Action Fraction (2010)
“That was the greatest movie ever! What’d you think Isaac?”
“Jackson Fraction was so cool! He whipped out his ruler sword and went bam! Bam! Wasn’t he the coolest Lexi?”
“I liked Lap-Lacey more!”
“Ew, of course you liked the girl character more.”
“What, scared of cooties? Maybe you should try liking girls Isaac.”
“Gross, never! Hey, where’d our moms go?”
“Oh, they’re right over there! I guess it’s almost time to go. Bye Isaac! Maybe our moms will take us to see the sequel!”
“They gotta! It needs to come out like tomorrow!”
Action Fraction 2: Addition by Subtraction (2013)
“What’d you think Isaac?”
“It was even better than the first! He had an evil twin named Quotient the whole time? So cool!”
“I don’t know… I kinda liked the first one better.”
“What?! How?”
“A lot of the movie was just like, loud noises. Plus, Lap-Lacey didn’t have much to do this time.”
“I mean, it’s Jackson Fraction’s movie! He had to be in it the most, and his evil twin too… Wait, hey, how long did your mom say you could be out again?”
“Until seven o’clock. It’s getting kind of dark now.”
“Yeah… I’ve never actually been out by myself before. Felt weird seeing a movie without my mom. How about you?”
“Yeah, same… Um… do you wanna hold hands? Because it’s a little scary…”
“Uh… yeah…”
Action Fraction 3: Divided We Fall (2017)
“Oh my God Lexi, it took forever for them to come out with a third one. What’d you think?”
“Isaac… that was the best one ever! Like, oh my God, Lap-Lacey was so cool this time! She finally gets to be the one to defeat the bad guy – and I totally called it, Extrema was evil the whole time! Wasn’t that cool?”
“Um… I don’t know, this one kind of sucked.”
“Are you serious? You love Jackson Fraction though! You’ve still got his poster up in your room!”
“Yeah but, this movie just went on and on about drama and emotions. Like, I don’t care about why Jackson and Lap-Lacey broke up! Just get to the fighting.”
“You don’t care? Isaac, Jackson flirted with Extrema right in front of Lap-Lacey!”
“That was before Extrema was revealed to be the villain-“
“That’s not an excuse to flirt with another girl. C’mon Isaac, did you leave your common sense at home?”
“Yeah, fine, Lexi, let’s just not argue.”
“But we weren’t arguing. We were just talking-”
“Can we just continue with date night? C’mon, finals week is coming up, and you know my mom is still on my ass about applying to colleges.”
“Oh… about colleges… I guess now is a good time to tell you since we just saw Action Fraction, but I kinda wanna study math in college. You know, be an engineer or something…”
“Wait, wow, that’s cool! I didn’t think you liked the movies more than I did, Lex.”
“Thanks, but… um, your first choice is actually my safety school. I think I have to go to a really good school to make it as an engineer…”
“Hey… let’s just keep going with date night. Okay?”
“Yeah, let’s not think… Can you hold my hand, Isaac?”
Action Fraction 4: The Square Root of All Evil (2019)
“Hey Lexi, you’re breaking up on your end, do you have good reception?”
“Hello, Isaac? Yeah, I can hear you now! Did you just finish the movie?”
“Yeah, I’m chilling in the theater hallway. I had to call you right away.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. I’m… I'm sorry I couldn’t make it down this weekend to see it with you.”
“Oh hey, it’s not your fault. The studio didn’t make it a summer blockbuster this time, kinda weird to release it in February.”
“I guess they didn’t have much confidence in it this time. I mean, Lap-Lacey’s actress quit the series, so it was just kind of awkward watching it this time without her…”
“Yeah, I guess… It totally would’ve been better if we could’ve watched it together on Valentine’s Day!”
“Yeah, yeah, for sure! I promise I’ll come visit you for Spring Break!”
“Nice… and, um… about Valentine’s Day… Well, it’s no big deal, but a couple of my friends wanted to go to this college speed dating thing. You know, nothing serious, it’s just kind of a joke-”
“Oh, y-yeah, I think I know what you mean.”
