The Love of a Stranger

Submitted into Contest #23 in response to: Write a short story that takes place in a winter cabin.... view prompt



The day was December 23, 1986. Young Jennifer had just finished shopping for her nieces and nephews for Christmas and was trying to get to Ohio before the roads had gotten bad. Little did she know, she was in the middle of it. The snow was coming down hard and there was no way she was making it to her destination before midnight. Radio officials had encouraged drivers to find the nearest motel for the night until the roads cleared in the morning. Jenny still had two hours to go before making it to Ohio, she took the first exit she could find and started her drive to the nearest hotel. She saw bright lights miles ahead and followed its trail. She made her way to Whistle Lake Cabin. It was a charming two story cabin with limited space. Jenny was hoping she could get a room. She walked up to the front desk and greeted the clerk. The clerk then informed her that she had just booked the last room.

“I’ll take it!” Jenny said quickly.”

”Damn it!” A voice called out angrily. Jenny turned around abruptly.

”Sorry. This was just the last stop I could make before the roads cleared in the morning. My tanks on ‘E’ and I have no desire to sleep in the cold.”

”Sorry,” Jenny replied softly. “Wish I could help.”

”Sir, you’re more than welcomed to stay in the lobby for the night until morning. We have extra blankets in the back.” The clerk said.

”Thank you.”

Jenny was making her way to her room and she suddenly looked back at the man. His head was down in despair as if he was disappointed in himself. This made Jenny do something selfless.

“Hey!” She called out. “No need to sleep on a lumpy couch. We could share a room. Just make sure you keep your distance.”

“Got it.” he said with a smile on his face.

They both made their way up the stairs and to the room. Once they got there, there was an uncomfortable silence as they took off their winter gear. Jenny unpacked her night things and made her way to the bathroom. Still they hadn’t spoken a word but the man was admiring her from what he could see. Golden, curly, thick hair with hazel eyes. He couldn’t help but be intrigued. It was as if she was moving in slow motion like in the romance movies. The moment continued as he watched her pass by him to get to the bathroom and quickly ended as the door shut and locked behind her. He came back to reality and started to undress himself for the night. Then started to charge his phone and check his messages.

“Where are you? We’re worried.” One of the messages read and that was the only one that mattered to him.

“Had to park it for the night. Staying at a cabin until the roads clear. Be there in the morning.” He responded.

Soon after, Jenny came out the bathroom and made her way to the bed. She tied her hair up and finally broke the silence between the two roommates.

“I like sleeping on the left side. Is that okay?” Still mesmerized by her, even with little to go off of, he responded..

“Perfect. I’m all about the right side.” She nodded and plugged in her phone for the night. Ready for bed until he decided to continue with a conversation.

“Would you at least like to know who your laying next to?” He asked.

“What?” She said is disbelief.

“I mean, we’re in the same room, same bed. Sleeping centimeters away from each other. Don’t you want to at least know my name?”

“Why? Are you a serial killer?" She asked sarcastically.

He chuckled. “No. But you didn’t know that until now. We’ve been in the same room for about 20 minutes and you’re just now finding out I’m not a serial killer.”

She knew this was true but it was 12:00 in the morning and she had to drive another two hours in four hours. She didn’t feel like playing 21 questions with a stranger.

“Just tell me your name and we’ll call it a night.”

“Justin. Justin Welsh.”

“Nice to meet you, Justin. I’m Jenny.”

She had turned her head away from him to get the bed comfortable for herself. She looked back up and noticed he was still staring. She started as well. The silence between the two of them was auspicious. They both smiled and glared at each other for about 20 seconds but it felt like 20 minutes. The conversation then continued. For two people who didn’t seem to have communicative skills, the conversation lasted for about two hours. Jenny learned that Justin was a 28 year old struggling musician who loved to play the guitar. He had skipped a Christmas Eve show to be with his mother and sister for the holidays. His mother was sick with cancer and it was uncertain if she’d make it to New Years day. He learned that Jenny was 26 and was driving to be with her entire family who lived in Ohio. She had just flown in from Florida and landed in Kentucky to see some college friends and decided to drive the rest of the way. The conversation got deeper as time went on. Slowly Jenny was starting to see the attributes of Justin. The solid body he carried along with the deep blue eyes. She too was also mesmerized by him.

“This may seem straight forward,” he began to say, “but do you have a boyfriend.”

She smiled with a bright blush to her face. “I don’t. Don’t have the time.”

“Why’s that?”

"Still in school to be a surgeon. Most of my time is focused on that and keeping a steady job.”

“I admire that. Most of my time is dedicated to music and traveling. First time I’m seeing my family in three years.

“That schedule is a bit more restricted than mine then. Have to make time for the things and people we love.”

“Can we carve out time for each other?”


“Maybe it‘s just a physical thing or the fact that we spent hours talking to each other but there’s a vibe here that I don’t want to deny. I haven’t been in the moment with anyone in a long time. But with you, I can’t help but want to actually spend time with you and actually be engaged.”

she was flattered but knew they came from different worlds. However, she also wanted to make the most out of a beautiful snowy night.

“How about we take advantage of this moment. Tonight. And see how that goes.

She started to slowly take off the nightgown to reveal her soft slim body. Justin couldn’t help but stare. He then grabbed her and knew what they had both wanted. Still, he couldn’t help but ask..

"Are you sure?”

She began to kiss him ever so tenderly. That moment had so much passion. He couldn’t help but caress her body and take over. He placed her on the bed and the moment continued. It was beautiful with little brushes of aggressiveness but still perfect for the two of them.

Before they knew it, the sun came up. Cabin employees were knocking on doors to announce to the residence that the roads were clear. Jenny and Justin were cuddled up with each other. Didn’t want to make a move but knew that it was inevitable. They got up, turned to look at each other and the moment they didn’t want to ever end, was over. They stood up on their respective side of the room, fully clothed themselves and without saying a word, walked to the front desk to check out. With one more final look, they locked eyes for what they thought to be the last time. Jenny got into her car, took her keys out of her pocket and felt something strange. She took it out. It was a guitar pick. On one side said Justin’s name and on the other a number. (401)-555-6268 and in the tiniest of writing, a note that said “let’s have another moment. Justin.”

Jenny started up the car, drove away from the cabin and smiled so wide. She knew that she had the love of a stranger.

January 05, 2020 20:00

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