
Chapter One: The Encounter

I stand at the edge of the ballroom, my heart pounding in my chest as my eyes scan the crowd for a familiar face. The Midnight Mirage Gala is in full swing, the most prestigious event of the year, filled with New York's elite.

Glittering chandeliers cast a warm glow over the room, and the air is filled with the soft murmur of conversation and the clinking of champagne glasses. I'm here to cover the event for my investigative journalism blog, but I can only hope I don’t run into Luca Mancini.

Luca, the enigmatic CEO of EcoGen, is someone I met five years ago under circumstances I prefer to forget. Our brief but intense encounter led to the greatest joy of my life—my son, Eli.

But beyond that night, Luca has no place in my life. We never kept in touch, and I’ve built a happy life without him. Now, after all these years, the last thing I need is to see him again.

As I weave through the crowd, I focus on the task at hand. The years apart have been kind to me professionally—I’ve built a reputation as a relentless investigative journalist—and personally, I have Eli, who brings more happiness than I ever imagined possible. The memory of that night with Luca is bittersweet, but it’s only significant because of Eli.

I smooth my dress, a deep emerald green that hugs my curves, and take a deep breath. What will he think if he sees me? Will he recognize me instantly, or will I be just another face in the crowd? I feel a mix of anxiety and determination. The venue is large enough; I might be able to avoid him entirely.

The room seems to shrink as my anxiety grows. I take a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and sip it slowly, trying to calm my nerves. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a nearby mirror and force a smile. You can do this, I tell myself. You’re here for a reason.

The crowd parts, and I see him. Luca stands near the entrance, talking to a group of people. He looks almost exactly as I remember—tall, with a commanding presence, his dark hair neatly styled, and those piercing eyes that seem to see right through me. My breath catches in my throat as his gaze sweeps the room and then locks onto mine.

For a moment, everything else fades away. It’s just us, two people with a shared past and an uncertain future. His eyes widen slightly in recognition, and a slow, almost hesitant smile spreads across his face. My heart skips a beat. He remembers.

As he makes his way towards me, my mind races with a thousand thoughts. What do I say? How do I explain everything that has happened? The distance between us closes, and I know that whatever happens next, this moment may change things.

“Hello, Aurora,” he says, his voice as smooth as I remember. “It’s been a while.”

“Luca,” I reply, keeping my tone neutral, though my heart is anything but. “It has. How have you been?”

We exchange pleasantries, both of us maintaining a careful distance, the unspoken history between us like an invisible barrier. I can see the curiosity in his eyes, but neither of us mentions that night. It’s safer this way, I tell myself. Safer to keep the past buried.

“You’re here for work, I assume?” he asks, glancing at the camera slung over my shoulder.

“Yes,” I nod, forcing a smile. “Just covering the event.”

“Good,” he says, his gaze intense. “It’s always good to see you working on something you’re passionate about.”

There’s a beat of silence, and I wonder if he can hear the rapid pounding of my heart. Does he feel the same pull that I do? The same unresolved tension?

Before I can overthink it, I excuse myself to continue my rounds, feeling his eyes on my back as I walk away. I tell myself that it’s better this way, that keeping our distance is the right thing to do. But as I move through the crowd, I can’t shake the feeling that we’re both lying to ourselves.

From across the room, I see Lottie, my best friend, giving me a knowing look. She knows about Luca, about the night we shared. And from the way she glances between us, it’s clear she can see what we’re trying to deny.

I avoid her questioning gaze and focus on my work, snapping photos and taking notes. But every so often, my eyes drift back to Luca, who’s now deep in conversation with another group. His presence is a constant reminder of a past I thought I’d moved on from.

Chapter Two: Unexpected Reunion

I take another sip of champagne, trying to blend into the crowd. The gala is a sea of glittering gowns and tailored suits, but all I can think about is Luca. I tell myself I’m here for work, but my heart doesn’t seem to be listening.

I catch sight of Lottie again, and she makes her way over, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Well, well, if it isn’t the ever-elusive Aurora,” she teases. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“More like a blast from the past,” I mutter, glancing over my shoulder to see if Luca is still in sight. He’s disappeared into the throng of guests, but I can still feel his presence.

Lottie raises an eyebrow. “Ah, so you’ve seen him then. Luca Mancini, right?”

I nod, not trusting myself to say more. Lottie knows about Luca, but she doesn’t know about Eli. No one does, except for my closest family members. It’s a secret I’ve kept to protect my son and myself.

“I didn’t think you’d actually run into him,” Lottie says, her tone softening. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I say quickly, trying to convince both of us. “It’s been five years. I’ve moved on.”

“Have you?” Lottie’s gaze is penetrating, and I look away, focusing on the bubbles in my champagne. “It’s just… there’s something unresolved between you two. Anyone with eyes can see that.”

“There’s nothing to resolve,” I insist. “We had one night, Lottie. That’s all.”