“Right. So, Lexi, is it alright if I go with them?”
“Um, well, yeah, just to hang out.”
“But, you know, they might want me to do it with them, so…”
“I mean, you can say no if you want, but…”
“I’m really sorry I couldn’t make it to see you for Valentine’s Day, but I’m working really hard here. And I took time out of my schedule to see this movie today because I knew it meant a lot to you. So… I don’t know Isaac. I- I- I don’t know what you’re trying to say.”
“Nothing! It’s not a big deal like I said! It’s just something fun to do on Valentine’s Day so all the single people don’t feel as lonely-“
“But you’re not single Isaac!”
“Well, it’s- I mean- Lexi! Fine! Sometimes I get really lonely because you left me! This used to be our thing, seeing these movies together, and now-“
“I- I left you? Isaac, we’re still trying to make this work! Don’t tell me seeing a stupid movie by yourself made you feel that lonely!”
“Isaac… I’m sorry… I know it’s not the movie. I’m getting lonely too sometimes… but…”
“I gotta go Lexi, people are staring at me, and you- you’re- you’re breaking up again…”
“Oh, um, okay. Bye Isa-“
Action Fraction 5: Prime (2022)
Hey Lexi! I know it’s been a while since we texted, but graduation is coming up. I just wanted to reach out and say I’m still proud of you for working hard as an engineer. And guess what? There’s a new Action Fraction coming out this summer! I was thinking since we’re graduating, we’ll both be home this summer. Maybe we could go see it together like we did when we were dating lol. Jackson Fraction isn’t getting any younger lol!
Hi Isaac! It’s good to hear from you! I’m actually part of a five-year program here, so I’m not technically graduating yet. Plus, I’ve got an internship too so I’m not moving back home just yet. But let me know how the movie is!
Yeah, I’ll text you my thoughts! Aren’t you going to see it yourself? I thought these were the movies that inspired you to be an engineer?
I’m not planning on watching it lol. I don’t think we talked much about the fourth one, but it was really bad. The franchise should’ve ended with the third one. And it was my math teacher that inspired me to be an engineer, the movies only helped a little.
Wow, I didn’t know that. Well, maybe this time I can drive up to you and see it with you! Maybe that’ll change your mind lol. I should’ve put more effort into visiting you, I know that now, so what do you think?
Idk Isaac. I’m still kind of busy and I’m really not that interested. I wouldn’t want you to spend money on a hotel either.
I mean, if you’re comfortable with it, I could stay at your place. I swear, no pressure, no funny business, I just miss you. I still tell all my friends about my genius ex-girlfriend! I mean it, I’m proud of you and I miss you.
Isaac. You were a really great friend to me growing up. But we just never had that much in common. And we’re both still so young, there’s still so many things to do and so many people for us to meet. We can’t just keep reliving our childhood with each other.
I’m sorry Lexi. I just really thought you were the one…
Action Fraction: Zero Sum (2024)
“Hey Isaac.”
“Oh… Lexi… I- I didn’t realize you were here.”
“Yeah, um, my mom told me what happened… I’m so sorry Isaac. You gave such a good eulogy you know? Your mom would be proud.”
“Hey Lexi?”
“I’m sorry if this is hard for you to hear or just embarrassing for me to say, but I took my mom to the new Action Fraction movie before she…”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. I think she knew her time was coming, and she saw that I was sad, so… she was still thinking of ways to cheer me up instead of the other way around…”
“That- that’s really special you know? You saw the new Action Fraction movie with your mom just like how you saw the first one with her.”
“Yeah… I guess I did.”
“Um… did she like it?”
“Uh, it’s kind of funny actually. She never watched the sequels like we did. But this one was a prequel, so I figured she could still enjoy it.”
“Oh, a prequel? Wow, I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah… actually, it was about Lap-Lacey. Remember her?”
“Really? Yeah, of course I do.”
