Teens & Young Adult

My fellow classmates.   Today I’m going to be making the persuasive speech about Ohio House Bill 428.   This House Bill is long and, in my opinion, ridiculous.   This House Bill states that a stripper has to be at least four feet away from any customer, must have at least 4 articles of clothing, there can be no holes in the wall where pornography is shown, and a lot of other bullshit that would put the adult entertainment industry out of business.   But, it would have to pass congress and be signed by the governor of Ohio.   This is grade A bullshit.  

      There was an article in a local free newspaper in Solon, Ohio which I was allowed to have and the front page had a woman with her breasts and vaginas covered.   They interviewed an adult dancer and she rolled her eyes and said someone’s spouse probably cheated on them with a stripper.  


    But, believe it or not, this motherfucker passed the house and the senate.   Morons.  Remember, “the opposite of progress is congress”.   So, the adult industry just ignored it.  Think of it like black people not being allowed to sit at white people’s tables.   If the customers don’t care, and the staff doesn’t care, and we’re making money, who the fuck cares?   It’s not like an undercover cop’s going to cum into this joint and arrest everyone (pun intended),   It’s like when people get married, sigh the contract, then get divorced.   So much for forever, right?   But the government contract says . . . Fuck this government or rather maybe the state of Ohio needs a good fucking.   We don’t do prostitution here.   I know that and my dancers know that.   If they do that, they’re fired.   Here’s your pink slip bitch, good luck.  

    But they serve alcohol, but they have a license to serve alcohol, they ID everyone, and their taxes are in order.   They just want to make money.   What the fuck is wrong with that?   They aren’t selling or buying illegal drugs.   And they aren’t prostituting.   They’re just dancing.   The question is how to spot an undercover cop.   That’s their question.   

     Some of them have invested in metal detectors.   Then, the undercover cop’s gun and/or handcuffs could be detected.  They also put the stupid sign up:   We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.   But the question remains if someone did come in that we didn’t want in, what would we do?   Call the cops?   Then the cops would come and they’d lose our alcohol license, their business license, and they’d all be homeless and probably prostitute themselves.   God bless America and God fuck Ohio.   That way the government would get fucked and we wouldn’t be fucked.  

     Remember, FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real or Fuck Everything and Run.   Or, if the cops do come, both.  

      So, they invested in a radio.   Not like FM/AM radio.   Like a radio to tune into what the cops are saying over the radio.  So, if they hear the cops are coming to the street they’re on, and they hear the words strippers, they scream a code word all the staff know and everyone follows the bullshit rules until the pigs leave.   Watch “Steal This Movie” to find out about the pigs.  

     Remember “Hell no, H20”?   We don’t say that.  We serve the bastards bottled water and charge them an arm and a leg.  When they protest, call the bouncer, not the cops.   Wonder what happens if the cops and the bouncer fight.   Maybe they should get a gun?   In England, the cops don’t have guns.   Fuck America.  

       They have no problem with bombs, guns, wars, but God forbid someone should get a hard on.   


     But, the people in this little shit newspapers interviewed the strippers.   Why not?   Hell, strippers are people, too.   They said,”’What?   Someone cheated on them, so they wrote this bullshit?   That’s not what the problem is.   We ain’t scared of people touching us.   No, we be scared walking back to our cars after work.   Why ain’t they get these dumb ass cops to walk us to our cars so we ain’t got to be scared?   They supposed to serve and protect, ain’t they?   That’s where we need them cops and laws.   Morons.   Why we be paying their salaries through our taxes for this bullshit?”’


      See, them strippers vote, too.   And they vote depending on what these morons be saying in the commercials.   If they be anti-porn, anti-stripper, they be voting for . . . Oh, yeah, I can use proper English.  

      And if we vote with the strippers, then the strippers will win.   They’re parents, some are single mothers, they’re paying rent, just like anyone else.   They get hungry, they use the bathroom, they’re just people.  

     They aren’t demons.   Yes, they have breasts, vaginas, and asses, but so do most women in the world.   But, the government doesn’t see that.   They see prostitutes, drug lords, criminals    But, this job was legal, mostly, until this stupid bill passed.  

    See, no one but strippers and congress  have even heard of this bill or cared.    Abortion people care about, elections, but no one gives a shit about strippers.   They’re the first thing cut from men’s budgets when budgets are tight.   But, here’s the thing, they’re not things.   They’re people.  

     They sometimes get breast implants so they’ll make more money.  But they’re just people trying to make ends meet.  