Lottie sighs, clearly unconvinced, but she doesn’t push further. Instead, she loops her arm through mine. “Come on, let’s get you a refill and mingle. Maybe we’ll find someone else to distract you.”

We make our way to the bar, where I hand over my empty glass for a refill. As the bartender pours, I feel a presence beside me. I don’t need to look to know who it is. My heart speeds up, and I curse silently.

“Aurora,” Luca’s voice is smooth and warm. “We seem to keep meeting like this.”

I turn, forcing a smile. “Luca. Enjoying the gala?”

He nods, his eyes never leaving mine. “It’s a beautiful event. And you… you look stunning.”

My cheeks heat, and I can’t tell if it’s the compliment or the champagne. “Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.”

Lottie excuses herself, giving me a wink as she leaves. I’m left alone with Luca, the air between us charged with tension. I know I should walk away, but something holds me there.

“How have you been?” Luca asks, his tone genuinely curious.

“Busy,” I say with a shrug. “Work, life… you know how it is.”

He nods, understanding in his eyes. “Yes, I do.”

There’s a pause, and I find myself wanting to fill it with something—anything—but my mind is blank. Fortunately, Luca speaks first. “I’ve followed your work,” he says, surprising me. “You’ve done some incredible pieces.”

“Thank you,” I say, genuinely touched. “It means a lot.”

He smiles, and for a moment, it’s like the years haven’t passed. But then the reality of our situation crashes down on me. I can’t afford to get involved with Luca. Not again.

“I should get back to work,” I say, taking a step back. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Luca.”

Before he can respond, I turn and walk away, my heart pounding. I tell myself it’s the right thing to do, but the look in his eyes haunts me. Does he feel the same unresolved tension? Or is it just my imagination?

As I move through the crowd, I see Lottie talking to a man I recognize all too well. Tony, Luca’s friend I recognize from that night. The sight of him sets my teeth on edge. He’s the last person I want to see tonight.

I make my way over, hoping to rescue Lottie from whatever smooth line Tony is feeding her. “Lottie, there you are,” I say, slipping my arm through hers. “I need to borrow you for a moment.”

Tony’s eyes narrow slightly, but he keeps his smile. “Aurora. It’s been a while.”

“Not long enough,” I mutter under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear. Lottie glances between us, her brow furrowing.

“Tony’s trouble,” I say simply. “I don’t want you getting mixed up with him.”

Lottie frowns. “He seems nice enough.”

“Trust me,” I insist. “He’s not.”

“Aurora, what’s really going on?” Lottie asks gently. “You’ve been on edge since we got here.”

I hesitate, unsure how much to reveal. “It’s just… seeing Luca again. It brings back a lot of memories.”

Lottie’s expression softens. “Good memories?”

“Some,” I admit. “But mostly, it’s just complicated. I thought I’d moved on but being here… it’s harder than I thought.”

Lottie nods, understanding. “You know, sometimes it’s okay to let people in. Even if it’s just to clear the air.”

“I’m not sure there’s anything to clear,” I say, though I’m not entirely convinced.

Lottie doesn’t push further, instead offering me a reassuring smile. “Come on, let’s enjoy the rest of the night. Who knows what might happen?”

Chapter Three: The Revelation

The night wears on, and despite my best efforts to focus on work, my thoughts keep drifting back to Luca. I circulate through the room, taking notes and snapping photos, but my heart isn't in it. I keep an eye out for him, even though I tell myself I don't want to see him again.

Eventually, I find myself at the bar again, needing a break from the mingling. As I wait for my drink, I hear a familiar voice behind me.

“You look like you could use a stronger drink. Mind if I join you?”

I hesitate, but then nod. “Sure.”

We stand in silence for a moment, the tension between us palpable. I take a sip of my drink, trying to steady my nerves. I can feel his eyes on me, and it takes all my willpower not to look at him.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier,” Luca begins, his voice soft. “About moving on.”

I glance at him, surprised. “Oh?”

He nods. “I’ve tried to move on too. But seeing you tonight… it’s brought back a lot of feelings I thought I’d buried.”

My heart skips a beat, but I force myself to stay calm. “It’s just nostalgia, Luca. We had one night. It doesn’t mean anything now.”

He looks at me, his eyes intense. “Doesn’t it?”

I look away, not trusting myself to answer. The truth is, I don’t know what it means. All I know is that being near him stirs something deep inside me, something I’ve tried to ignore for years.

Before I can respond, a commotion at the other end of the bar draws our attention. A man is talking loudly, his hand on a woman’s arm. The woman looks uncomfortable, trying to pull away.

Luca’s expression darkens. “Excuse me for a moment.”

He strides over to the man, his posture tense. I watch as he leans in, saying something I can’t hear. The man’s eyes widen, and he quickly let's go of the woman, backing away. Luca returns, his face still hard.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, genuinely concerned.

He nods, but his jaw is clenched. “Just handling a situation.”

