Negativity Through Brodcast and Social.Medi

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



I am so tired of the news and social media site outlets trying to sell the beliefs and ideas of others as an idea and belief I should uphold. Everytime I turn on television or log onto my social media I see people going around and vandalizing places. When you victimize another or another person's property, it no longer becomes a message that needs to be heard. It becomes a crime. When you hear someone say all lives matter, it's not because they don't understand the message, it's because they are fearful and just as angered that they will or have beeen left in silence as they fall victims themselves and have fallen victims to crime and unjustified actions of others. The world trade center fell, the world came together but a whole population of Middle Eastern people whom lived in The United States and other countries were held accountable and feared going outside. The Coronavirus happened and whole population of Chinese people were held accountable in our eyes and they feared going outside. We hate and it's sad, we hate what we do not understand in another pesons perspective. Everyone is pointing fingers at someone and no one is pointing at themselves for their own behaviors. We seem to fear what we do not understand and it cripples us all. So explain your view without spewing hate or criticism, we may find what we are saying can be heard in several launages and stated differently and still hold the same message.

 Do things need to change? Sure they do. I have a half black granddaughter, well maybe, maybe according to her DNA she may be more native Indian than African American, and she really should not qualify as African American because she was born as an American as were her parents. But we group. I have family who are black, I share being a grandma with a black family. Do you think those kids see black and white? No they do not.bI am so fifty shades of white I would have to consider myself.more colored than a black person standing next to me, my arms are tan, my face is red, my legs less tan than my arms and I am speckled with freckles, (brown I may add) my breast, ass and belly would blind someone in the light. According to my DNA I have so many different cultures that it makes me as bi-racial as anyone whose ancestors are not from the United States.

Thank goodness I am not growing up in today's world with the name Karen: not to mention, blonde jokes have been a subject since I went to school and they still are, one of my grandkids is a blonde, how unfair are those jokes? Do things need to change? Sure they do, I fear for my grandkids. I fear the day my dark skinned granddaughter gets to drive on her own and is misundrstood because of the color of her skin by the wrong law enforcement officer; however, I fear for my white grandkids also that they too could become a victim of the wrong law enforcement officer. Young women who are pretty and pulled over have more of a chance at being a victim of sexual harassment although we call it getting out of a speeding ticket. Not all officers are bad, as in life we have heard the saying, "There is always one in the crowd who ruins it for everyone." With all that is going on I fear in the process that my white grandchildren will be made to feel inferior with time and as if they owe for a history of failure in changes.

 We all matter in this mess. We have been changing as a society of people since the beginning of time. In any launage or different counties and culture we all understand God and prayer. So let's keep.praying and keep faith.

 We have had women's rights. Actlvist rughts. Work place rights. The Jewish in my view paid biggest price while the.people in their community stood back and let it happen because they were blinded by their own government. Syria has had to fight for their rights and they still have people living along the border in tents waiting to get refuge. Irish people fought the potato famine or also known as the great hunger. 

 Look around you. There are problems everywhere. But what is the ultimate goal? How can we make change when people no longer matter to each other? How can we make change when we destroy what we are all living for?

 Right now as small businesses owners who have been through the world's biggest pandemic should be protesting they aren't getting enough help. I would be furious as most of them have already taken huge financial losses, then they have to be vandalized, looted, burned while looking at all the rioters who want to bring misery to a peaceful message and think to themselves why in the world did the government give you rioters stimulous checks? Why did someone give those people destroying cities money to help them with when the small businesses owners have to clean up after them? Hell they can't even have 100% capacity in their businesses right now, yet the streets they run their businesses on are at 100% capacity. We still have people on unemployment. Insurance companies who gave people breaks during the worst pandemic and sent money back to people are now shaking their heads along with these small business people.

 Rental properties held off on rent, utility companies gave breaks. People, PEOPLE, came together during the worst pandemic and practiced more acts of kindness towards each other than I have seen in my 54 years here in earth. Donating to food pantries, donating time to make sure the elderly had food that kids had food, and that people who were hungry had food. I would rather continue to go through pandemic just to continue to see it bring people together instead of message that continues to rip people apart because some people don't understand what the message really is. We have been trying to bring a peaceful message since the time of Jesus and they were stoned, whipped and hung on crosses. Woodstock was a time I was born into, the 60's. Even their movement was faced with difficulty. They were tear gassed, beaten, and arrested for protesting. Look at history. 

 Want to.make change? Change the laws. Start with paperwork that keeps us separate. The day we are born we get a piece of paper that says White, Black, Hispanic, ect. If we are born to a country, we should be recognized as born to that country. Take identifying people off of applications. Stop identifying people by grouping people and for fuck sakes, say hello to people as your pass them. Look in the mirror today and ask yourself were you racist to anyone today? Did you thumb your nose at a person who didn't quite fit your standards of life today? Went out of your way to avoid them? Laughed at them behind their back? Gossip about them to your friend? Because if you did, the moment we do that is called being racists. Be a part of the solution instead a part of the problem. Speak up for everyone. We don't live in this world alone. We have a selection of culture and cuisines we sample everyday. Chinese food, Mexican food, ect ect ext. Have you asked yourself today why you like Chinese food? Or Mexican food? Because they work hard to bring us their traditional foods that we enjoy. Work harder at bringing the world flavor. Did you notice the people who served us the meal we ate? Or did you walk away blind and notice culture? We listen to music of all genes and learn about each other through the way a song moves us yet we can't look at each other? Want to bring people together peacefully. Bring in food and music. Bring the lessons a pandemic has taught us forward with us and "Come Together" as the Beatles and Areosmith's song says.

Shana Boulton

June 08, 2020 19:12

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