I woke up, today is a good day wind is still cold but bearable and there is clouds in the sky but a small ray of sunshine coming towards land.
Let me tell you about myself, where i should i start, my name is Joseph Ohaio, I am 30 years old and had been sleeping in my home for last 4 months almost if i remember right. There is a rule implemented by govt. long ago that everybody has to sleep in winters till spring because it gets terribly cold on earth it drops to -230° degree Celsius in December and January, humans can't survive in that so we go to sleep. It wasn't like this always before the disaster, It happened almost 400 years ago when because of increased pollution created my humans plants died and ecosystem collapsed because of it become cold on earth since then we have to sleep always every winter. We cannot sleep in our home beds because of cold so the Govt. gave authorities to private industries to make bed specially designed for long sleep, we call it "HiberCap" short form for Hibernation Capsule, its a one bed chamber for one person that provides oxygen enough for 4 months and spread a sleeping gas so we would not awake in between, it keeps the temperature warm for human body and safes us from outside cold. I would tell you how the world was before the disaster but I wasn't even born then but we have books in schools that tells stories about old earth, they say earth used to be so beautiful and human used to live outside there home all the time There was different seasons like Summer, winter, rainy, autumn, spring but now there is only winter but we still call it spring when we get out of sleep it sounds nice. Books say there was beautiful clouds in the sky, where there are lots of clouds now and the sun used to shine so bright we could not even see towards it but now i can see towards sun with my naked eyes because there is nothing shining just a tint of light coming enough for us to make sure its morning. Now people don't go out enough there are travelling pipes all over the city that take us to our desired destination, you can still go outside but you have be careful because sometimes there are wolfs and polar bears roaming outside for hunting since there ice age has come now they live among us Govt. try to catch them but they got smart now and it takes lots of energy to keep ourselves warm for which we have to eat some heat creating supplements that are very costly so Govt. don't care much about animals because they have to give more supplements to the hunters that will take a lot of money. There used to be birds outside as the books says, I always have wanted to know how that earth would look like and always have imagined but I will never be able to see that earth.
I have to get ready i have to get to work, the company in which i work make Heaters thats a billion dollar industry because there are no more trees to provide wood. I work there as an engineer. I am going to take sauna bath because water heaters are too costly so middle and poor class people take sauna bath, that's a cheap alternative for bathing. Today i am going to eat cereals we mostly eat cereals because there are no vegetable or fruit trees and the vegetable company made in thier labs are also costly so we eat them once in a month in between we eat noodles, drink tea, eat cereals and canned food. Like I am going to my work as i explained by travelling pipes they goes from in front of our houses and divides futher in many streams, here you have to enter numbers for the destination every destination has a DCA destination code address by which you can go there, mine company's address is gt0786346, don't think we remember all the numbers no one can do that they are pre entered in the system we just have to type the destination name we want to go. We cannot go just by typing names because the pipes are divided by numbers I don't know why. So here i go its easy just enter destination name it will select number automatically and click on go, A suction will start keep your hands cross on your chest and jump, through which you get to your destination pretty fast, I mean very fast it only takes 5.4 minutes for me to get to my company.
Here is my company, we directly get transported from home to the company inside the base facility where will get our clothes and gadgets and will be transported to the platforms on which we have to work, there are three platforms I work on second one where we get the parts and we have to attach them to machine and the machine will make heater according to design its a 5 hour job with a lunch in between we don't work more because the weather get cold after 5-6 hours and before than we have to go home because that's when curfew starts it strictly prohibited to go out after lockdown in curfew hours,
i would tell you about my work but there is nothing to talk about. Its pretty usual nothing interesting
Now i am going home, company will be sealed after everyone leaves it will reopen again tomorrow. Its again the same way to go home as we came. Here i am again at my home pretty soon the whole city will go in lockdown till tomorrow, every house will be sealed and no one would be able to leave before sunrise, the sun has gone down now maybe because there is no light any longer just the street lights. Now i will eat dinner we do that pretty soon because after the wind become so cold sometimes electricity generators go down so we won't be able to heat our dinner. Today i am going to eat noodles i just put it in owen and it will be ready in seconds after eating i will go to sleep again in my HiberCap but just till the morning not so long, it keeps working even when electricity went out because they get power from underground generators that stay away from cold wind.
Written by
Artemas Lazaro
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