Submitted into Contest #281 in response to: Write a story from the POV of a non-human character.... view prompt



Tale as old as time tells the story of an evil being who comes out of hiding once a year to terrorize the kids of the world.

On this day when all the kids of the world are writing letters to Santa Claus wishing for the best presents, this being is watching and waiting. His name is Krampus and he is waiting for your child.

Krampus the evil of Christmas is here. Merry, merry little boys and girls of the world. Your wishes may they never come true. I will make your nightmares come true.

Krampus the evil of Christmas is here ready to strike fear into all of the little boys and girls of the world. Merry, merry little boys and girls of the world, for this Christmas will be a scary Christmas.

Darkness shall reign. Where there is light. Where there is love. Where there is happiness my darkness shall engulf the world. Krampus is here to stay.

Good girls and boys ask Santa Claus for what you desire but it will not come. Santa Claus, the cheery, jolly guy in the red suit will not be visiting. Instead Krampus will come.

I will come to all those who love Christmas. The good magic of Christmas will be gone. The evil magic, my magic will reign supreme.

Christmas time, a joyous time of the year but not this year, for I Krampus will come and spread misery and despair.

Magic ball, magic ball, open a window into the human world. Let me see the smiling faces of the little boys and girls.

What a disgusting site to see. What a nauseating site to see. The goodwill, the hope, all of it will be gone. I hate them. I hate them all. Santa Claus most of all.

He is the cause of all this cheeriness. He is the reason why the children of the world are greedy. Who needs the naughty or nice list when all the children are bad.

Do-gooders are the worse of all. They give and give and give and want nothing in return. That is a load of crap. They always want something. That is the way of the humans.

Christmas must be stopped. The humans must be stopped especially the kids. Krampus will rule without mercy. Krampus will rule with fear. First, I need to get rid of Santa Claus and the good magic.

Magic ball, magic ball, show me the dreadful jolly guy Santa Claus. Another disgusting site to see. Bright red suit, rosy cheeks, long white beard, prancing around his home singing loudly that my ears hurt.

This buffoon is Father Christmas, the spirit of Christmas. The guy who all the little boys and girls love. He's a joke.

Krampus will get rid of this buffoon. I must. The little girls and boys must be taught a hard lesson. The lesson of fear, misery and despair.

Good old Santa Claus will soon be gone. Magic ball, magic ball, show me the North Pole. Such a grand place that needs a little bit of Krampus. The Elf's, the reindeer will be my army.

What's that noise? My magic ball is still on. Let's see what the children of the world are up to.

"Mommy, I want this toy. Mommy, I ant that toy." So much greed in the world and no one to stop them. Krampus will stop them.

Little boys and girls of the world, so innocent yet so clueless. They don't know what's waiting for them until it's too late.

Magic ball, magic ball, show me away to get into the North Pole. My time is now. it's time for Krampus.

Krampus is coming for the children of the world. Krampus is coming for Santa Claus. Krampus is coming for Christmas.

Magic ball, magic ball, show me more of the North Pole. Show me the Elf's, the maker of the toys.

Poor little Elf's, they do all of the work and get none of the credit and yet he gets all of the credit.

The little boys and girls of the world portray the Elf's as funny looking creatures with pointy ears and nose and don't let me forget short in nature.

Don't worry my Elf's once I get rid of Santa Claus and teach those greedy children a lesson, you all will get the credit you richly deserve.

One week to go before Christmas the time is now. Evil magic of Krampus, send me to the North Pole. I made it. It's cold here but not to worry, I love the cold.

Look at this place. It makes my skin crawl. Evil magic of Krampus, shut off the lights to this dreadful place.

That's more like it. Creeping up to Santa's village. This is my favorite part. Evil magic of Krampus, freeze the Elf's. Poor Santa doesn't know what's happening.

"Santa Claus, your time is up." He looks at me. Evil magic of Krampus, get rid of Santa Claus. Lock him away in my magic ball. Santa is no more.

Goodbye Santa Claus forever. Evil magic of Krampus, unfreeze the Elf's and make them my minions. "Krampus, we are here to do your bidding."

This is so much fun. I never had any minions. Time for the real fun to begin. Greedy children beware Krampus has something special for you.

My Elf minions get rid of the toys. The greedy children will get coal with a little bit of Krampus.

So little time and a lot of work to do. No time to waste. Evil magic of Christmas, spread fear, misery and despair to all the children of the world.

"My minions get to work."

Evil magic of Krampus, make this Christmas one no one will ever forget. Make this Christmas evil. Teach the children a lesson.

Yes, my minions work. This is your time to shine. One bag is already full. Many more to go. Krampus loves what he's seeing.

Magic ball, magic ball, show me the human world. Show me the greedy children. "Mommy, I'm finished writing Santa my letter. Do you think he's going to give me what I want?"

Why so sad my child? "I'm sure he will." It's working. The good magic is leaving. I love this.

Magic ball, magic ball, show me all the children of the world. Look at them all. They feel the magic of Christmas disappearing. Good, this is what I want.

The greedy children of the world are sad. They feel the fear. This is what they get for being so greedy. No more Santa. No more toys. No more Christmas.

Show me more magic ball. There we go. Little children are crying. They want Santa. Too bad they are getting me, Krampus. Keep spreading my magic all over the world.

It's time. It's time for the little boys and girls to get what they rightfully deserve. It's time for Krampus to visit the little boys and girls of world. Here comes Krampus.

December 19, 2024 23:10

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