Sent To A Boarding School

Submitted into Contest #64 in response to: Write about someone who’s been sent to boarding school.... view prompt


High School Teens & Young Adult Middle School


At the end of my primary school education, my father announced his intention to send me to a boarding school for my secondary school education. All my classmates used to scare life out of me when they mention things that happen in a boarding school. I said vehemently that I will attend a day school my father has been dreaming of a boarding school. For me, my father has a habit of talking to his family early in the morning. At five O’clock, he would wake us up if there is an important issue to address. We have just finished our first school leaving certificate when my father called the usual family meeting. The upward movement of my education was the focus.

           I am from the eastern part of the country Nigeria; my father announced that I would be going to a school in Rivers state. He said that the school is a boarding school; he also said that I would only come home during the holidays.

           In my mind I said, I would not go because I dare not say it to his hearing. I became Afraid. Before it was seven my temperature had raised so high, I became feverish. I remembered all the discussions we used to have during our long break about day schools. I said in my heart, so I would be spending all my time in school. The stress will be too much, I would also be missing out on home life; I will no longer participate in ‘Tales by Moon Light’. All the boarding house rules are too much for me, no more free time, I was dismayed. Before the resumption date, my parents will look at me and

Ask ‘’why are you scared’’? Is it the board school? I would lie and say no o! If I had told my father the truth, he would have denied me of many things. My father noticed and took out time to explain his reasons for sending me to a boarding school. He highlighted the advantages of being in boarding school; he said I would have good habits such as going to bed early and getting up early, brushing at bed time, being neat and presentable, taking care of my own belongings. He told me that all these behaviors would help me to live a better life; he added that I would be courageous and have self confident, that I would be able to face any unwanted situation fearlessly and protect myself. He also said that there would be more time for fun activities and above all I would be disciplined and independent. I became confident after hearing the positive effects of going to boarding school.

On that faithful day which was September 10th 2000, I packed all my belongings my father arranged for a care to take me to Port Harcourt. My siblings were not happy; my mother was the most affected because I used to help her in her chores. The car moved, everybody waved me goodbye, I cried a little and continued my journey. At the school, I was welcomed by the matron; she took me straight to my dormitory. A prefect helped me to unpack my box, she also made me to know some of the school rules and the punishment attached to each rule if broken.

My first night in the dormitory was filled with fear, while everybody was sleeping, I could not sleep. I heard steps of someone walking around, I was terrified, and I covered my face with my blankets. Suddenly, someone shouted (sis Koi, Koi) which means a young lady that cannot be seen with naked eyes but walked about as a ghost, everyone got up from their bed and started running. We ran from one end of the dormitory to the other end. The matron heard the noise and came to order everyone to go back to bed.

My worst night mare was the five O’clock ring of the bell signaling day break and the need to dress up, and classes will begin. With time, I got used to the whole system. Sometimes I felt home sick and I would cry a little. The visiting day was what every student wailed for eagerly. I did not regret going to the boarding school because I could make my own decisions, I became disciplined; I studied hard than before because I channel all of my energy to studies.

Other fun activities helped me to develop skills in javelin and volley ball. If you ask me, I will say proudly that boarding school is better than day school.

When I finished my secondary education, I took West African Examination Certificate I came realize that the disciplines in the boarding school is worth it. For instance, cheating in an examination attracted suspension, sometimes expulsion. My classmates behaved the same way I behaved. You have to study hard so that you will not look for an easy way to pass. We were also taught integrity, honesty, humility, resilience; mediocrity was a forbidden word, whatever you want to do, do it very well. I became an epitomic of good characters, my parents were super proud of me.

My community started giving me responsibilities that they gave to adults, other parents asked their children to look at me as a role model. Many parents started sending their children to boarding schools. Neighboring villages followed our footsteps. The men in my community chose wives from girls that had been to the boarding school. At first, the fear of sending girls to the boarding school was that, they would not be killed with domestic chores but with subjects like home economics, that was taught in boarding schools, the girls came back knowing more than those that never schooled in a boarding school.

After my West African Examination Certificate, I sat for (JAMB) Joint Admission and Matriculation Board. I was given admission to study Education/History. All the discipline that I was given in the boarding school helped a lot. In tertiary institution no body forces you to read or orders you to go for lectures. It was then I knew the importance of self discipline. Making your own decisions and being organized in a way made my going to the boarding school an adventure that was worth it.

My parents could not worry about anything concerning me, they believed in the training that I have received at that boarding school. Joining cult was out of the way for me. Managing my allowance was something that I have learnt from first year in the boarding school.

Both the negative and positive experiences that I received while in the boarding school, joined together to make me the person that I am today. Being sent to a boarding school profited me.

October 23, 2020 11:07

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