Fiction Mystery Science Fiction

    Location entered, satnav sorted. Off we go. Traffic’s not too busy today, should be an easy run just a steady 25 miles. What could possibly go wrong? Wow! This is such a boring nondescript route, I'm surprised I haven't fallen asleep before now. Ok, first boring set of traffic lights. Wait for the gap, don't rush it. What the hell!!

Is that a power failure? A storm? What the hell is happening? Everything’s gone dark. Ok, it's light again, off we go.

Wooah!!! What’s happened? Where am I? This isn’t my car, why am I driving something that appears to be from the 1900’s? I seem to have no control over the driving itself, as if some outside source is controlling everything. People are passing me in similar cars, the countryside and roads around look totally different. People are wearing funny clothes, but wait a minute, so am I!! How did that happen?

I pull up to the next crossroads and wait at the traffic lights once again, although by now I have no control whatsoever. What will happen next? God only knows.

The sky goes dark again. This is unreal. Lights come back on and I am flying, yes flying, but I'm still in a car. As we pass a roadside sign at breakneck speed, I notice the sign is advertising a New Years Eve party. Seems normal, right? No, it's for the year 3024!! Cars are flying all around me, but no one is crashing. It seems odd. Well, as I approach the next crossroads I’m beginning to feel bemused, scared, whatever. Some things are not right.

Sure enough, out go the lights. The car changes again this time it looks like the 1950’s judging by my clothes. Buildings look drab. It's a far cry from the previous era of flying cars and science fiction scenes. Passing people on the streets, they look as if the world owes them a living. This reeks of post war austerity and rebuilding, everything looks grimey. Not to worry, there’s a crossroads coming up soon. And we know what that brings.

Lights out  once again, this time I’m in the 1970’s. My trousers have got more flares, and even the music has changed, it's now coming from the cassette player. Heaven forbid! People around me seem more affable, having a good time laughing and joking, generally looking happy with life. Driving further on I’m already anticipating the next crossroads, but something is not right. This is just a long straight road. Maybe I’m stuck in the 1970’s forever? Just then the car stops itself, and a figure approaches me from the side of the road. He starts to speak.

“You need to wait there, mate.”

“Why? What’s the problem?”

“Someone needs to go past.”

So I wait there while someone else in a 70’s style car speeds past, then the guy tells me I can carry on. No idea what that was about. I carry on driving in my newly found era, not quite understanding what is happening.

Eventually, I arrive at a garage where a mechanic is beckoning me in. Having no idea what on earth is going on, I duly oblige and pull into the garage.

“Hop out dude,” he says. “You've got an upgrade.”

So I find myself in a sporty little number, and off I go again. Endless roads pass by, but no sign of the inevitable crossroads that I am now expecting. Mind numbingly boring roads follow on, when suddenly a car crashes into me, seemingly on purpose.

“What the hell!” I say.

“ It’s ok dude, take mine, no worries.”

Now I’m driving someone else’s car after mine was written off. I really do not know what is happening at all. After many miles, the aforementioned crossroads come into view. I mentally prepare myself for some massive change. Sure enough the car morphs itself into something which according to the billboards around appears to be from the 60’s. The Mamas and Papas are blaring out of the radio, and my mind is fuzzy like I’m on drugs. Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. Who knows? Who cares man? Like crazy, dude.

People are building everywhere along the roads, hi-rise buildings are going up one after the other. Wait a minute, what's this? A junction?

Well, this is a novelty. So now I’ve got to choose left or right? Ok, let's take left. Seems ok, for now. Now I’m thinking, should I have turned right? This seems to be a dead end, damn it. Back I go to the junction and take the right turn. All seems ok, normal roads, off we go. Where was I going by the way? Things look a lot better, there’s a crossroads coming up. Hold on to your seat belts.

Someone turned the lights off again, and hey It looks like I’m in  2012. All around are ads about the Olympics in London. Wow! This is one hell of a journey. What next?

People are passing me in their cars much faster now, they seem to be in more of a rush for a change. It’s as if everyone is in a race or something. The earlier eras seemed so sedate, but now it’s all been ramped up for some reason. I need to speed up, I’m getting left behind. Get your foot down mate!

At least the car looks pretty normal like I’m used to it for once. Hell, it’s even automatic. At least it’s not electric, that will never catch on. You’ve got more chances with flying cars. Trust me I should know.

Onward I motor, not actually knowing what my original destination was, but hey you know what? It’s been one hell of a ride. Although I am unsure as to when it might end. Now I’m getting slightly fearful. Am I doomed to drive around the eras forever? 

Just then I hear a voice booming in the background.

“Come on James, that’s enough with that game, it’s time for bed.”

May 05, 2024 16:00

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Amanda Wisdom
21:39 May 16, 2024

Hi Robert, I loved the internal dialogue of the main character describing the game they are playing (made clear at the end by the voice in the background). You had me guessing what was next!


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Thomas Wetzel
05:05 May 16, 2024

Hi Robert. I am here via the Critic's Circle to, hopefully, provide some helpful feedback. First off, good story! I believe the creativity and vision to craft a good story are paramount, and you've got that. I liked the constantly shifting time periods (with related aesthetic changes) and the denouement with the game was cool. My only substantive advice is that I think you could tighten this up grammatically to help make it a little more accessible to your readers. No big deal. Otherwise, nice work and good luck with your next story!


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Rabab Zaidi
00:34 May 12, 2024

Really enjoyed this story ! Very well written.


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