We'll always be friends

Submitted into Contest #44 in response to: Write a story that starts with two characters saying goodbye.... view prompt



"Lilly if we don't leave soon we will miss our plane so get moving!" My dad shouts for the third time in the last half hour. I sigh trudging out of my empty bedroom for the last time ever.

"I don't see a problem with that." I mumble as I descend down the stairs. He sighs as well looking at me with sad eyes, they haven't looked happy since she got sick and I don't think they will ever be the same again but how could they, they mimicked mine sad, lonely and desperate. However we're not desperate for the same thing he want to get as far away from this town and I want nothing but to stay here, I couldn't just leave because he see mom in every corner of this small town. He locks the door behind us and we turn to the car to see my best friend she was tall, willow graceful, model looking fifteen year old name Grace we've been friends since the first day of elementary school we were together all the time so leaving her behind is like leaving a piece of me here too. My tears wielded up in my eyes I had to blink then away as I walked to where she was balling her eyes out. Through hiccups she give me a tight hug her tears soaking my shoulder she whales.

"I'm... I'm... going to miss you so much who am I suppose to eat with at lunch now or come with me to prom!" She looks at my dad, "please don't leave." I suck in a breath knowing it wasn't going to happen we are leaving and there is nothing we could do to stop him we are leaving. However I still glance to see him react his eyes just got redder like he was holding in his tears but he shakes his head before opening his door,

"I'll let you too say goodbye." My tears fall as I look at her once more. We stood in silence for what felt like forever when it was really only a minute before we both embrace each other once again crying till we were both messes standing on the side of the road.

"What are you crying for your fool this isn't the 1900's we can video chat every morning and night plus we can text and call and and I'll help you when prom comes we will video chat as you shop and you'll have to tell me all about it. But don't you dare get a new best friend that is my title your MY best friend okay!" I love back gripping her shoulders. Through her tears she smiles and nods.

"Same here if I hear you have a new bestie I'm flying to new York and killing you and your new friend" She tries to laugh but it came out as a weak sob. Finally we separate and I get into the back seat, dad was crying again and he hates it when I see so I thought I would give him space. He turns the music up and heads off to the only airport in town not saying a single word. We get to the airport and wait in line to check in once we get to the entry way of the plane my dad wraps his arm around me reminding me just how large he was really, he sighs his voice raspy,

"Lilly I know this move is going to be hard but you'll like NewYork and your family there are all nice people besides you always wanted to see Broadway." He tried hard to sell it but when I looked up at him he looked broken and I almost started to cry again but instead I nod I have to be his rock or he won't make it, I think to myself as I put my little arm around him.

"Your right it's be a long time since I've seen grandma and grandpa." I give him a squeeze then we settle in and with in minutes we take off to my new life.

We landed in the late night but the city was bright I had to blink to adjust my eyes. Half asleep we make our way to a cab load the trunk and head to my grandparents house. Weeks pass and living in New York is hectic day or night the air really was different than the suburbs the people meaner than a rabid dog. I.f it wasn't for Grace I would have be so lost.

"I told you. You had nothing to worry about it's not like we live in the era of notes and horses." Grace laughs as we chatted on the phone.

"Really you said it?" I laugh back into the phone.

"Whatever man so tell me is new York boys cuter than the ones here?" I shake my head.

"Not really they are about the same."

"Gurllllll!" She groans making me laugh more. Then I hear her mom in the background.

"I keep forgetting our time difference we'll talk tomorrow byeeee." I sing into the phone she mocks it back then we hang up.

Like we promised we talked every day even when we got boyfriend's and when prom came we video chatted as we shopped my cousin laughed at me as did her sister but we besties didn't care we ever tryed to match out dresses to the best we could and sent our pictures to each other.

Tget say those that can make a distance relationship work will last forever granted they probably meant the other kind not friendships but I feel like it works either way Grace will always be there for me and I her.

Ten years later...

"Lilly!" Grace my not so tiny bestie came waddling my way as I exit the gate with a large suitcase and two little feet following.

"Good Lord of grace, Grace!" I almost shout really to scold her. "We agreed that we were meeting at your house what if you went into labor your a week over due." I give her my best scowl but she just laughs and waves me and my worries away.

"I'll be to fine now let go Jeff is waiting for you all so you can come see your new house." Jeff her husband has his work cut out for him, I shake my head and sigh as I look at my husband as he reached me and our kids smiling.

"She is much more enthusiastic in person." I nod laughing.

"She is good people." I breath in the sight of my home town as we step outside a smile over came my lips. It feels as if I have finally came home.

May 29, 2020 19:01

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