Drama Fiction Sad

   So Close But Yet So Far

Suzanne Marsh


“Hurry, Ida, hurry! Isiah yelled frantically.” Ida, scrambled up the white peaked mountains. Salzburg was only a short distance; there Ida said a prayer: “dear God, please deliver us to the Swiss border safely.” Isiah, yanked Ida as they climbed further up into the Alps. They had to cross into Switzerland as soon as possible. Escaping from Auschwitz with the help of the underground; gave them a chance to live; presently, they had to evade the Gestapo, especially SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Hans von Steiger. Steiger, was not content to just kill the many he pursued; he also tortured them for any information that they might have had.

Ida and Isiah traveled by night; as they had been instructed to do, by the tall blond Pole. They carried a roll of film that the Pole told them contained pictures of Auschwitz; it was critical that the film not fall into SS hands. Ida and Isiah hid silently in a small forest; just outside of Salzburg; their next stop on their journey to freedom in Switzerland.

Ida and Isiah had no idea who the Pole was that helped them escape; he was in the underground, in Auschwitz that was all they would ever know about him. The snow began to swirl as they realized it was becoming colder. The Alps were spectacular gray with white peaks; Ida and Isiah would have thought them beautiful if they were not being pursued. The forest, they hoped would provide cover while they waited for darkness to fall.

Isiah, saw a small inn, only a few kilometers from where they stood; he hoped there would be food. He was hungry as was Ida, there was precious little food that could be smuggled in or out of Auschwitz; much less human beings. Isiah, returned from his walk:

“Ida, I have found a small inn; about four kilometers from here. Maybe we can find

food there.”

Ida, smiled her warmest smile:

“Isiah, that would be wonderful. Shall we go?”

They moved silently as they crept toward the small inn. There was a light on, they peered through the window; much to their horror there was a German ski patrol. What had they blundered into? They thought quietly. There was no where to run; they would just have to hide until the patrol left. The inn had a fire going; the ski patrol was warming themselves before they went back out on duty. Isiah whispered:

“there is a path that leads to Salzburg, we need to find that safe house now!”

Ida nodded her head in agreement. They moved quietly in the snow toward Salzburg. There was a sign that stated four kilometers to Salzburg. There was no choice, they either went or they no doubt would be caught. The inn had seemed so welcoming.

Wilhelm Spader, the proprietor of the Edelweiss Inn hated the Germans. He hated those ski patrols. He heard about round ups on the BBC radio he kept hidden behind the wall of his office. The BBC broadcasts were the only truth that was heard in Nazi occupied countries. Austria, had succumbed to Hitler in 1938; the Anschluss. The very thought of Germans in Austria was abhorrent. Wilhelm knew he could not close down the inn, he was also part of the resistance. The inn was a safe house.

Isiah, peered over his map that the Pole had given them. The safe house: ‘no’, he thought it looks as if it is the inn. The ski patrol was just leaving; Isiah grabbed Ida’s hand; dropping down to the ground, pulling her with him. He motioned for her to be completely still. The ski patrol fanned out into two directions; one toward the German border the other toward the Swiss. Isiah, and Ida remained on the snow covered ground. Their hearts beating quickly. Fear overwhelmed them.

The ski patrol left; Isiah, pulled Ida up and explained that the inn was the safe house. Ida, her dark eyes now wary:

“The inn? Where the Nazi ski patrol is? Oh Isiah, how can that be?”

“I don’t know Ida, it is what it is. I will go first, I will signal if all is well. If I do not signal; you know what to do? That film must get to England one way or another.” Ida, her dark eyes cast downward; nodded in agreement. Isiah, crept slowly toward the inn; finally he opened the back door of the inn. He stepped inside quickly; he had no time to waste.

Wilhelm heard the back door open, then close quickly. He grabbed a piece of wood just because he felt that if he had to defend himself; the wood did not shoot and kill people. Isiah, stood there shaking, afraid to even speak. Wilhelm eyed him curiously:

“How can I help you young man.”


