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Romance Friendship Teens & Young Adult

"Are you coming tonight?" I thought of what I was doing that night. Nothing. I began responding, "No, I don't think I will" "Come on, Parker, you never want to go out with me! We have been friends for how long? Since we were four? And I think you went out with me a total of 7 times" Quinn has always been a little more extroverted than me. They were the one that always wanted to go to party's. Always wanted to go to clubs. What did I want to do? Stay at home with my cats.

I tried to think of what I should respond to that message but, before I could even begin to start typing. "Whatever, I'll be at your house in 10 minutes, be ready" I knew there was no arguing with Quinn, so i got off my sofa slouched over to my wardrobe and took some jeans and a band t-shirt out. Before I knew it there was a monotone honk outside of my college dorm.

"What are you wearing!" I looked myself up and down and then looked at them, "Clothes? I should be asking you the same question!" Quinn was in a voluptuous dress that had a deep v cut.

Suddenly I felt under dressed, "Where are we even going?" "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. We are going to a fraternity party!" They looked at me with a wide grin, and i wasn't smiling back, "Why- How did you even get invited to this?" I slouched in my seat with my arms crossed in front of my stomach. "Don't ask questions" They smiled and started the car.

After 2 minutes of uncomfortable silence, Quinn broke it, "Hey, cheer up, you'll have a great time, just stay with me." They said reassuringly. "that's what you always say Quinn, and then half way through the night you disappear! Last time I was at one of these things with you, you even forgot that I was there and started driving home! I had to call you to pick me up! You forgot me-" Quinn cut me off, "I know, I know but, this time will be different, I promise" "I promise" I mocked under my breath, "I heard that you know" "What ever" I rolled my eyes and stared out the window at the night sky.

"We're here" "Fine, let's get this over with" I stepped out of the car, only to be dragged back in, "Parker. If you think you will have a bad time, you will. You're basically asking for it to happen. So we are going to go out there and have a god damn good time, got it!" I was set back by their sudden out burst in...Encouragement?

I slowly walked behind Quinn, not taking my eye off of their forest green dyed hair. They were shorter than me so it wasn't that hard but, you know what was difficult? Trying not to feel insecure when I know all eyes are on me.

I have struggled with social anxiety ever since the 6th grade. It's getting better but, it's still there. A looming cloud over my field of being.

"Parker, I'm going to go get a drink, do you want anything?" "A water would be nice, thanks" Quinn walked away to the refreshment table, leaving me stranded in the fraternity house's living room.

"Hey! What's up, carrot top?" I looked over to see a guy giving me a high five. Damn it. I was to late, he lowered his hand already. Social interaction failed. Bye, Quinn. See you in the next life. Wait, he asked me a question. What was it again? Oh, yes, "Oh nothing much, the ceiling I guess" I let out an awkward laugh, thankfully he laughed at my attempt at a joke. "So, who are you here with?" "My friend, Quinn, I don't really now how they got invited to this party but, she dragged me along." "Oh! Quinn, I know them, they are in my psychology class! They are so funny, I guess you two, both share the same sense of humor? Since you're friends and all?" "Yeah, we've been friends for a while" Quinn walked back to where we were standing with two drinks in their hands, "Oh, hey, Spencer, haven't seen you in a hot minute!" "Yeah, I was just talking, to your friend, uh, sorry I didn't catch your name" "Parker" I smiled, "Yes, Parker, it was a pleasure meeting you but, I have to bounce, see you later Parker" Spencer gave me a wink and jogged out of the room. Quinn slowly turned to me and gave me a nudge, "So... what do you think of Spencer" "He's...okay, I guess" I struggled not to smile, "Just okay! Parker did you not see he winked at you! He winked at you! You Parker!" "Quinn, Quinn! Calm down, it probably wasn't that deep. It was probably just a 'see ya later alligator wink' right?" The more I thought about the more I realized that it probably wasn't just a little wink.

The night went on of me hanging around Quinn, and every now and then I chip in with some words that didn't really add anything to the conversation. Out of the corner of my eye I see spencer, leaning on a wall with his phone again. For the first time in forever, I am the one who is breaking off from Quinn. I walk over to Spencer, "Hello, What's up?" I asked like he did for me last time. "Nothing much, the ceiling I guess" We both chuckled, "Also I've been meaning to ask what is that band on your shirt? I know I've seen around before but, I forget where." "Oh, it's this band called Lemon Demon, they have really good music" "Yes! Lemon Demon, I've heard one of their songs before, I believe it was called Cabinet Man" I noticed that I was smiling unusually wide, for a conversation about a band, "yeah, I really like that one" "Yeah," "Yeah" Spencer took one big gulp and without any shame, "Can, I have your number?" Maybe, just maybe this party wasn't so bad as I thought it was going to be. "Sure!"

July 28, 2021 22:05

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1 comment

Alice Richardson
01:34 Aug 03, 2021

A nice story. Easy to read and understand. Perhaps you could bring in a few more paragraph breaks. Sometimes with two people having a conversation in one long paragraph can get a bit confusing as to who is actually speaking.


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