Live Action Painting

Submitted into Contest #239 in response to: Write a story about an artist whose work has magical properties.... view prompt


Fiction Urban Fantasy Mystery

Everything feels amazing around this little art studio in this apartment. Selene was at her easel using her brush to paint what looks like little ducks in a pond. She just can’t get this certain blue right for the pond. She mixes a few colors to what seems to be the perfect shade of blue with some other blues for shading and contrasting the color. As she finishes the pond, she steps back and smiles. 

“Now you can go ahead and swim,” she says to the painting.

The ducks in the painting start waddling without ruining the scenery behind them as if it’s their own setting and hops into the pond. Unfortunately Selene wishes she could hear her paintings so she can hear how cute the ducks were swimming in their little pond. She’s glad it felt peaceful. 

“Y’know you could easily sell these, they’re beautiful,” a male’s voice called out causing Selene to startle and turn around.

“Vincent you know not to suddenly speak,” Selene sighs.

“Sorry I was just enjoying the view of the painting,” he chuckles, walking closer to her.

“Vincent,” Selene’s voice turns accusatory, knowing the real reason why he was quiet.

Vincent chuckles as he takes a quick look around the room. On the floor with painted blankets on the sides of finished and unfinished paintings, some hidden behind some smaller blankets or flipped around to face towards the wall. The only light within this room is the sunlight from the two medium size, white framed windows. Beyond the windows to peer through, is just more different apartments. It’s a cute neighborhood with various apartment buildings. 

“So why don’t you sell these? I never heard someone bring paintings to life like this,” he asked now, truly being curious.

“I don’t know,” Selene answered with all of her honesty. She loves her art and each piece that came to life. Something about letting go of each one feels like a parent saying goodbye to their child going to out of state college. 

Vincent shrugs, “Well let me know if you change your mind about even one piece since you know I know a guy–”

She interrupts, “That has an art gallery that would definitely let me put my work on display. I know.”

“How about we go out for a late lunch?” He suggested knowing he shouldn’t push further.

“You ate already though,” Selene called out knowing earlier she texted him if he wanted a burger on the way here and ate it during his drive.

“I can get more food in me, plus it can be my dinner anyway.”

“Fine, let me get changed,” she sighs, getting up from her chair and leaving the room and into the room on the first left, closing the door.

“Man, how does her job pay for a 2 bedroom,” Vincent mumbled to himself even though Selene loves her simple government job. She is an introvert compared to him.

After a few minutes, Selene had her hair in a half up ponytail, revealing her dyed purple hair underneath from her black hair that’s on top. Wearing a simple long black skirt with a cropped purple tank top.

“You do love those skits,” Vincent teased as he went ahead of her to the front door.

“It’s easy to put on,” her voice squeaked, being defensive.

“Hey it’s fine, you look good,” Vincent reassured with a chuckle as he opened the front door for her, closing behind them, and took her key to lock it.

They walked down the street to the city square, surprisingly it didn't seem that busy, so they assumed they got to the awkward time of day for customers. They entered their favorite cafe, The Coffee Galaxy. The owner, Trinity, is a good friend to Vincent and Selene since they all went to the same college together. 

Entering the cafe, the whiff of coffee hit the duo’s noses and got greeted by several “good afternoon!”

It seems like only 3 other customers are here, one on their laptop with headphones in, and two having their own conversation.

“Selene! Vincent!” Trinity’s voice calls them out at the cashier counter. “I wasn’t expecting you two to be here this late.”

“Hey we just wanted a late lunch, early dinner type of thing,” Vincent explains with a shrug.

“The usual drinks for you two?” She asks. 

“Yes and can we add some of your Star Sandwiches? Two of them?” Selene asked.

“Did you not eat?” Trinity gasps.

“I was busy painting,” Selene sighs with a sheepish smile.

“Typical Selene,” Trinity smiles at her then to Vincent. “Now you want your usual Dream Duo?”

“You know me so well,” Vincent teased.

“Oh Selene, can I pay you a commission for a painting?” Trinity asks as she brings up their total, letting Vincent pay for them.

“Oh what for?” Selene tilted her head to the side slightly.

“See that wall behind you with basically nothing there?” Trinity pointed out. 

Vincent and Selene turned around seeing the starry wallpaper but nothing hanging up there.

“I need something there so people can be like ooh and ahh y’know,” she explained. “So I thought my favorite live action artist could do that for me.”

“Oh… sure Trinity, but you don’t need to pay me. Plus I’m not sure–”

“I’ll give you free medium size drinks for a month.”

Selene flinched hearing that knowing how often she comes here even alone. “Fine.”

“Amazing! Let me get your orders ready,” She smiles and walks away.

Vincent went ahead to take their seats, but Selene couldn’t help but admire the control the power Trinity had when she could make aesthetically pleasing techniques to make coffee with her power. She would only need to tap her finger to two objects, imagine what she wants and it’ll do her job. She taps the coffee machine then two cups and suddenly coffee would flow nicely without her help or machine’s help to get into the cup. She does love her power but wishes she had something convenient like that.

A few days went by after that encounter, Selene was working on the painting for Trinity but as time went on, she felt more nervous and worried about the painting. She decided to make the galaxy for her since that is the theme of the cafe. The background and the background stars look perfect but making the actual galaxy itself is troublesome. She did look up references of what they look like, but the overthinking of if Trinity wouldn’t like her artwork stuck in her head.

She shakes her head as she tries to think positive, knowing some paintings respond to emotions and this one might be one of them. She created a black circle first for base and the thought of Trinity looking disappointed came across her mind.


Her eyes widened, feeling a sudden suction of wind pull her forward realizing her emotions transferred to the paintings and created a black hole.

She curses out loud and tries to find something to grip to hold onto, but everything in this room is sucking it in.

“NO!” she screams as she feels her body being sucked into the painting. What she didn’t realize when she got sucked in, the black hole stops, leaving it a mess for her room. 

On the other side, her eyes widen realizing she’s in the painting itself, not actual space. Her whole body was how her art style is with every stroke she would do. She is now that art, and she needs a way out.

February 29, 2024 18:30

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