
[I sure it doesn’t contain sensitive content,but if it does please tell me]

The candle flicker in a dark mysterious way. Up and down they said. I journal my way toward the hallway. A book float above the table asking me to open it. I open the start of the book there the journal starts now.

Night 1

My family eventually moved here it for personal reasons,but I will explain why. The cops are still searching for us for we had stolen something. It was a mysterious globe. It isn’t worth much,but they stole it anyway. They told me to never touch the ball I obey their instructions. This is the only place where the cops were too afraid to look I’m surprised you came here if you reading this we would like you to stay a few friends wouldn’t hurt me. During the night we all play outside it was dangerous as we could get caught. I’m assuming you came here because you never heard of it. Before I moved here people been telling me the house is haunted and full of spooky ghosts. Ghost aren’t real at least to me. They been telling me the house have chains around the place and it like a prison. I admit none of these are real except for the prisoner part. If you go down stairs there a kitchen you will be able to find another journal tho it doesn’t belong to me. I never known where the globe is ever since I see it at the shelf I been determine to touch it. My parents hid it after it happened.

Night 2

Our parents always been watching us during the night. They’re like vampires waiting for victims to fall into their traps. In fact you are one of their victims. Kidding! Ever since they hid the globe I been more curious and more curious why have they hid it. I never dare to ask them why. I been to terrified or to nervous of their answer. They would stare at me while being silent or they would throw me into the prison cells as a punishment believe me or not it happen to me before. They told me clearly to mop the floor. I told them I would obey their instructions,but I got ahead of myself of something else. The globe. When they arrived back home I found putting the blame on my brother. Unfortunately they have cameras put around the house. They throw me into the prison cells leaving me alone and suffering till 3 days later. There I found the globe I took it with me and kept it by my side. It warm,dark,and small. The globe finally been mine.

Night 3

Ever I found the globe I barely slept on any nights and days. It kept me awake all night and day. I stare at it wondering if I should break the globe or let it go. I choose neither of these options instead I kept it with me and hide it in my pocket. My brother call my name. I came downstairs and found him staring at me. He knows I have the globe. I told him to keep his mouth shut and in return he get the globe 2 days later. He accept the deal as it was worth coins and dollars. Later on the globe told me to set them free two days later. I promise them I will set them free,but I also promise to give my brother the globe. A hard decision yet one had to be made.

Night 4

Halloween is almost here! Oh my! I had a bunch of songs to listen to. The joyful of excitement as I thought Halloween was all about treat. My parents brought me a costume I know I should be grateful for them,but I wasn’t. It not the costume I want it just a banana in a suit. The one fact it isn’t about treat nor trick. I want a costume a princess costume such as Princess Peach,Rosalina,and Daisy! It suit me the most for Halloween. Speaking of halloween the treat what I want to have was Jolly Rancher,M&Ms,and Skittles. Don’t blame me,but these candy’s are one of my kind. Have I choose to make my decision yet? Of course I had. I make both promises together! Tick Tok Tick Tok. I wait for the time to pass by.

Night 5

As my brother want it I hand it to him. He took it like it was a candy in a bag. Then smash the globe into pieces. It thank me for freeing them and soon left the house. I know I’m in big trouble,but it was all worth it in the end. Believe me or not I’m also free. My brother tattletale on me as I hid in the darkness of shadow. I took the globe pieces with me downstairs before they even found out I ever had it. My parents found me and throw me into the prison cell. I try reasoning with them,but they rejected my reasoning as they think it was a lie. I hear a voice calling to me asking me if I want to be free. I answer them of course I wanna be free. They answer me with a statement Revenge is the best serve cold I will make sure you be free forever. Thank you I cry to the voices and moments of silence they were gone.

Night 6

I sat in the prison cell waiting for my parents to set me free. Then a voice came calling me. I answer them with a respond. They told me I will be free by tomorrow but at a great risk. I accept the deal no matter how risky it is. A meal came by. No one was in the sight of it. It roll down the stairs,but somehow still balances. I took the meal and ate it. My eyes feel tired…

Night 7

I’m free I’m free I cry out in joy! It felt like my soul left my body. I stop writing this journal as I’m finally free. My parents came down to free me but they stare in shock and call the police. I had no idea why but if you reading this go outside before it too late. My parents will be here soon. This is my final message you won’t find the globe as it been shattered by me. Whatever you do don’t pick up that journal.

An interesting story I see. A radio single me and I went out before it too late.

“Did you hear that?” I heard someone said. “It sounds like a footstep.” “Whatever.” They walked away and I head into my home. Moments of silence pass by. I visit the house someday again I thought to myself. Finally my eyes closed.

October 18, 2024 15:52

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