     But maybe I’ve been too preachy in my speech.   I’m a man, I’ve been to strip clubs, I’ve had lap dances and looked at porn.    Does that make me a bad person?   No, see God created men with penises, women with breasts and vaginas,?   God created heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgenders people.   Humans created clothing.  

      There was an article in a local free newspaper in Solon, Ohio which I was allowed to have and the front page had a woman with her breasts and vaginas covered.   They interviewed an adult dancer and she rolled her eyes and said someone’s spouse probably cheated on them with a stripper.  


    But, believe it or not, this motherfucker passed the house and the senate.   Morons.  Remember, “the opposite of progress is congress”.   So, the adult industry just ignored it.  Think of it like black people not being allowed to sit at white people’s tables.   If the customers don’t care, and the staff doesn’t care, and we’re making money, who the fuck cares?   It’s not like an undercover cop’s going to cum into this joint and arrest everyone (pun intended),   It’s like when people get married, sigh the contract, then get divorced.   So much for forever, right?   But the government contract says . . . Fuck this government or rather maybe the state of Ohio needs a good fucking.   We don’t do prostitution here.   I know that and my dancers know that.   If they do that, they’re fired.   Here’s your pink slip bitch, good luck.  

    But they serve alcohol, but they have a license to serve alcohol, they ID everyone, and their taxes are in order.   They just want to make money.   What the fuck is wrong with that?   They aren’t selling or buying illegal drugs.   And they aren’t prostituting.   They’re just dancing.   The question is how to spot an undercover cop.   That’s their question.   

     Some of them have invested in metal detectors.   Then, the undercover cop’s gun and/or handcuffs could be detected.  They also put the stupid sign up:   We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.   But the question remains if someone did come in that we didn’t want in, what would we do?   Call the cops?   Then the cops would come and they’d lose our alcohol license, their business license, and they’d all be homeless and probably prostitute themselves.   God bless America and God fuck Ohio.   That way the government would get fucked and we wouldn’t be fucked.  

     Remember, FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real or Fuck Everything and Run.   Or, if the cops do come, both.  

      So, they invested in a radio.   Not like FM/AM radio.   Like a radio to tune into what the cops are saying over the radio.  So, if they hear the cops are coming to the street they’re on, and they hear the words strippers, they scream a code word all the staff know and everyone follows the bullshit rules until the pigs leave.   Watch “Steal This Movie” to find out about the pigs.  

     Remember “Hell no, H20”?   We don’t say that.  We serve the bastards bottled water and charge them an arm and a leg.  When they protest, call the bouncer, not the cops.   Wonder what happens if the cops and the bouncer fight.   Maybe they should get a gun?   In England, the cops don’t have guns.   Fuck America.  

       They have no problem with bombs, guns, wars, but God forbid someone should get a hard on.   


     But, the people in this little shit newspapers interviewed the strippers.   Why not?   Hell, strippers are people, too.   They said,”’What?   Someone cheated on them, so they wrote this bullshit?   That’s not what the problem is.   We ain’t scared of people touching us.   No, we be scared walking back to our cars after work.   Why ain’t they get these dumb ass cops to walk us to our cars so we ain’t got to be scared?   They supposed to serve and protect, ain’t they?   That’s where we need them cops and laws.   Morons.   Why we be paying their salaries through our taxes for this bullshit?”’


      See, them strippers vote, too.   And they vote depending on what these morons be saying in the commercials.   If they be anti-porn, anti-stripper, they be voting for . . . Oh, yeah, I can use proper English.  

      And if we vote with the strippers, then the strippers will win.   They’re parents, some are single mothers, they’re paying rent, just like anyone else.   They get hungry, they use the bathroom, they’re just people.  

     They aren’t demons.   Yes, they have breasts, vaginas, and asses, but so do most women in the world.   But, the government doesn’t see that.   They see prostitutes, drug lords, criminals    But, this job was legal, mostly, until this stupid bill passed.  

    See, no one but strippers and congress  have even heard of this bill or cared.    Abortion people care about, elections, but no one gives a shit about strippers.   They’re the first thing cut from men’s budgets when budgets are tight.   But, here’s the thing, they’re not things.   They’re people.  

     They sometimes get breast implants so they’ll make more money.  But they’re just people trying to make ends meet.  

     But maybe I’ve been too preachy in my speech.   I’m a man, I’ve been to strip clubs, I’ve had lap dances and looked at porn.    Does that make me a bad person.  

August 16, 2024 17:52

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