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African American Inspirational Urban Fantasy

“Man, that was a good session today,” Rodger said to his friend Jeremy.

“Good for who?” Jeremy retorted, “I had to pull out my flames just to get you to back off.”

‘I call B.S,” Rodger interjected “you know I can’t use my element yet.”

“I know that’s why I did it,” joked Jeremy.

Rodger glared, “Just wait until I unlock my element of earth and I’m gonna rock your shit…. Pun fully intended.”

“Yeah, whatever, even if you do unlock your element, you couldn’t beat me even at full strength,” Jeremy stated a little coldly and went over to Rodger and put a hand on Rodger’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry Ro, your powers will come soon enough, He said a little apprehensively.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Rodger said as he looked up to his friend.

Jeremy was a tall boy for his age, standing at 6’2 and with skin the color of cocoa. Rodger was no stranger to being tall but was shorter than his friend at 6’0 but had him beat in the muscle department.

As the boys were finishing up their sparring session at the Mind over Matter Dojo, they decided to hit the showers with other students. The Dojo specialized in many different fighting styles and disciplines, helping the student master their aura and element.

Rodger was the first out of the showers and decided to leave the locker room. While waiting for Jeremy, he spotted his sensei speaking to another student. “Hey Sensei Koby,” Rodger shouted but neither Sensei Koby nor the student broke from their conversation. Rodger decided to get closer but decided to stop when he heard their conversation.

“I don’t know if I can do that sensei,” the student said while looking up to his Sensei, “It’s just so hard.

“I understand,” stated Sensei Koby, “but, you must remember, you can’t keep focusing on the past. If you want to become a better fighter and person, then you need to learn how to take the past and use it to pave the way for the future.”

“How do I do that?” the student asked. “Well, it starts…”

“Yo, earth to Ro, you in there bro.” Jeremy said breaking Rodger’s concentration.

“Yeah, I’m here,” he said still gathering himself, “I was just listening to Sensei Koby...”

“Ok, you ready to go, because I have a burger with my name on it waiting for me at Patty Melt,” he said dragging Rodger along.

As Rodger laid his head on his pillow to prepare for bed, he couldn’t help but think about what he overheard his sensei say. “Man, what did Sensei Koby mean by that?” He thought to himself. “Maybe he meant don’t let your past define you and take what you learned to become better? Or maybe that we aren’t always the same and our past is needed to drive us forward?” Rodger was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice that his mother had come into his room and was calling his name for the last five minutes.

“RODGER JERIMIAH JACKSON!!!!!! His mother shouted. “I know you hear me calling you!”

“Yes!!” He said as he was torn away from his thoughts.

“Man, no matter how big or tall I get she is always so scary...” He thought to himself. At 5’10 and pecan colored skin Rodger’s mother was an incredibly beautiful and intimidating woman that when she wanted too could command respect from anybody.

“Is everything ok?” The authority in her voice gone and replaced with concern.

“Yeah, mom, I’m fine I was lost in thought,” he said, still a little shaken.

“I could tell I was calling you for a while I thought you were trying to ignore me,” She chuckled, “You also had this weird look on your face,” she tried to imitate which got a laugh out of Rodger which caused her to laugh as well. After they shared a laugh, Rodger’s mom spoke again.

“Rodger, I came in here to ask you something.”

“Yeah mom?” he asked a little nervously.

“Can you watch your sister tomorrow from twelve to three?”

“Aww mom do I have too?” he asked, annoyed, “You know Brianna doesn’t listen to me. She is always doing the opposite of what I tell her to do even when you and dad are here.”

“Well, you don’t have to,” She said slyly, “but who would I pay these 150 dollars too?”

 Rodger perked up at the sound of 150 dollars.

“150 dollars?” He gasped.

“Yeah, oh well, I guess I will have to pay another teenager to watch your sister...” She said while looking at Rodger.

“I will do it,” He said begrudgingly, “but are you sure you and dad trust me?”

“Not really”, she said matter-of-factly. Rodger was taken aback by her brutal honesty. “But here is a golden opportunity for you to show your father and I how responsible you can be,” She said warmly, “Rodger, look at me, you must understand that the past is in the past. What happened will always be there and people may judge you for it, but you can either use it to learn and push forward or you can let it keep you down.” Rodger looked at his mom for a long time as he realized this is almost similar to what sensei Koby said.

“Rodger, what’s wrong with you?” she asked.

“Oh, nothing I was just thinking about something I heard today,” he confessed, “What you said sounded very similar to it...”

“Well, alright, if you are ok and there are no bugs around,” she stated irritably, “I can’t stand them things.”

“Oh well that’s too bad… there is one flying over your head,” he joked.

“WHERE!?” She jumped up and screamed. Rodger couldn’t help but laugh and wonder how a woman as terrifying as his mom could be so scared of bugs. Rodger was laughing so hard he didn’t see the hand coming in about to slap him.

