Fiction Romance

The tea kettle whistled breaking the daze Dawn had been in, while she gazed out of her kitchen window. She truly enjoyed the variety of birds that her bird feeder attracted. She poured the boiling water through the tea strainer. She knew the tea leaves would take her on a reminiscent journey back into the past.

She looked at the Red House Finch, Black Phoebe and the American Robin. Three minutes had passed, so she poured herself a cup of tea. Dawn added the milk and two sugar cubes, just like back home. She slid a couple fingers into the handle of her beautiful teacup and started to reminisce.

No matter how much she loved her husband, of twenty-five years, she still missed Suffolk, England. Thoughts of her youth and time spent at Suffolk University absorbed her conscious. Back home she lived in a historic picturesque village

As she took small sips of her tea, she recounted the large tracts of farmland and bountiful countryside. California could never compare, but just the thought of the love of her life,her husband, Mack made her happy to be in the United States. Frequently, her morning cup of tea was her time to relish in the memories she was blessed to retain.

Dawn was a second year student, enrolled at Suffolk University. Accounting was her major. Immersed in her studies, she rarely socialize. Never had she dreamed of meeting Mack.

While she enjoyed a locally brewed beer at The Dennington Queen Pub, she ran right into Mack. He spilt his beer. Dawn was so embarrassed. She didn't even want to make eye contact while she muttered, "I'm so sorry."

Mack had not walked away or even moved. So Dawn lifted her head and couldn't believe she had bumped into an American. Not just any American, an extremely attractive member of the United States Air Force. She felt a rush of heat as she blushed. Mack just smiled.

They both returned to the tables they had been sitting at with their friends. Dawn felt Mack, as he looked at her from across the room. She was definitely interested and hoped he would ask her for a date. Mack's friends had exited the pub, while he hung back just long enough to ask Dawn if he could see her again. She happily agreed. It was a date! They had planned to meet up with each other at the Framingham Castle.

The week went by at a snail's pace, with the excitement and anticipation of their date on Saturday. Dawn couldn't wait to learn more about Mack. All week she could only think of him. This would be her first date ever. She was quite shy and had always been more of an introvert.

Dawn arrived fifteen minutes early, and Mack was already there waiting for her wearing his one-piece flight suit. She hoped the brown tea-length skirt and beige silk blouse, she had chosen, had the same effect on him as uniform had on her. They both felt slightly awkward. Mack decided to help break the silence by telling her facts about himself, in hopes she would reciprocate.

He started off saying, "I will tell you a little about myself, as long as you promise to tell me a little about yourself." Happily in a soft tone and low volume, she agreed. Mack let her know he had graduated from the Air Force Academy, that was how he was able to attain the position of a pilot. He was in the 48th Fighter Wing division. Mack was very excited this was his first deployment. "Now please tell we a bit about you", he eagerly asked.

Dawn wasn't sure how to begin, so she just started talking and hoped for the best. She had lived in the same house she was born in, on a large farm. The house and farm had been passed down for generations. Dawn desired a different life than farming. She was excited to get to go to Suffolk University. She had dreamed of becoming an accountant.

Once the ice was broken, they enjoyed exploring the Framingham Castle. They laughed and held hands for the majority of the date. Right before they went their separate ways, Mack said he had enjoyed date and requested another. This thrilled Dawn because she had really enjoyed his company.

Little did they know that this was the first of many dates. They share the love of outdoor activities. Any chance Dawn and Mack had they took long walks together. The bird watching was amazing in Suffolk. So they were always on the lookout for a Yellow Hammer, an Arctic Tern or maybe if they were lucky an Eurasian Blue Tit.

Time flew by. Days turned into months, and they shared as many as possible together. Dawn had completed her third year at college. Mack knew his deployment was nearing its end. He'd been in England for approximately a year now. The mere thought of leaving Dawn behind when he returned to the United States was sorrowful. Dawn was unaware he would be returning to California next month.

Genuinely, Mack had found his true love. He decided he wanted to ask for her hand in marriage. After he purchased a stunning engagement ring, he went to get Dawn's father's blessing. Justin, Dawn's father, was less than thrilled. The only way he would give his approval was if Dawn graduated. She only had one more year to get her Accounting Degree. Justin was heartbroken, the apple of his eye was leaving the farm and moving to America.

Mack had mixed emotions regarding Justin's response, but he understood. He proposed the week before he flew home, at The Dennington Queen Pub where they first met. Dawn was elated...until she realized they wouldn't be able to see one another for a year.

It felt like the longest year of their lives. Finally, Mack boarded the plane, he was on his way to collect his bride. It was the most ludicrous week ever. First Dawn's graduation, then their wedding, followed by the saddest part of it all...saying goodbye. Dawn had never left her village, nevermind the country.

Mack saw her enthusiasm dwindle as the fear of the future approached. He was much more worldly then her, so he tried to reassure her. Buckled into the seats on the plane, ready for takeoff. As they left Suffolk to the unknown, Dawn thought she must be crazy. Mack informed her their destination was Travis Air Force Base, which was located in Fairfield, California.

When the plane landed in the United States, Dawn realized her new life was about to begin. Twenty-five years later and she couldn't be happier. Although, she does become nostalgic when the perfect cup of Earl Grey tea was in her hand on a beautiful overcast day.

January 28, 2025 23:56

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