WHAT NOW: Part 1, Jenny

Submitted into Contest #288 in response to: Start or end your story with someone standing in the rain.... view prompt


Drama Friendship Romance

Jenny and Jake decide to take a three-day weekend and go glamping in the hills.

The first morning:

Jake sitting on the bed lacing up his tennis shoes looks at Jenny. “Hun, how about we check out the walking trails first this morning?”

Jenny sighs to herself. He knows hiking is not one of her favorite things to do because of her bad arches. “As long as it’s not a long hike. I had a long week on my feet, and I don’t think I can make it too far.”

Jake stands up and pulls Jenny into his arms. “I know Hun, we’ll make it short.” He gives her a quick kiss. “Come on, let’s get going.”

Jenny wiggles out of his embrace and walks over to the closet to grab a jacket. The weather man says it's going to get up to seventy degrees, but in the hill country that can seem pretty, cool when you’re under tree cover. “Okay, I’m ready.”

As Jake slides into the driver’s seat of Jenny’s new sports car he looks at her as he pushes the ignition button. “How about we stop and have a picnic lunch at the lake?”

Jenny isn’t surprised that he would make an offer for a nice relaxing break on their hike, knowing that would make her feel like a chump for asking for a short hike. Jenny slumps in her seat and looks out the passenger window. “Sure. No problem.” She takes a second to smile at him, then resumes gazing out the window.

The picnic by the clear blue water of the lake IS relaxing. They find a nice sunny spot; with a sandy area and large enough rocks to sit on, allowing Jenny to flick her toes in the cool water. The day goes by pleasantly enough, without any of the usual digs she normally endures from Jake. In fact, he is trying harder than she expects, after the prerequisite to her joining him on the hike.

Afterward, Jake parks the car in the clubhouse lot, jumping out with renewed vigor. “Come on, lets relax inside for a while and then see what types of games they have available.”

Jenny looks up at Jake as he opens her car door. “I’m coming. Just give me a second to gather my stuff.” She pleads as she picks up the trash, she had carried back with her after their picnic lunch.

They play foosball and air hockey which Jake wins, then he challenges Jenny to play a game of pinball. Jenny wins, and Jake laughs but walks away with his shoulders down and a pout on his face. He walks across the room to a row of large windows looking at the outside options. Jenny walks over to stand beside him, looks out the window momentarily, before making herself comfortable on a chair that overlooks the sand pit. “Hey Hun, I think I’m going for a run. I don’t guess you would want to go with me?” He asks, knowing what the answer will be.

Jen thinks it over, but after the hike and thinking about the way her feet would hurt the next day if she did, deciding against it. “No, thanks. I want to rest up for tomorrow.” Jenny stands and walks with Jake to the door of the clubhouse, kissing him goodbye when he offers.

Jenny, now at loose ends, walks around the large room checking out the games available in the rustic clubhouse. Not finding anything that grabs her attention, she slowly moves back to the large floor-to-ceiling windows to watch some other glampers playing croquet. Unsure how long she has been looking out the window, she jumps slightly when a couple walks up beside her and starts a conversation with her.

“Excuse me, forgive me for sticking my nose in where it doesn’t belong, but… I saw you walking around like you were looking for something to occupy your time.” He paused. “I’m sorry. I’m Peter, and this is my wife, Samantha.

Samantha waves a hello to Jenny “You can call me Sam.”

Peter smiles at Sam before continuing his introduction. “And this is our friend Kinder. Kinder has worked here for years, so if you need anything…” he lets the sentence trail off.

Kinder smiles the biggest, most authentic smile Jenny has ever seen. She smiles back; she can’t help herself; his smile is so infectious. It feels to Jenny like this is the first real smile she’s seen or given all day.

Jenny is always happy to meet new people, she is usually the one to introduce herself to strangers, but lately she has been feeling withdrawn. “Nice to meet you, all. And I might, need to call on you sometime, if that’s all right Kinder.” She replies.

Peter elbows, Sam and she elbows him back. “Jenny, we’re trying to find a fourth person to play a friendly game of volleyball, would you be interested?” Sam asks.

Jenny eyes the couple and their unusually smiling friend. “Sure, why not. As long as it’s a friendly game.”

Kinder speaks up for the first time in the conversation. “I only, play friendly games.” He informs her.

Jenny is partners with Kinder against Peter and Sam. They laugh often while they run for the ball, having a fun time bumping into one another and getting to know each other.

Jenny tires out after only one game and begs off from continuing for a second game. “I’m sorry, but we went hiking this morning and my feet are simply killing me. I know I’m leaving you short a player, but I really must call it quits for the day.”