“OOOOOWWW! Why did you hit…” Rodger was stopped by the glare his mother gave him. “BOY I TOLD YOU I DON’T LIKE BUGS AND YOU GONNA TRY TO PLAY ME! She said slightly angry, “YOU LUCKY I DON’T KNOCK YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD!”

“Y-you could,” he interjected quickly “… but you would knock me into next Tuesday and I won’t be able to watch Brianna.”

 “You know what,” she said cooling down with a smirk “You’re lucky you’re smart,” she said as she exited the room.

“Man, I thought she was gonna kill me,” He thought to himself, “I’m lucky she calmed down…”  With the danger avoided Rodger decided to call it a night.

“Alright Rodger, Bri, me and your father are headed out,” Rodger’s mother yelled.

“Ok,” two voices said in unison.

“Both of y’all come to the door I have something to say.”

Rodger was the first to appear then followed a young girl who was a tad bit shorter with the same complexion and a puff ball on each side of her head.

“Now, Rodger is in charge of the house while we are gone, whatever he says goes.”

“Really momma?” Brianna whined, “I hate it when he’s in charge, he’s so bossy and he always brings his friends over when y’all leave. And they are always so mean to me,” she pouted.

“Shut up!! I do not!” Rodger shot back, “And last time you threatened to kick Jeremy because he wouldn’t let you watch what you wanted.”

“I didn’t kick him though, stupid,” She interrupted, “and he ended up hitting me and I never touched him.”



“ENOUGH,” came a deep booming voice. “No one has time for you two to argue.” Rodger’s father towered over everyone at 6’6 with a commanding presence. “Now let me make something clear to both of you… that situation is squashed and done with. So, the two of you bringing it up again shouldn’t be happening. Now Rodger if you or anyone of your friends puts your hand on your sister y’all gonna answer to me.”

“Haha” Brianna said teasingly, slyly sticking her tongue out at Rodger.

“And Brianna you’re gonna listen to your brother and you will not, I repeat ,WILL NOT put your hands on anyone ,”he scolded. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Sir,” Rodger said. “Yes, daddy,” Brianna said timidly.

“As I was saying…”  Rodger’s mother said gently, “We will be gone for a few hours. We should arrive back home no later than 3:30pm. There is food in the fridge. Rodger and Brianna just nodded. “Now you take care, and we will be back soon,” she said. “Ok bye,” Rodger and Brianna said at the same time.

As soon as the door closed Rodger and Brianna stared daggers at each other. Rodger softened his gaze, “So... do you wanna watch tv or get something to eat?”

“I’m not hungry,” Brianna snapped at him while folding her arms and turning her back to him. Just as she turned her stomach growled very loudly.

“Well, it sounds like you are hungry,” Rodger teased.

“SHUT UP!” Brianna blushed, “I’m not hungry,” she continued defiantly.

“Well, I’m about to go get a burger,” he teased some more, “if you wanna come you have five minutes to get ready, if not you can have the leftovers.”

After five minutes both Rodger and Brianna left their house to walk to the nearest burger joint called Patty Melt. As they were walking down the street Rodger and Brianna walked in silence. It was a few more minutes before Rodger spoke up. “I’m sorry Bri,” he said with a twinge of anger, “I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

“I’m sorry for calling you names,” she said a little later, “Why are you friends with someone mean like Jeremy?” She asked honestly, “he’s always so rude and a meanie.”

“No, he’s not,” Rodger stared at his sister.

“Uh huh,” she met his gaze.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, “Jeremy is my boy, my best friend, we are always messing with each other.”

“Well, I don’t like him at all, she responded, “… always calling me stupid and dumb.”

“Brianna, stop your lying on Jeremy, he does not call you names,” he snapped.

 “Yeah, he does!” she exclaimed, “he does all that stuff when you’re not around like when you’re in the bathroom or when I’m alone outside and he’s waiting for you!” She started to cry. Rodger was shocked it was rare to see Brianna cry when she wasn’t in trouble.

“Bri… I’m so so sorry,” he reached in to hug her. As he hugged her, she fully sobbed in the embrace of her older brother. “Why didn’t you tell me before or mom and dad?” he asked after she was done crying. “I don’t know...” She said between breaths. After a few minutes they started walking again and reached Patty Melt.

“Do you want to eat inside or get our order to go?” He asked.

“I just want to go home.,” Bri stated. They headed inside and took a place in line. There were about 5 people in front of them.

“Ok Bri, Imma go to the bathroom real quick just stay in line and I will be right back,” he said. “Ok,” she responded. As he went to the bathroom, he thought to himself. Jeremy can’t really be doing that to her right? Naw she’s just making that up. She tells on me all the time so she would have told on Jeremy by now. Yeah, she’s lying, and I almost fell for it. Naw, next time I see Jeremy imma let him know what’s up.

As Rodger left the bathroom, he saw that Brianna wasn’t in line. He looked around the restaurant and she wasn’t in there. Oh man where is she? He started to panic. He looked everywhere in the restaurant and couldn’t find her.

