Historical Fiction

Raindrops were falling from the sky, and one could just glimpse

the busy street with quite a few elaborate carriages. I trotted

through a muddy narrow path, using merely the faint flickering

glow of lamp posts as navigation. My stomach growled in protest,

struggling to overcome the appealing scent of fresh baked bread

from my basket. No, I shall not, I told myself sternly, for I was only

here for the reasons nobody but I would understand as I knelt

down besides a dark hooded figure.

Dukes, duchess, baroness. By Jove, how much I used to loathe

these titles since I was a child! Eternal banquets and upper-class

parties to attend with daddy kept going on all the sweet phrases to

get on one's good side was simply pure torture. Already

uncomfortable in such heavy dresses, mummy made me to dance

and interact with those younger nobles, promising me that one of

them would be my husband in the future. Like how would I even

care? Every so often at the midnight when there were no dancing

classes or my governess in the way, I would sneak into our library in

search of some educational books to read under the candlelight. "Females don't need such high education, my lady:" one constantly insisted whenever I asked, however, I daresay I don't quite agree, so instead, I taught myself.

Baby cries echoed through the halls, I didn't want to be

inquisitive, but my curious and young heart just couldn't help it.

Noticing me peeking through the door, daddy smiled at me proudly,

"My daughter, behold Charles Burton, your baby brother!" Ever

since the moment I saw him, I found myself adoring him and we

always seemed to get along well, too. "Mummy, why ever do we

never see the people living on the street outside? Are they like us?

Or are they poor?" Mummy stiffened as she heard Charles and I

questioning. "Well, there are places we oughtn't venture to." I

refused to back down, "How so?" Mummy sighed, "You'll come to

understand it eventually."

Despite the assurance, months turned into years, while I still

struggled to comprehend the sayings. Of every single second I stared longing past the glittering river where a blurry image of

greenery and houses stood, more desperation crawled within me. I

knew I didn't belong here, the world I was living in was too small for

me. If being a duchess meant to be following every single of the

past traditions without reasons, then I shall not be one. Although I

was born in a family of nobility, which was the truth that couldn't

be changed, I was terribly tired of the non-changing life. Charles

was now already a true gentleman, knowing this, I no longer had

regrets and could entrust him the responsibility of passing down

our family. In the brittle wind of night, I made my decision. At the

moment, I could see what I could have been, my face maturing,

looking lovingly towards someone besides me, and enjoying the

peaceful life with my children along all the money given from my

parents. All the other possibilities flashed past me in a second, but

for once, I didn't waver. Hopping on my horse, I rode towards my


The countryside was everything I had imagined. In such a

pleasant morning, the warm sun shone brightly through the thick

branches and bushy leaves. Birds were chirping while butterflies

were dancing gracefully. As gentle breeze blew, flowers and sprouts

swayed ever so slightly along the melody. Thick, grayish smoke has

left the air, I inhaled deeply. However, one mustn't stay there for

too long. Using part of my money, I first purchased a small but cozy

wooden house. The first few weeks passed in a blur, and I was

incredibly busy with settling matters down. Surprisingly, I felt none

of the homesickness I expected but pure joy.

To none of my astonishment, news started to come out. I scanned

through the newspaper, Sudden Disappearance of a Young Duchess, Kidnapped? So Far No Ransom Demanded, I couldn't resist the urge to smile. Somehow the idea of me being kidnapped seemed amusing to me. Nevertheless, I wasn't that cruel to leave my family in concern nor was I prepared to return. Without much hesitation, I picked up a pen, dipped it into the ink, and started writing. There were actually so many other words I wished to say that I just couldn't bring myself to write them down. Staring at the neatly written letters, I frowned in frustration yet had no choice but to end it. As I folded the envelop carefully, I came to a conclusion of delivering it myself. For whatever purpose it may serve, I had to admit that I truly desired to see my former home one last time.

It turned out to be a poor judgement, and I found my body

refusing to turn away. The jolly memories from the past flooded

through me once again. Where ever did the previous all keen and

adventurous me disappeared to? I plopped myself down the steps

and felt tears forming in my eyes. Why torment yourself so much?

You could easily go back into the house and simply admit everything you have done. "No" I whispered to myself, feeling my voice trembling. Then it would be all over again, and I already knew that this was not the life I was seeking for. Only the next time, it would be even harder to say goodbye, to take the first step. Putting my letter into the mailbox, I ran away while trying to swallow down all the emotions I had felt, telling myself not to look back......

"Thank ye so much, ma'am." Years have passed since the young

lady took off for the daring adventures outside in the gigantic

world. Now a confident woman, she was often seen helping the

poor and raising funds for children to get a higher education.

However, she did not seek credit or commendation, for nobody

knew her true identity. Everything seemed to has changed and was

so different about her since a child, one might think, however, once

when she was walking on the street, "Katherine?" she was

addressed by someone from behind. Turning around in amazement,

that was a voice she knew so well, "Charles!' she exclaimed as they

embraced each other for the first time since years ago. In an

instant, it was as if just yesterday the two brother and sister had

played merrily together. Perhaps, people never really do change,

one just has to look deep enough, to see, to feel, the nature within

that was to forever remain the same.

August 13, 2021 15:08

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Jon R. Miller
00:50 Aug 19, 2021

You really portrayed Katherine's thoughts and feelings well! The descriptions were also well executed. I enjoyed reading this!


Evelyn Liang
09:16 Aug 19, 2021

Thank you for the comments!


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