Crime Suspense Teens & Young Adult

Previously on....

“We better get going unless we both want to end up in prison.” I followed Maddies lead and grabbed my skateboard. We headed back to her motorcycle and drove off. 

“What happens if we get caught?” I asked fearfully

“That's the thing Blake, We won't get caught.” She smiled, Maddie was so sweet yet she had a strange personality.

We drove to my house. I still had to clear things up with my mom, I had this secret room behind my mirror. It was cozy and secret enough that I could talk to mom there.

As I walked in the door mom stopped and looked at me completely lost. 

“Mom, I know this is crazy and that there is still a little to explain. Follow me there's a secret room behind my mirror. They can't find me there.

My mom did as I asked and followed me behind the mirror. I sat there with Maddie across from my mom. I got up and made Coffee, Moms favorite. We sat like we had never met each other. 


“Mom I know this is something you Never would expect. It's my fun way of doing things. I can't help it and maybe i'm insane maybe i'm crazy but you need to underst- 

She rushed up and hugged me. I stood there smiling, But I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking.

“Run.” My mom said

“What? Why? No ones gonna find us.”

“After you got into some trouble they searched the whole place, Long story short they found your mirror room.”

“Why didn't you say something sooner? It's not safe for me to be here.” I started out the mirror but my mom stopped me. 

“Your supplies.”

“My what?”

“Your lighters and plans. I kept them.” She said nervously.

“What?! You realize you can get into serious trouble!”

“I know but you need it, don't you?”

“Not that much! You need to give me that right now, go wash your hands and don't tell them anything.” My mom did as I said and gave me the box. She rushed downstairs and washed her hands.

I quickly got out of the mirror, and Maddie soon followed. We said our goodbyes and left. 

“I can't believe they found it '' I thought to myself I built that specifically because I thought they couldn't find it. I guess I was wrong. We hopped back on Maddie's motorcycle and drove back to her grandma's house.

“Sorry things didn't work out for you.” Maddie said with a sympathetic look.

“It's whatever, I'm used to being let down. If you expect the worst you can't be disappointed. Right?” I asked expecting her to agree.

“No. That's not right. I once tried that too but it fails every time. It's impossible to not be disappointed at some point.” Maddie looked at me worried.

“Why can't you see that life isn't a game? It's full of different things. Surprises, good and bad. We can't change things. Believe me, I've tried.”

I looked at Maddie kind of frustrated. I wasn't going to say anything, I knew when to hold my tongue.

I sat silent the rest of the ride. I wished everything went back to normal and that this would all end. To make matters worse my mom has a serious problem. She can't keep a secret. One time I snuck out of the house and she PROMISED she wouldn't tell dad.

Next day dad was so mad he could have punched the living daylights out of me. I was so done with thinking about the past. I thought about something different instead. 

My future, if I even had one. I thought about Maddie, until my thought was interrupted by another one. I remembered what the guy on the news had said. 

“We should have the pyromaniac caught by the end of next week. If not.. Well, expect to be on full lockdown. Things could get messy.”

I was hoping that wasn't true. That would mean, Airports, car dealerships,trains,buses, and all transportation would be shut down.

No one can come in and no one can leave. What about my mom? What about my dad? 

Who cares, the only one who ever really cared was my mom. My dad could die for all I cared. “Blake?” Maddie said “We should have the pyromaniac caught by the end of next week. If not.. Well, expect to be on full lockdown. Things could get messy.”

I was hoping that wasn't true. That would mean, Airports, car dealerships,trains,buses, and all transportation would be shut down.

No one can come in and no one can leave. What about my mom? What about my dad? 

Who cares, the only one who ever really cared was my mom. My dad could die for all I cared. “Blake?” Maddie said

“Yeah” I replied

“There's a bit of an issue….” 

I looked up to see a road block, who? The police. 

“Get off the vehicle with your hands in the air.” The officer shouted.

Me and Maddie had no choice but to do as he said. We got off and waited for something to happen. To my surprise the person I expected the least was there.

My dad. “What the hell?” I was scared but kind of curious.

“Boys, You are needed somewhere else, 10, 21 appleton street. They have found a murder weapon.

The officers began to leave and we were left alone. Just the look on his face said it all. He was going to let me go, despite his better nerves he knew he couldn't take me alive.

“What the hell were you thinking, boy?” My dad said angrily.

“My job, My hobby.”

He looked at me a moment and motioned to Maddie. “Who is she?”

“My friend,” I said firmly.

“Get out of here, You don't need to be in jail at this age.” He said. I just stood smirking.

“What are you waiting for? Go.” I hopped back on the motorcycle and Motioned for Maddie to follow. When she got to me she whispered in my ear.

“You're my favorite” She then walked back to her spot and took the wheel. I looked at my dad one last time.

“Good luck, Chief.” I said smiling.

Back into the unknown, not knowing what would happen next.

February 09, 2023 02:01

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