“Excuse me,”  he said to the person behind the counter, “Have you seen a little girl with two puff balls and the same skin color as me around here?”

“Yes, a tall guy came in just after you went into the bathroom. He acted like he knew her, and they went right out front.” Rodger turned around and saw Brianna standing outside with Jeremy. “Thank you,” he said sounding relieved and went towards the door.

As Rodger got close to the door, he could hear Jeremy talking. “I can’t believe I gotta wait out here with this baby,” he said aggressively, “If you would have just said yes to knowing me, I wouldn’t have to wait for your brother outside. That’s why you’re stupid and no one likes you,” Jeremy said with venom. As Rodger heard those words his blood ran cold. “Shut up I’m not stupid,” she shot back. “Yes, you are,” he said unfazed by her outburst, “You’re stupid and your family doesn’t like you, especially Rodger,” He teased cruelly.

She looked up at him and started to cry, “That’s not true!” “Yeah, it is,” he shot back.

Rodger stood frozen. I can’t believe it Bri was right, he thought to himself. Jeremy is mean to her but why won’t she tell mom or dad... I gotta stop this but I don’t know if I can... I mean I could just tell him to stop but he barely listens to me. I could knock his ass out but what if he uses flames. While Rodgers’ mental war waged on, he didn’t notice the flame in Jeremy’s hand. Rodger was broken away from his thoughts due to Jeremy yelling at Brianna. “If you don’t shut up, I’m gonna burn you.” Rodger stood frozen. Man, no wonder mom dad and Bri don’t trust me I always end up doing nothing when it matters most man what am I gonna do, his thoughts racing. “Remember you can’t keep focusing on the past,” the words from Sensei Koby rang out in his head. I just need to do something he thought.

“SHUT UP!” Jeremy shouted again. “Or I will..”

“OR WHAT,” Rodger challenged with authority.

Brianna and Jeremy were shocked to see Rodger staring back at them.

“Brianna, are you ok?”

“NO”, she cried and ran over to him and sobbed in his arms. “It’s ok” he patted her head “it’s ok, big brother is here to protect you”.

“Ro thank goodness you showed up these guys were trying to kidnap…” “SHUT UP JEREMY!” Rodger snapped, “I heard and saw everything… give me one good reason why I shouldn’t lay your ass out”.

“Ro, we go way back, and you’ve known me longer than you’ve known her” Jeremey tried to cool down the situation. “I said a GOOD REASON” Rodger said with his anger rising. “Are you really gonna ruin our friendship over that brat”. With that Rodger charged in and connected with a punch to Jeremy’s jaw.

“Bri get inside and stay there” Rodger commanded.

“OK” she yelled from behind the closed door.

“Really bro this is how it’s gonna be imma burn you to ashes” Jeremy snarled. And launched at Rodger surrounded by flames. Rodger tried to avoid the flames, but Jeremy Was relentless with the punches. Rodger was stuck., he couldn’t hit Jeremy, or he would get burned and he couldn’t escape because Jeremy would build a flame wall every time Rodger would get some distance.

“This is boring Ro”, Jeremy teased “so how about we spice things up.” Jeremy raised his hands, and a large circle of fire surrounded them both. “What’s the matter Ro? All that confidence is gone now” Jeremy laughed.

Jeremy threw himself at Rodger and each blow would barely miss. As Rodger was pushed back against the ring, he felt cornered. “How does it feel?” Jeremy asked, “to know you’re gonna die before you ever get to use your element? That you’re gonna lose to me again and die in front of your sister?”  Rodger staggered, he’s right he thought to himself why did I put myself in this situation. I have nowhere to go, and I can’t defend myself because I can’t use my element. Why did I do this? “If you want to become a better fighter and person, then you need to learn how to take the past and use it to pave the way for the future” the words of sensei Koby rang through his head once more. I did it to protect my sister He thought to himself. “I DID IT TO PROTECT MY SISTER!”, he shouted.

Jeremy threw a fire ball at Rodger as he finished his battle cry. “ITS OVER RO SO GO TO HELL!” Rodger put up a hand to block it and a shield of earth came up out of the ground to protect him. Rodger looked up and realization and joy spread across his face “I CAN USE MY ELEMENT!” he shouted.

“No way…” Jeremy said in complete and utter shock.

“I can use my element,” Rodger said more calmly “…and now I’m gonna rock your shit.”

September 13, 2024 23:03

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1 comment

Chris Pye
16:09 Sep 19, 2024

Thanks for posting your story, Marcus. Heartfelt and passionate writing. I confess to being confused at the beginning (and towards the end) with the whole elements thing. Super powers? Perhaps there are references to MarveI etc that I could have got but for whatever reason were lost on me. I would like to suggest you lose the whole capitals and exclamation marks thing. They aren't really necessary and their appearance breaks the wall of the story. Better to get a sense of shouting in the text, rather than the keyboard? I'd also suggest y...


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