and tea for two or two for tee or tee for two. Oh, the joy of the game! Until it’s not. Seems kind of back and forth, No? Yes? Depends on how you look at it.

Circumstances, conflicts arise out of this ordinary game of catch. Complications may even erupt. Unbalance power shifts. “Catch me if you can!” Or “Oh, what a tangled web we weave/when first we practice to deceive.” This may define a personal intent of the game, A person’s own meaning of the game. A language loaded with a bag of tricks.

The beauty is, or should be in the Joy of the Game. Don’t you think?” Because when it is no longer joyful, the deception eats away at the core. People become “too busy” to play. The tangled web of deception may result in no “balling up.” “Base up you blockheads.”

Gotta start somewhere. Just start throwing. Start pitching. Gotta start somewhere.

Language, verbal and non verbal helps define this type of conflict as well. “Too many balls in the air.” “Don’t drop the ball. “Keep your eye on the ball” Many phrases to be described when discussing congruency. Circles going round and round, Not up or down. Some of the circles may over lap.” It can become dizzying. The antecdote isn’t to your change your focus on what or who is important.

The name of the game. Is. Realize your own depth of perception. Then. Run with it.

Trouble or conflict arises when focus is not the problem at all. Distraction is not the problem at all. Inner turmoil may be the ONLY cuplrit. May not be. Scotty and Wally revel in the opportunity to play catch with one another. They are not distracted. They are engaged. They are in the present. In the moment. They have no motives other than throw the ball squarely, straightly and directly to each other. No web intertwined. No tangled threads. No kinks.

Occasionally, perhaps, a dropped ball, but no enmeshed animosity, jealousy or one up manship. Just grab it and begin again. The trust Scotty and Wally develop is beyond measure.Beyond mathematical measure. They truly experience the Joy of their Game. Together.

With a brother, there is a warmth that is seldom ever spoken.

When the game becomes a game is anybody’s guess. Something a mathematician does not prefer. They prefer an equal equation. A congruent hierarchy. If it were only that easy! Complications and conflict may be due to too many “players” Too many on the roster.

Problems arise because all the players cannot be “taken care of”.

Heck. We are all different individuals. Unique in our own way. Who chooses who is better? Better than what or who? When and why?I think the definition of this posturing is called discrimination. But I need a dictionary. Does that mean I am more stupid? That I have to look it up?

I, for one do not understand the directions. Of this game. Perhaps that makes me of low intelligence. I do not feel stupid. Do you? Now. I DO feel conflicted. I did not feel conflicted before. There are those circles again. Round and round and round and round.

Tested in small and large ways every day Scotty and Wally practice loyalty. They have an unspoken loyalty to themselves, each other and their expertise in communicating with each another. But. They are not the same person. Even twins are not the same. They may “look” the same. But deep down, they have minds of their own. One is not better or worse. Just different. And different is not bad unless it is used to slap a label onto some person’s face. To put a person into a “group” Used to divide. To posture. To one up.

The importance of the language that we speak and don’t speak is of equal importance. To be understood and to understand.

I do not know about you, but ordinary sounds rather good to me.

Which brings us full circle to the basics of communication.


No amount of google or giggle translation can alleviate misunderstanding. Non-verbal expression is equally as important as the ability to write, comprehend and apply “pi” “r” “squared”. Or “a/b=c/d,” “Or S=klnW,” or “E=hv” ,”1+1=2 PV=nRT”) (kinda looks like another language to me🤔)

The name of the game, the instructions of the game should be easy. Simple and Ordinary.

To care. Keep it real. No fake. No facade. To extend your hand to another.

Unfortunately. It isn’t. The “hearing” part. The “comprehending” part. None of us will ever fully “get it” But there is no harm in trying. Mathematically speaking, there is more probability to achieve your goal if you simply give it a go. Try. The worst that may happen in going back for more may simply result in zero. Emptiness.

All things being equal, along the way, extending your hand to another, touching a person’s being in a positive way is worth all the “Tea in China”.

Next up: Time for Scotty and Wally to practice pitching. The ultimate test of perception, depth and deception. Their game was already fair. They walk onto their field with equality and safety as the foundation. The Joy of their Game today is to practice, pitch and bomb the ball over the fence. Hours of endless fun.

There is safety born of rivalry, unspoken truths and good natures.

”Throw me a curveball”, said Scotty. As he knows how to clock this one over the fence. And beat out the throw if necessary.

Wally likes the fast ball. He, too practices launching this one over the fence. Over and over and over. Sliders and sliding is especially fun.

Darkness falls. There are no lights at the field. Time soon to pack it up, bring it in. They end the practice session with a few more tosses. A few more practice swings. Clean up the bases. Briefly discuss successes and things to work on.

Their unspoken language intends they know they will be back at it tomorrow. Same place. Same time. Two for tea and tea for two or two for tee or tee for two. The mystery and adventures lies in the Joy of their Game....And they know it.

Different styles. Different smiles.

January 07, 2022 20:19

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