
Can you keep a secret  my boss said before this crazy Mission. I was sent to Russia for the mission. The mission was to get the bombs from the Russian army. So I sneaked into the Russian army base And hid in the plane. While I was hiding in the plane I saw a guy holding a box with the bomb in So I followed him to this vehicle and hid  in the trunk of the vehicle and  when I got  out of the trunk I followed him into this big  house. So I waited until he went to the bathroom and then I took the bomb and drove away in  my car, but then I saw some guys coming in other vehicles to the big house so then I drove off the road into the  ditch by accident, and then fell into a creek and smashed my vehicle all up. You will need your muffler fixed and the grill replaced, said Max the mechanic at Krypton Motor's.  Just then Max ran to pump gas for two men in a Lime-green Ferrari. They walked behind the garage so I followed to see what they were doing, all I was able to make out from what they were saying was ‘Do you have the detonator ready?’ Then they walked to their Ferrari and exchanged briefcases. Could this be the same bomb as the one in my mission I wondered. When the two men went into the garage to pay I pretended to admire the car and I dropped a tracker in the back seat, just then the two men walked out of the garage, so I quickly hurried back into the garage,so that they wouldn't suspect anything. Just then I saw one  of the men drop something out of the corner of my eye, so I ran over to see what it was and it was a key that said 133 25th street on it. I quickly grabbed the key and shoved it in my pocket and I ran across the street. I was on 21st street so I ran to 22nd which there was a sport shop so I quickly ran into the store and purched a bike and was on my way to 23 street when I saw the lime green Ferrari, I decided to go through a shortcut I knew which took me to 24th street and I continued on my way to 25th street and found the house that had 133 on it and I noticed that the lime green Ferrari was parked in the driveway, and the two men from the garage was outside and looked frustrated. I waited in a bush until the two men left which was not a very long time. When they left I ran to the house and made sure that nobody was inside still. I used the key to open the door and the house was very messy. Inside I decided to look around there was a strange amount of empty fertilizer containers. I went into the bedroom where there was a desk  with a bunch of diesel fuel receipts and also a receipt for 10 plastic barrels on it. I went into the kitchen and something on the counter caught my eye so I walked over to the counter and there were a bunch gambling studs from the local race track. Thinking back I remember seeing a flyer for the 50th anniversary for the race track and that the whole city council and the state governor will be there on August 5th. I decided to go up the  staircase  where there was a room locked, so I went downstairs to look for the key. I started with the desk drawer in the bedroom where I found a receipt for a rental unit and a rental van but no key. Next I went to search the kitchen drawers where I found a bunch of fake I.Ds and fake passports all for the same guy ‘There's no way this guy has this many jobs and still has time to travel.’ I thought to myself. With all these receipts and material I knew these guys were up to no good. I decided to go get the rental unit receipt to see if there was an address on it. The address was 16 Copford road West. I guess that's my next stop I said to myself.  I got a piece of paper to write the address on. Just then I heard the door unlock. I panicked so I hid under the bed and that is when I saw  a key ‘Could this be the key for the locked room upstairs or was for the rental unit’ I thought to myself.  Then the person who was in the house came into the bedroom and took something off the desk. What could he have taken? Then another person came into the bedroom and started to argue with the first person that was in the room. I recognised the voice I thought for a bit and then it came to me these guys are the two men from the garage, the ones who drove the lime green Ferrari.  All I was able to make out from what they were saying was ‘August 5 at 12:30’ and also something about tires. My Russian was not very good so I didn’t understand it very well. Then one of the two men noticed the key on the ground and picked it up and asked the other man ‘what to do with it’ the second man replied saying ’Put it on the desk.’ This was in english. Then they left the room going up stairs. This is my chance to leave I thought so I quickly but quietly left the room grabbing the key off the desk and the paper that I wrote the address on. Then I was almost to the door when I heard the two men coming down the stairs so I quickly opened the door and the two men heard the door open and they started to run down the stairs I ran down the steps and the two men followed me I felt something touch my shoulder and tried to stop my but I kept running then Max the guy from the garage pulled up in his car and quickly got out of car and came running towards me………………... 

To Be Continued  

August 20, 2020 18:15

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