Wilhelm, pulled him into his office:

“I thought there were to be two of you.”

“There are two of us. Ida is hiding out flat in the snow. We saw the ski patrols, then discovered

that the inn is the safe house we were supposed to go to.”

This was the last thing Wilhelm expected, he had helped get soldiers out and even a Nazi general, who was in danger of loosing his life. He had hiding places where no one would ever look but two young people; Isiah rolled up his shirt sleeve; there was the tell tale sign: 6786. Wilhelm, knew that if they were caught it would mean death to all of them. He had no choices other than to help them. Isiah, signaled Ida. She ran quickly into the inn. Wilhelm went out and covered their tracks as they warmed themselves by the fire.

Wilhelm returned at dusk; Ida and Isiah were sleeping in two large overstuffed chairs close to the fire. Wilhelm smiled, they were so young. He cleared his throat to make his presence known:

“Wake up, the ski patrol will be here shortly. I have a space under the floor where the two of

you can hide during the day. However, I must warn you that the ski patrol is here several times

a day. I have never helped Jews escape but I will not abandon either of you.”

Wilhelm led the way to a small room off of his office, he pulled up half a dozen boards. Isiah and Ida climbed down into the hole. Wilhelm said softly:

“The two of you must be perfectly still; I will make contact tonight with other resistance


He put the boards back quickly; he could hear the harsh voices of the ski patrol. Now he was in a spot, he simply hoped that the two Jews would not move. They seemed like such sweet children. Isiah, took Ida’s hand and held. They both held their breath when they heard the harsh German voices.

Wilhelm shot a side glance at the Captain. The Captain gave a quick nod. The signal that Wilhelm had guests. Captain Rupert Siegel more than once had aided Wilhelm in getting a guest over the Swiss border. Wilhelm simply bought his silence. The Captain returned shortly:

“Please tell me your guests are not the escaped prisoners from Auschwitz.”

“I won’t tell you then.”

“Are you out of your Austrian mind? Have you got any idea what the Gestapo will do to

us if they catch us? How do you know they are from Auschwitz?”

“Elementary, the young man showed me the prisoner tattoo.”

“I don’t wish to know anymore, we will have to get them out of here tomorrow night.”

The Captain was gone before Wilhelm could reply. Fear sank into every pore of his body. He hoped he read the Captain correctly. He had aided him before; they had gotten two English fliers over the Swiss border; but these were Jews. Wilhelm quickly went and removed the boards. Isiah and Ida quickly climbed into the light of the lamp.

Wilhelm sat them down:

“What is it that is so important, that you would have me risk my life and yours?”

“we were approached by a Pole in Auschwitz, he had film and pictures that must

reach the allies in Britain. This film could save thousands of lives.”

Wilhelm thought about what Isiah had just stated:

“Okay, I will take you to the Swiss border late tonight where you will cross. There are

quite a few patrols out. The Captain that usually aides me was beside himself. He

won’t do it. I think perhaps he might have went to his superior, a SS Hauptsturmfuhrer

von Steiger.”

Isiah and Ida blanched; they knew von Steiger was in hot pursuit. This was turning into a nightmare for everyone concerned.

Wilhelm, pulled on his skis, he gave both Isiah and Ida a pair. They would have to travel quickly. Wilhelm closed his eyes for a moment saying a silent prayer:

“dear God please do not allow us to be caught, these young people deserve to live.”

Just as they were leaving Wilhelm saw a black car approaching in the snow. He motioned Isiah and Ida to move quickly into the trees. They hid there and watched as a tall SS Hauptsturmfuhrer clambered out accompanied by the Captain. Wilhelm, knew then he had been betrayed. He motioned for Isiah and Ida to follow him. Four days later they crossed into Switzerland. Isiah and Ida were flown to England. Wilhelm decided to leave Austria; he would start a new inn.

Posted Jan 20, 2022

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