Peter and Sam both speak at the same time. “Don’t be silly.”

“Of course we don’t blame you, you’ve had a long day and you’re tired.” They say with smiles that immediately turn into looks of sympathetic understanding.

Peter gives Sam a meaningful look, “Well, I’ll say it again, it was nice to meet you Jenny, and thanks for making our fourth.”

“Yeah, all that. I hope to see you later around the campfire. We’re going to go wash the sand and sweat off each other in the co-ed shower.” Sam laughs and gives Jenny a wink.

The First Evening:

Jenny joins Kinder in the main clubhouse area, talking and getting better acquainted.

Kinder sits up from his lounging position and looks at Jenny. “I don’t know why they don’t have a TV out here but, I just work here.” He smiles again, “I have one in my room, if you’re interested.” He looks at his watch. “I usually catch a couple of series’ on Friday nights.”

“Really. How late is it?” Jenny asks.

Kinder doesn’t need to look at his watch again. “It’s a quarter of seven. It looks earlier because it doesn’t get dark until around eight.” He flashes his beautiful smile again.

Jenny jumps up. “I didn’t realize it’s so late. I need to call Jake; he should be back by now.” She walks away, stops and turns back. “I’m sorry. Excuse me, I need to make this call.” With that she half-walks, half-runs out the door, leaving Kinder unsure as to what just happened.

Jenny dials Jake’s cell and listens to it ring, one, two, three, four… “Hello.” She hears the groggy voice on the other end of the line. She stares at the phone in her hand.

“Jake, where you are? I’m worried about you.” She looks at the phone screen and sees Jakes’ sleepy face. “Are you in bed?” she asks.

“Yeah, when I realized how close to our cabin I was on my jog, and how far away I was from the clubhouse, I was afraid I would wear out or it would get dark before I got back… So, I thought I would jog on over and take a nap. My nap is lasting longer than I thought it would.”

Jenny wants to hang up the phone but wants answers to her next questions. “You didn’t think to call me?” She looks at the screen again, fury in her heart and anger on her face. “You didn’t think I would worry?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think, I guess.” Jake replied with a yawn.

Jenny’s pacing is hurting her feet. Suddenly she stops and sits on one of the handmade wooden benches lining the long front porch. “You, didn’t THINK?” 

“Honey.” His face shows him still, laying in the bed. “I’m sorry. Honestly.”

Jenny about loses it. “Sorry. Your... SORRY!” She stands up and stomps her aching foot. “I’m so angry right now. I can’t even talk to you.”

“Don’t be like that, Hun.” He whines.

“I’m hanging up now. I’m going to get some dinner. I’ll be back to the cabin when, and IF, I calm down.” With that, she disconnects the call and jams her phone in her pocket, before the urge to throw it across the lawn becomes too strong.

Heading back into the clubhouse, Jenny heads over to where Kinder is talking with Peter and Sam.

“I’m so sorry, for running out like that, but my…” She took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly, “boyfriend; went for a jog before we started playing volleyball, when I realized it was this late, and he had not returned, I was worried. I wanted to call to make sure he was okay.”

Peter and Sam, looked at each other frowning, then turned to Jenny, “Is he? Okay?”

“Yeah, I guess, but he may not be when I get back to the cabin later.” Jenny laughs to cover her hurt and anger.

All this time Kinder’s face resembles a deer in headlights. “So…” begins Sam, “How about we all go grab some dinner and sit by the fire to eat?”

“Yeah,” says Peter. “That will give us time for the whole story, if you want to share Jenny, and time for you to… calm down?” He finishes, unsure if he said the right thing.

Sam glanced at Kinder touching his arm. “Wad-duh-you-say, Kinder?”

Jenny wonders what Kinder must think of her, one minute they were sitting on the couch chatting about personal stuff for close to forty-five minutes, and she hasn’t even mentioned a boyfriend once. Now, all the sudden she is so worried about him.

Jenny sneaks a sidewise look at Kinder then quickly looks back to Sam. “I guess if… Everyone, wants to.” She says hesitantly.

“Sure, if that’s what, you All, want to do.” He says looking at Jenny.

“Okay then." blurts Peter. "Let’s go get the feedbag on. They make great Bar-B-Que in the smoker by the fire outside.” Peter says, grabbing Sam’s hand and tugging her along behind him.

      As they walk out to the fire-pit, through the rain, Jenny stops; looking up into the cloudy sky, she lets the light rain wash her anger away. She then notices, one bright star poking it’s head out. To her, it looks like it’s winking at her.

      Kinder takes her hand, leading her to the tables lined with fresh bar-b-que and delicious looking side dishes and desserts.

February 07, 2025 05:27

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