Drama High School Teens & Young Adult

October 15, 2011                                  

 Dear Diary,

Hey, my name’s Alison and a couple months ago I went way too far by spilling some of the most secret gossip of our whole school. Let’s just say I’m popular but not in a good way. You are probably wondering how exactly this all happened.

Well, it all started when I heard Tyler and Haley talking about hanging out together after school. You may be thinking “ So, what’s the problem? Two 9th graders talking about hanging out seems normal.” Well, for Tyler and Haley, it isn’t. Tyler is the star quarterback on the football team, and every girl in 6th-10th grade thinks he’s amazing and the best thing ever. Seriously, they act like he is an angel sent from heaven. So he can pretty much be friends with everyone and anyone. He can also date any girl. Still wondering what the big deal is? Well, Haley is the exact opposite of him. She is known as “Hammy Haley” because apparently on a field trip in 6th grade, they went to a petting zoo and she fell into a pigsty. Yknow, because pigs are ham and her name starts with an “H” so we call her Hammy Haley.

Anyways, she is one of the weirdest kids in our whole school. All she does is eat salads, read, play Mario Kart, and worst of all, look up stuff in the encyclopedia FOR FUN! The only thing people like about her is that she will do your homework. Now do you see? A popular football player hanging out with Hayley? Something had to be going on. Out of every girl possible, Tyler picks her to hang out with? At first, I just rubbed it off and forgot about it, but after 3rd period (math), I walked past them again and they were holding hands! At first, I thought I was hallucinating, but then I looked again and I wasn’t. There they were, Hammy Haley and Tyler holding hands. “Maybe they’re just siblings and no one knows. Maybe he has to walk her to class or something.” I thought to myself. There’s no way they were dating. My mind was running in circles like a toy train, trying to figure out what was happening.

Finally, I got to my 4th period which was lunch. After finding Tara, my best friend, I only had 10 minutes until lunch was over. I quickly grabbed a granola bar from the lunch lady and started telling Tara about what I saw that day. I swear I was talking 3,000 words per minute. At that time, I didn’t know Tara couldn’t keep a secret.

I went throughout the rest of the day without anything out of the ordinary until I got home from school. Tara had posted on Buzzhit “Found out some news today!! Hammy Haley and Tyler are possibly dating! Yes, Tyler, the quarterback. They were holding hands in the hallway and talking about hanging out today after school. So jealous if this is true. By the way, I got this information from Alison so don’t come at me!”. I started freaking out.

I might’ve not mentioned this but Tyler is my best friend and if this was true, it was being kept a secret for a reason. Within the first minute of her posting, nearly 100 people saw it. I told her to delete it as fast as my fingers could type but it was too late. Even if Tyler and Hammy Haley didn’t see it yet, a bunch of people have. Everyone started posting the “tea” on Buzzhit. It became viral. The next day at school, I was super worried. I was worried about Tyler getting mad at me for starting it all, I was worried that all this drama would end up getting worse and maybe even getting him kicked off the football team, and most of all, I was super worried that I just caused him to lose his friends. Either he loses all of his friends for dating hammy hayley, or hammy haley becomes popular for dating him. I mean, we don’t know for sure that they are dating, right?

After the 3rd period, I saw Tyler coming up to me looking insanely mad. I knew there was going to be trouble. He started screaming at me about it and how he was going to tell people himself and that it wasn’t my business to tell people. He screamed in his screeching voice “We are done! I’m not going to be friends with a person who can’t keep a secret and can’t mind their own business!” “You could’ve at least asked me first.” I tried to stop him but it was too late, he hates me now. I lost tons of friends because I lost Tyler and everyone loves him so they picked him over me. Since he’s so popular and he started hating me, everyone else did too.

The only friends I have right now are Tara, May, Kamden, and Olivia but that’s only because May and Kamden go to a different school and Olivia is my cousin. Speaking of family, my mom wasn’t happy about this at all. She had to have a conversation with me about keeping out of people’s business. I tried making up excuses but they didn’t really work. Then she said she was going to tell my dad! I couldn’t have that happen! I talked to her a little more and finally convinced her to not tell him. She said “Under one condition, you have to try not to do this type of stuff again.” That was a couple months ago though. I hope things get better soon and everyone forgives me but for now I’m known as “The girl who can’t keep a secret” or “CKAS”. I have heard some people calling me by my real name, Alison. I am excited about that, I think it is starting to get better. Until next time, bye.

Written by Emmaline Grace Mielecki

January 14, 2022 23:36

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