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Drama Friendship

"Hey, Crystal. Do you like the cake that I gave you?" my sweet best friend asked. I smiled and I was about to answer when my mouth automatically says..

"Actually, it's not even delicious. Baking is simple but you're really bad at it, Lina."

I bit my lower lip, I was about to say that it's 'not that great but I really appreciate it'

Lina smiled but I can still see the disappointment in her eyes because of my remarks.

Lina is a sweet type of girl and also vulnerable so as much as I want to filter my word, I really can't.

"Crystal! What do you think about my boyfriend? He's handsome, right?" one of my girl classmate asked. I shrugged.

"Oh. Is he the guy that I saw earlier in the club making out with a dancer?"

Her eyes widened, she didn't expect my answer. I sharply closed my eyes because of the mean things that I just said. I feel guilty everytime I say something but it's better than to live with a life full of lies, right?

I smiled bitterly. Truth hurts but it's better to be honest because lying can kill you one day..

I'm not capable of lying but my parents are. If they would enter into a drama competition, for sure they will surely win.

"Crystal, dear. I'm gonna be off to work, honey. Do you want something?" my mother sweetly asked.

I love my parents, so much because they also showered me with their love and they will always give all the things that I want.

I shrugged and didn't answer

mommy kissed my cheeks before leaving. I pouted as I looked at my daddy who's busy with his calls.

"Daddy, why are you so busy?" I whispered, he sighed as he removed his phone at his ears.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. It's just about work, do you want to watch something?"

Months passed and I can surely tell that my parents are fighting. I was holding tightly my backpack straps as I entered their room.

"mommy, daddy.. I'm off to school."

They looked at me as they stop shouting at each other. Their brows furrowed when they saw a wound besides my lips.

"what happened, Crystal? I'm sorry honey, we're just fighting about work.." my mother worriedly asked.

I sighed. "I was bullied yesterday, mom"

"What?! Why didn't you tell us?"

I played with my fingers as I answered

"Mom is not here yesterday, dad and you're asleep when I came back home."

"Why are you bullied, honey? What's wrong?"

I bit my lower lip as I looked at them with tears in my eyes.

"I was bullied by your legal daughter, dad. She said that it's all because of me why you barely went home in their house... i-is it true, dad?"

He looked at me and I can see the guilt in his eyes while my mother remained silent.

"I'm sorry, Crystal... Me and your mother is not really married, but we love each other and I guess, it's too late to be with her because i'm already married with someone that I don't love."

I gasped. So is that the reason why their fighting?

"For years, I believed that I was your only princess, I believed that everything is perfect but here you are.. lying in my 16 years of existence. And you, mom.. why didn't you tell me the truth?!"

"I'm sorry, honey.. but your dad is not the only one who's already married.. but we choose to stay together and ran away with you, dear."

Because of that lies, i've been aware with my surroundings. It's all about lying. They lied to me so we can be happy like there's no problems but little did we know that the truth is also chasing us.

I smiled at my best friend..

"How can I hate you, dear sister if all along.. you are my best friend."

yes, it's right. She is one of my mother's beloved daughter. I want to hate her because of jealousy. I'm so jealous that she's the true child.. while i'm the forbidden one.

Five years have passed..

"Congratulations!" I greeted Crystal

She smiled widely as she looked at her wedding ring.

"Are you happy for me, sis?" she asked with a sweet smile in her face.

I smiled and honestly answered,

"No." she startled because of my answer

"sis?" she called like she's asking why.

I smiled bitterly.

"How can I be happy if I know that the man that I loved the most married my half-sister?" I bitterly asked but still smiling while suppressing my tears.

"I'm sorry.." she said and bit her lower lip.

"I loved him but he loves you and you know that but you choose to turn a blind eye and I let you but you can never hide the truth that you choose him over me.. over your sister.. over your best friend.. but here i am, still supporting you."

Three years ago, I fell in love with someone, I tell Lina about that because she said that he's not her type. But little did I know that all of those are just lies.

"Auntie! Auntie! Auntie! Do I look pretty?" my niece asked, she's lina's daughter.

"yes." I answered

"Do you love me?"

"yes" I answered

"Will you buy me barbie dolls?"

"yes" I answered

"will you give me chocolates?"

"yes" i answered

"Do I have a happy life when I grow up?"

"No." I answered and she pouted.

"But whyyyy?"

"Because there will be no happy life if you choose to be blinded by the lies, so always tell the truths, alright? It's better to hurt someone at the moment than making them suffer at the end."

"But I want a happy lifeeeee!" she insisted

I chuckled.

"In order for you to be happy, you will need to surpass all the challenges in your life and you need to untangle all the lies that will come. But if you really want a happy life, so badly then just pray for it. Solve all the problems and love someone with a purest heart."

"So if I will not have a happy life then.. a happy ending is enough, right auntie?" she said like a realization just hit her.

"Yes, if you're not happy then it means it's still not the end of it."

Always choose the truth. Because not all lies is good as you think. There's no secret that will be revealed.

January 12, 2021 17:35

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1 comment

Howard Seeley
03:11 Jan 25, 2021

Nice story, great ending. Watch the punctuation.


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