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Jordan :)

Sat, May 4, 1:15AM

Wassup Damien


What u been up to recently? 

Nothing much, just bored asf, tryna 

find somethin to do

Don’t u have Jaz for that lol? 

Yeah lol 

Or at least I used to...

What happened? 

We may or may not have broke up…


Last week…


Bro you good??

Don’t lie either fr

Yeah, I’m over it now lol 

It just wasn’t working out 

Not like we were gonna get married lol

We just weren’t feeling each other Ig

Ik that but y’all were together 

For like, forever and a half lol 

Ik lol 

It still feels kinda w e i r d 

But like I said, it’s whatevs 

We don’t hate each other or anything lol 


Well at least it wasn’t 

some kind of E X P O S E D scandal lol

Yk I’m here

Ik, I gotchu lol 

How’s your thing doing?

Ended up being trash lol 

Damn, really? 

I mean, are you that surprised? 

You met him before remember

 What did you say? 

Hmm let’s see…

To quote me quoting you

“He probably ain’t shit” 

Exactly lol and he wasn’t 

I don’t wanna say I told you so 


Omg Jordan 




Ughhh Yeah yeah Ik lol 

Did you ever get that new Star Wars game?

Well duh lol

Oof lol my bad 

Don’t worry about it lol 

Still plan to come out here and play it?

Well duh lol 

As much as you were telling me about it 

I feel like I have to lol  

Speaking of which

Didn’t you say you had something to tell me? 

You invited me to your house 

Then later said nvm and ran off 

Yeah...sorry about that 

Whatever it is 

Yk I’m the last person who will judge you 

I mean, how long have we been friends? 

Since elementary school 


So come on 

Spill the beans mister 

Sat May 4th, 2:30AM



Sat May 4th 11:30AM 


I’m soooo sorry

I fell asleep 



Dude, you’re dodging me


Every time you get close to telling me 

You somehow escape 

It’s starting to get annoying. 

...I’m sorry

Don’t be sorry 

Just tell me what it is 

It’s not exactly easy..

Wtf are you talking about??

Don’t you trust me? 

I do, I just.. 

Just what? 

Idk how to really explain it 





It doesn’t have to make sense 

Ok ok

So...you already know about me being gay.

Yes Ik you flaming homo lol 

Lol yeah 

So there’s this guy…

And I’m always super nervous around him

He always appreciates my jokes 

He has one of the weirdest but cute laughs

He’s a giant nerd like me 

He acts really dumb but really sweet

You kept me waiting to 

tell me you had a crush on me? 


WHaT aRe YoU TaLkIng AboUt?

Dude, you’re horrible at keeping it 

cool around ppl you like lol 

It was super obvious lol 


Remember when we were walking around

Downtown, you saw that dude sitting with 

ALL of the tattoos on his arm and 

I told you to go talk to him


You l i t e r a l l y got so nervous 

Your legs were shaking and shit 

I had to calm you down to talk to him

Ughhhh u still remember that???

How could I forget you dork? 


I think you’re cute when you’re nervous  

Wait...but aren’t you straight? 

Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate males

Besides, we’ve had this discussion before

We have??

Yeah, but I gotta go, I’ll ttyl later

You better not forget about this lol

Wouldn’t dream of it dork 


Sat May 4th, 8:30PM

Hey, I’m back 


So I thought about something today...

Remember I told you that I would let 

Idris Elba ruin me lol? 

Omggg stoppppp lol 

It’s true, that man’s attractive asf lol


So..what are you saying? 

Tbh it’s more of a “I like what I like” thing, ya know? 

Btw, you’re the first person I’ve told about this.

I feel honored then lol 

Lol you should dork.

But yeah, I mean I like females

It just sometimes changes 

It honestly depends on how I feel



Never really been crazy about labels

Like I said

It’s just I like what I like 


So...you like me back? 

Duh dork lol 

I’ve always enjoyed your company

If I can be around it more, then hell yeah 


What is it? 

I mean, think about it

We can’t go anywhere on dates

Trust me, I have a few ideas

Ahhh so you’ve been planning this

It was a T R A P 

I knew it all along! 

No waitttt 

I promise it wasn’t

Lol I’m just messing with you dork 

So it really is a yes? 

Yes Damien 

Although I want to talk about a few things first 

I’m listening…

My parents don’t know obviously

They still ask me when am I going 

to get a gf that actually stays around 

They still giving you hell for that?


Also, the only ppl that know about it is 

John, Donovan, Bree, and my brother 

Seems like a good group lol

Lol yeah

If we do this fr fr,

I don’t want it to be a big deal

You think I want everyone in our business lol?

Ok so we agree there lol 


Ik you’re a pretty private person lol 

Look who’s talking 

Shut up lol 

That just means less problems for us

True true 

Also, being called a bf makes me feel like

I’m back in high school and I hate it lol

What do you want to be called? 

Your partner-in-crime

Or just partner lol 

So what I usually call you lolololol? 

E x a c t l y 


One last thing…


I’ve never had sex with a guy before…

I mean I’m not a virgin but



You don’t have to prove how straight you are

Lol Ik Ik but still…

I haven’t had that much experience either

Besides its like you always say

If you’re gonna look stupid, don’t do it alone

Lol you’re right about that partner 

So whaddaya say? 

Will you be my partner-in-crime?


Just so you know, you’re totally Bonnie





Lol good night 


Gn partner lol

March 25, 2020 23:36

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1 comment

Inactive User
05:38 Apr 02, 2020

Lol. That story was amazing. I really enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work.


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