I place a hand on his arm, feeling the muscles tense beneath my touch. “Thank you.”

He looks down at my hand, then back up at me. “I can’t stand seeing someone in trouble.”

We drift back into the crowd, and before long, we run into Lottie and Tony again. Lottie is animated, clearly enjoying herself, while Tony looks as smug as ever. My stomach churns at the sight of him.

“Well, if it isn’t the dynamic duo,” Tony says with a smirk. “Enjoying the night?”

“Immensely,” I reply, my voice cool.

Lottie glances between us, sensing the tension. “Aurora, have you met Tony? He’s Luca’s friend.”

I nod, not trusting myself to say more. The less I have to do with Tony, the better. Luca must sense my discomfort because he steps closer to me, a protective presence at my side.

Tony’s smile falters slightly, but he quickly recovers. “Lottie and I were just about to get some fresh air. Care to join us?”

Lottie looks at me hopefully, but I shake my head. “I think I’ll stay here. I’ve had enough excitement for one night.”

Lottie’s face falls, but she nods. “Okay. I’ll catch up with you later.”

As they walk away, Luca turns to me, his expression serious. “What’s going on with you and Tony?”

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. “It’s a long story. Let’s just say he’s not my favorite person.”

Luca’s eyes darken. “If he’s bothering you—”

“He’s not,” I interrupt quickly. “I can handle him.”

He studies me for a moment, then nods. “Alright. But if you need anything, I’m here.”

I nod, appreciating the sentiment. Despite everything, Luca’s still the same protective man I remember. And it’s getting harder to keep my feelings at bay.

We find a quieter corner of the room, the noise of the gala fading into the background. Luca leans against the wall, his gaze fixed on me. “You’ve changed, Aurora. But in a good way.”

I laugh softly. “So have you.”

He smiles, but there’s a sadness in his eyes. “I’ve had to. Life doesn’t always go the way we plan.”

“No, it doesn’t,” I agree, thinking of Eli. “But sometimes, it leads us to where we’re meant to be.”

He reaches out, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “And where are you meant to be?”

The question hangs in the air, and I don’t have an answer. All I know is that being here with Luca feels right, even if it’s complicated.

“Right now, I’m here,” I say softly. “And that’s enough.”

He nods, his thumb caressing my cheek. “For now.”

Chapter Four: Hidden Truths

As the night draws to a close, Luca and I find ourselves outside on the terrace, the cool air a welcome relief from the crowded ballroom. The city lights sparkle below us, creating a romantic backdrop that only adds to the tension between us.

We stand in silence for a moment, each lost in our thoughts. I can feel Luca’s presence beside me, a comforting warmth in the chilly night.

“I’m glad we ran into each other tonight,” he says finally, breaking the silence.

“Me too,” I admit, surprising myself with my honesty.

He turns to face me, his eyes searching mine. “I know we have a lot to work through, but I’m willing to try if you are.”

I nod, my heart pounding. “I am.”

For a moment, it feels like everything is falling into place. But then I remember Eli, and the secret I’ve been keeping. The weight of it settles heavily on my shoulders.

“Luca, there’s something you need to know,” I say, my voice trembling.

He looks at me, concern in his eyes. “What is it?”

I take a deep breath, steeling myself. “I have a son. His name is Eli.”

Luca’s eyes widen, and he takes a step back. “A son?”

I nod, tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. “He’s five years old…”

The silence that follows is deafening. I can see the shock on Luca’s face, the myriad of emotions warring within him. Finally, he takes a deep breath, his expression softening. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks quietly.

“I wanted to,” I say, my voice breaking. “But then you left, and I didn’t know how to reach you. And as time went on, it just got harder and harder to tell you.”

He nods, understanding. “I wish you had told me sooner. But I understand why you didn’t.”

We stand there, the weight of my revelation hanging between us. I don’t know what this means for us, or for Eli. But for the first time, I feel a glimmer of hope in my life.

“Can I meet him?” Luca asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

I nod, a tear slipping down my cheek. “Yes. I’d like that.”

Chapter Five: A New Beginning

The following week, Luca and I meet at a park near my apartment. I watch as he and Eli play together, my heart swelling with emotion. It’s clear that Luca is a natural with children, and Eli takes to him immediately.

As I watch them, I can’t help but think about how much has changed in such a short time. The man I thought I’d never see again is now a part of my life, and our son’s life. It’s a lot to take in, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make this work.

Luca catches my eye and smiles, and I feel a warmth spread through me. For the first time in years, I feel like I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

We spend the afternoon together, laughing and playing with Eli. It’s a simple day, but it feels monumental. It’s a new beginning for all of us, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

July 18, 2024 00:26

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Joanna Beckman
23:01 Jul 24, 2024

Gina, I'm guessing this is a true story? Sweet.


Gina Schmidt
23:33 Jul 24, 2024

Hi Joanna, No, not a true story. Just my imagination. I’m glad you like it. Thank you for the feedback. Gina


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