
It’s mine and you can’t have it. I found it first. It’s a beautiful hot sunny day in Georgia and the perfect time to get some sun. I have been feeling very magical lately and wanting to spend more time in nature. My sister searches for sone parks for us to go to but I suggested that we do something adventurous this time. Maybe go hiking or go to the mountains and camp out a little. I start to look up some ideas as well and all of the sudden a list of hiking trails pop up on Google. I then start to read up on the trails and really feel inspired to connect with nature today and enjoy the scenery. So one trail catches my attention, it is called “The Crystal Hike”. My sister shouts let’s go! I love crystals maybe we will find some along the trail. I say to her that sounds so unrealistic when do you ever find crystals on a hiking trail. She says you never know what you’ll find in nature, so we both agreed to go to “The Crystal Hike”. I jokingly say to my sister you should bring one of your crystals for good luck on not getting lost or ate up by an animal. She laughs and say or maybe we can find a Crystal on the trail, I mean look at the name there has to be some crystals or an area known for gems. I said, you’re right let’s hope we find something really cool on this trail. We began to pack our bags with water, snacks and a towel since it’s so humid today. We finally arrived at the trail and see a sign that says “you never know what you may find along the way” my sister sarcastically laughs saying I told you. We also noticed this hike has hills and we both weren’t prepared for that, there is actually the top of the hill most people go to see the astonishing views on the other side. We both are so excited because this is more adventurous than your average hiking trail in Georgia. Here we are mid way on the trail striving for the top of the hill. It’s been maybe almost 10 minutes since we’ve been walking. As we go along the trail we’ve notice a beautiful sparkling river that almost looks unreal. The bright shining sun sparkling down onto the river on this hot and humid day. We both are exhausted from the walk so we decided to take a break down by the river. As we head over to the river the sun begins to hide away from the clouds and we’ve noticed the river is still shimmering. This seems unbelievable, neither one of us had seen a river so stunning. So we sat down our bags drank some water and both stuck our hands in the river to cool off our faces. My sister noticed the water is glistening in her hands so she reaches for her phone to capture and record the beauty of this river. Assuming the river is deep she sticks her foot into the water and feels dirt beneath her, when she stood on one foot in the water she began to slowly sink so she takes her foot back out and said the dirt is incredibly soft feel it! I on the other hand wanted to see what’s in this water, is it really all glistening water? I didn’t care about the dirt because the water was so unique. I was more into finding out is the water really this glistening or is it from the sun. So I put my hands beneath the water splashing it up with my hands then all of the sudden I felt something rough. I’ve then noticed the part of the river we were on was the shallow part of the river because I began to feel dirt underneath the water as I walk even further down. I start to wonder is the river like this the whole way. As I continue to feel the river water in my hands I noticed an object that had a rough texture that I cut my hands and bled a little due to me moving my hands through the water. I really wanted to see what this was so as I place my hands on the object I was able to pick it out of the water. Here it is! A beautiful silver hematite crystal. I shockingly screamed and said look what I found! My sister comes running over and says what!? What!? What is it? Before I say a word she notices me holding something so sparkling and asked what’s that let me see. I told her I just found this in the water, you were right I found a crystal. My sister began to look amazed because she loves crystals and actually keeps a collection of her own. She says you don’t have any crystals and I’m the one who said there’s a chance we could find a Crystal and you never know what you’ll find, so let me have it I can add it to my collection. I shouted no! I found this Crystal first, it was meant for me to find and I now believe it holds a special meaning to my life. It wouldn’t be meaningful if I gave it to you because you didn’t find it, I did! This Crystal will forever be my good luck charm and I now believe miracles can happen, saying to my sister. We went back and fourth for a little over this tiny precious crystal. As hot and humid as it is outside, we are both sweaty and tired wanting to complete our mission to the top of the hill. So we finally stopped going back and fourth and I say to my sister maybe you will find something unique along the way. She agrees, but I did let her hold my Crystal. She then says but wait I want to go over into the river and see if there is another crystal, so she goes over swifting her hands through the water and finds nothing. Five minutes passed and I say can we go now it’s hot and I’m ready to complete this mission we also have to walk back down you know. Here comes my sister heading back my direction. As we head to the top of the hill we’re both so excited that I found this beautiful little crystal, we can agree that it’s our good luck stone for the day. My sister says, I hope that I Find something on this trail today but if not I’m glad you found something meaningful to you and we both laugh and continue our conversation on how it was my sister idea to come on this trail and I’m the one who found the trail and found a Crystal. Finally, we made it to the top of the hill and noticed the most beautiful views from the top of the hill. The river that we found is glistening so bright the trees are so green it looks like a view from another world. We sat and camped out a little after 10 minutes we began to head back down the hill and drive back home. My sister says if you want you can keep your Crystal with my crystals so you won’t lose it. I looked at her as if she was crazy and said do you not remember what we’ve talked about? It’s my Crystal and I will like it with my possessions and can access it whenever I like. My sister asks why are you so defensive over this Crystal, I said because it’s mine and you can’t have it, no one can and I don’t want it out of my sight, I’m afraid I’ll lose it. Well that’s why you can keep it with my crystals i shouted No! you must really want this crystal, whats makes it different from your others? Is it the way i found it after jokingly saying we wont find any? My sister said okay I see this crystal is very meaningful and I wont touch what’s yours. But I do think it’s cool how you found that Crystal so suddenly and I have to go out and buy my crystals, haha. We both laughed and hugged it out jokingly saying what's yours is yours and what’s mines is mine. Now don’t touch each other crystals without our permission sarcastically speaking. We made a bet to go on this trail again and again to bond more and wish to find magical things.

February 16, 2023 01:30

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