“I was whispering to my mom in the theater that this was your favorite character growing up, and now they casted a younger actress to play her as a teen for the prequel, and I just kept pointing out all the little references to the other movies as they came up… not that she would’ve understood them…”
“She was happy afterwards, you know? That I still remembered you. That I wasn’t hurt as much anymore. She told me that she knew it was hard, but I was doing it.”
“Doing what?”
“Moving on.”
“I- I’m glad.”
“Yeah… kinda of embarrassing it took me like four or five years…”
“No, I- I get it…”
“Hey, I know we haven’t texted as much.”
“That’s my fault Lex-“
“No, no, it’s not that. But I’m sorry I said that we had nothing in common.”
“Oh. Um, that was years ago-“
“Yeah, um, yeah. I just… I was rereading the texts we sent to each other. I was trying to find the right thing to say to you. Then I realized I needed to see you in person to apologize.”
“No, hey, don’t do that. I know we weren’t a good couple. But it’s not like we’re back to square one. We still know each other and, you know, care…”
“Isaac… come here. Friends are still allowed to hug each other, okay?”
“Yeah… thank you Lexi… for everything… I was just so scared our relationship meant nothing to you…”
Action Fraction: Negative One (2029)
“What’d you think of the movie Isaac?”
“What’d I think? How about your daughter, what’d she think?”
“Oh, you know kids at that age don’t really think about much besides bright colors. Look at her, just running around.”
“Well, she’s pointing to the movie poster. I guess she likes Lap-Lacey as much as you do.”
“Yeah, that’s my girl. Who would’ve guessed they’d make a prequel to the prequel?”
“Yeah, it is getting a little convoluted at this point. Can’t say I blame your husband for skipping out on seeing it.”
“Oh yeah, I would’ve been lost if I hadn’t binge-watched them before this one. Hey, it’s getting dark out…”
“Oh, remember when you said that before?”
“Um, when?”
“When we were thirteen! You used it getting dark as an excuse to hold my hand. The movie came out in the summer, it couldn’t have been that dark.”
“Oh right! Well… you were scared of cooties still, so I had to come up with some excuse.”
“Yeah… it feels like forever ago… we really said, ‘I love you’ to each other at like fourteen or fifteen, huh?”
“It’s a little embarrassing, but I don’t regret it… Just don’t go falling for me again!”
“Hey now, don’t joke! Because let me tell you, spending an afternoon with you, running around, chasing a screaming child with a poopy diaper, yeah, that’s exactly what I needed to fall for you again!”
“Ha, glad you still have a sense of humor. But you sound like she’s got cooties. She’s just a kid you know. You might have one of your own someday.”
“Yeah… maybe…”
Action Fraction 6: To Infinity (2033)
“I can’t believe it… Jackson Fraction finally came back to the big screen. It’s been like ten years and he’s still…”
“Still got it?”
“Nah, I can tell he’s too old for this. But guess what Lexi? I hear they’re planning three more sequels!”
“No way! What are the puns gonna be, a ‘seven ate nine’ joke?”
“Hey, let me call up Hollywood, I’m stealing your idea.”
“Wow, Isaac, what a great friend. C’mon, you should get back home. Little piece of advice: don’t leave your pregnant wife alone for too long to spend time with an ex.”
“Ha! Well, can’t argue with that! And hey, come on, she knows we’re not like that.”
“Yeah, yeah… Do you know the sex yet? Because I swear to God if it’s a boy and you name him Jackson-“
“Actually, she’s a girl.”
“Oh! Congrats!”
“And since you didn’t think of it for yourself…”
“Oh no-“
“You get to be the godmother to our little Lacey! How’s that sound?”
“Well… I guess I’d be honored to go see the next Action Fraction with your Lacey.”
“And then the next one and the next one and the next one…”
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Made me laugh - and left me wondering what other sub-titles the franchise could come up.!
Thanks! I tried to make each movie title slightly symbolic of what was going on in their lives at the time!