Portal to a renewed friendship

Submitted into Contest #275 in response to: Start your story with a character being led somewhere by a black cat.... view prompt

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Fiction Mystery Friendship

I followed the cat for about five hours? I don't really know. There was something about it. I had to follow. The moment I saw the cat outside my window, I simply put down the book, hurried to put on my shoes, and went out. And in response, it led me somewhere. I knew where, but I couldn't remember. It has the answers, for sure.

I started on the street of my house, and now I’m nowhere, like a fool following the cat, but something inside me just won't let go, not even my thirst and hunger. I have to keep walking. I feel that just a little more and we’ll get there. All I can think about is “What a proud cat,” it is so sure I’m coming... it hasn't even looked back once to see that I'm following him.

It's already night, and I’m rushing to keep up with the cat, its black fur becoming shinier, darker, and its walk slower, more regal. We entered a forest; I can't see anything but continue to walk. I feel where the cat is in a pitch-black darkness, branches snapping, I tripped on the ground, covered in mud but have to keep the pace; the cold doesn’t matter. We arrived at a clearing in the forest.

The cat sat down in the middle and looked at me. I kept my distance as I stood. We looked at each other. We need to wait for dawn.

Everything is quiet; we didn't say a word, I was so hungry, I could eat a cat. Maybe one of Patrick's cat friends, I laugh to myself. Too bad cats have little meat.

His eyes shine as the sun begins to rise, mist envelops us, all that can be heard is my quick breathing from the long journey. I’m not an honest person or nice; I definitely don’t care about social conventions, so I don’t mind eating a cat, funny thing is I only have beliefs as long as it’s beneficial to me. Despite all of that - I will certainly know when my best friend is standing outside my window. I knew he needed me.

You don’t need to be a spiritual person or believe in a higher being to feel the connections in the universe, without digging too deep – just intuition. I’m not the type of person to ask why and how and how much. It’s not interesting; It is what it is So when there are signs (and of course, when it matters to me), I listen.

Patrick needed me here; we waited for morning probably so I could see the place. Patrick remained standing. That smartass is so arrogant, he wants me to figure it out on my own.

No need for words; I go into action; it doesn’t excite me that things are being revealed to me from another world, and it’s not that fascinating that “the cat” is aware of its actions. Everyone should take life easier, hell my way of life is basically everything flows my friend. For all I know everything I was raised to think isn’t real can one day appear as VERY real, it's not like anyone was here from day 1 , why stress about it?

In the clearing of the forest, there’s nothing, just ground, a wonderful place for digging; maybe he dug something.

After 2 hours...

“Whoosh!” I put my hands on my hips out of exhaustion, I’ve been digging for a long time, and my hands, nails, face (basically everything) are full of mud. “Ugh, that's only a quarter of this place.” I look at Patrick, “Something?... A direction or a hint would be appreciated...” No response: the cat doesn’t move.

I walked towards one of the trees; it’s hot. I’ll try to find some shade, maybe take a nap. Patrick will wait if it’s so important.

I lay down under a big tree and watched the leaves moving in the wind. “What do I need to do to eat here?” All around were only strange fruits, and on one of the trees, there was a miserable bird. “Yum!” I climbed the tree, but it flew away the moment I got close. “You forgot your eggs mama!” So, I’ll cook something with the eggs or eat them as they are, depending on the sun.

I came down with three eggs; I opened one and drank its contents, and I fried the others on a hot stone. “Nice, sunny-side-up eggs in nature.” I smiled happily at Patrick, “Maybe I’ll come back here after.” I really might. my hunch tells me there's more to figure out here. dozed off under the tree.


I woke up to darkness, taking me some time to adjust the moonlight. Patrick was still standing in the same spot, his eyes glowing from the moon. I got up to work. I stretched. Okay, what’s left now? Suddenly, A thought crossed my mind that maybe Patrick is looking at something. “What are you looking at?” I moved towards Patrick and tried to follow his gaze; it seemed he was staring at the center of the clearing or the trees at its edge... There was a small bump in the ground; I wouldn’t have seen it in the daylight. The shadow it cast around made it visible; I started to feel the ground to see what was hidden beneath. “Great, we’ve found something.” I cleared the dirt from around the circle in the ground; it looked like a cover, or something that broke off. Wait, it could it be an old well that was blocked? Alright, thats the cue to open it.

I found some big stones around and started to bang off the lid; after half an hour, it was almost completely revealed. Inside the hole was darkness deeper than the outside. I threw one of the stones into the well; I didn’t hear any water splashing.

 I didn’t hear it land.

I sat next to the well resting, “What now?”

The fog thickened as the night grew late; I could only see the head of Patrick until slowly he disappeared completely. By moonlight, I could still see his silhouette. The silhouette of the cat suddenly rose into the figure of a tall, slender man. I couldn’t recognize the silhouette. He approached me, seeming to try to look inside the well. The silhouette didn’t make a sound as it bent over the well. Suddenly, the figure straightened up. It leaned its head towards me (bowed?) and walked backwards. Back to where the cat was. It continued backward into the woods, still facing me; underneath it, I saw that the silhouette of the cat had returned to its spot, looking at me as well. The figure continued disappearing into the woods.

The fog began to dissipate slowly; the cat suddenly stood up, its tail up, and came towards me. “Heyy keep your distance, I might still eat you. I guess its over? What's even over? I’d love to know.”

But the cat said nothing; dawn had already risen, I looked into the well, and it was still darker than anything I had ever seen. What’s more, I could see a bit of the symbols at the beginning of the well and it's not hard to understand what went down here: “some messed-up stuff happened here.” But who am I to judge? I wonder if it was worth it.

I walked home and simply collapsed into bed. Patrick explained to me in a dream that his family used to do things in this clearing of the forest, hey even remembers his Granma teaching him to read there, legends she told him and a few tricks she thought the family, (he taught me a little as well). Turns out that he also pays the price for it, even though he wasn’t really involved .

 HOWEVER, the location of the rituals was never revealed; He used that to negotiate a deal and ask for mercy. 

Its almost 2 years since he died. Damn

Couldn't hide my satisfaction….i knew my friend needed me! people never disappear even if we die we can still get in touch, somehow …. especially if we need each other. some people would use words like "energies BLA BLA BLAWE".

He said, “You're probably wondering about A LOT …should I start with the figure you saw? Obviously they had to check out the location and verify it, who would put their faith in me ? ? "

"Anyways thank you, you helped me a lot." He said. "ill try to come visit , to help and whatever."

I replied, "Are we set on the cat shape?" he laughed, "yes that’s the portal."

"Well, since I helped you a lot, you owe me man …can you teach me more tricks? Free ones obviously ". I'll think about the pricey ones.

 "What are friends for?” he winked.

“By the way,” he said, “take a shower, it wasn’t really fog, you know?” 

November 05, 2024 20:20

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1 comment

Simon Ireson
10:03 Nov 15, 2024

Interesting narrative, especially the flow. I have to confess to finding it difficult to stay on track with the story. I appreciate the supernatural nature, but perhaps a few more full stops and longer thoughts might make it easier? Very inventive, though. I thank you for letting me read something that definitely stands out from any other style I have read.


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