
I can feel the sun shining on my face before I even open my eyes.  I know its going to be a beautiful day but I savor the morning warmth for a few extra minutes.  I open my eyes when I hear Spencer walk in and I can’t suppress a grin.  He has a tray with breakfast, some orange juice and a vase with a flower he must have picked from the front yard  this morning.  What a swell guy.  

“You didn’t have to bring me breakfast in bed,” I say, sitting up on the pillows and grabbing the tray. 

“I know I didn’t, but you looked so peaceful this morning I wanted to allow you to sleep a few more minutes, and I thought this would be a pleasant surprise. Besides, I would do anything for my best gal.” Spencer says as he leans down and kisses my forehead.  He is dressed for golf, which means I have most of the day to myself.   

I can’t help but smile watching him walk away.  How did I get so lucky and end up with such a perfect life? When I finish eating my breakfast I move the tray to the side so I can get up and start my day.  After washing the dishes I decide to take the sheets off the bed and put new ones on.  As I am tucking in the blankets to make the bed look just perfect for Spencer when he gets hope my hand brushes against something. I try to lift the mattress a little bit more to feel what it is, but I can’t quite get it on my own.  I will need to grab something to help me knock whatever it is closer.  

I head to the parlor thinking that I can get a magazine or something to help reach it  when there is a knock on the door. 

“Oh dear,” I mutter to myself.  I am not even properly dressed yet.  I am still in my robe after breakfast.  How perfectly uncouth of me.  “Who is it?” I call out. 

“Its me! Open the door!” a familiar voice yells.  I go and open the door to find Robert standing on my doorstep.  He smiles when he sees me, the sun shining behind him creating a perfect halo around him. 

“Now I know Spencer is gone for the day, but I wanted to stop by and check on you, little lady.  Spencer is my best pal and I would do anything for him, and also for you.”

“Gee Robert, that is so nice of you.  I thought that you would be playing golf with him today.  But it is so good to see you.  Can I get you a drink or anything?” I ask, feeling slightly apprehensive as to why he is here without Spencer.  What if the neighbors saw him? What would they think?  

“No little lady, I think I am alright for right now.  But do you mind if I use your washroom?” 

“Of course, you know where to find it.”  He walks towards the restroom and I can’t help the nagging feeling that there is something off about this visit.  I go back to the kitchen and busy myself which he is occupied.  

After a few minutes I hear a noise and look up.  Robert is not coming out of the washroom but it looks like he was coming from our bedroom.  It seems odd but I am sure he was just helping Spencer plan a surprise for me.  I smile thinking of what he is planning and wave as Robert drives off.  

I decide I better get dressed and do my hair and makeup before I complete the rest of my day.  I choose a pink skirt with a matching cardigan that I know Spencer loves.  I chose my favorite satin ribbon to do my hair.  I just want to look perfect for Spencer when he gets home.  

As I go on with the rest of my chores I hum along to the radio as I get the house in order.  I go outside and pick flowers to put in a bigger vase on the table.  It is such a lovely touch to such a lovely day.  

Just before dinner time I hear Spencer’s car pull into the driveway.  I am giddy thinking about what surprise he had Robert help with.  I am standing in the doorway ready to meet him with a kiss when suddenly a cloud floats in front of the sun making what was a bright cheerful day seem dark and dismal.  Spencer’s smile fades and a look of fear crosses his face and I don’t know what’s changed.  

Suddenly I feel a hand over my mouth stifling the scream I feel coming.  Another hand grabs me around the waist from behind and a rough voice whispers in my ear “Move!” as he shoves me down the steps. Was this man in the house all day?

 A car speeds up the street as I am pushed hurriedly to it.  I see someone with a mask get out and point a gun at Spencer. It feels like everything is happening in slow motion but I can't comprehend what is happening.

“Where’s the money Clark?  You knew we would come to collect!” the man says.  What in the world is he talking about?

Spencer, looking terrified, says “Please, I’ve got some of it.  Just let her go and I will get you the rest! I swear, just let her go!” I feel another shove towards the vehicle.  The man’s hand is still covering my mouth so I can’t call for help or even ask what is going on.  

“We are just going to keep her safe with us. That will maybe help you find the rest of what you owe faster.” the man holding me says as he shoves me in the car.  He pushes me to the other side of the back seat and slides in beside me.  

I am finally free and turn to look out the rear window at Spencer as we speed off.  I can see him running after the car screaming.  I turn back to my captor “Who are you? Where are you taking me?” I demand.  I immediately feel a stinging pain across my face.  He slapped me. I had never been hit by a man before I realize, bringing my hand to my cheek in shock. 

“We’ll be asking the questions here. Shut your mouth,” the man next to me snarls.  I am shaking and trying not to cry.  Why would someone do this to me?  “Do you know where he keeps his cash?” I shake my head, tears starting to fall.  I have no idea what they are talking about.  

The man in the front seat, the one who had the gun, turned around and asked “Did you even know how much he owed the boss?” I shake my head again, too terrified to speak.  I don’t know who the boss is, or that he borrowed money.  

We begin slowing down and pull up to what looks like an abandoned warehouse.  The car stops at a loading dock and the man in the backseat with me grabs my wrist roughly and pulls me out of the vehicle. I am quickly hustled inside.  

When we get inside it takes my eyes a few minutes to adjust to the dim light.  I see a man standing in the corner.  There is something so familiar about him, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.  I feel a nudge in my back and start moving forward towards the man.  As I get closer he turns around and I gasp.  It is Robert. 

“Well hello little lady. Twice in one day. What a privilege.” he sneers.  Nothing like the congenial fella who dropped in to check on me earlier today.  “You know Spencer owes me quite a bit of money.  But I think if you cooperate we can work out some kind of a deal.”  I have no idea what he is talking about.  

“Why does Spencer owe you money?  You guys are friends.  What is this even about?” I ask, the words tumbling out of my mouth before I can stop them.  

Robert barks out a laugh.  “You think that we are friends? That loser likes to follow me around like a lost puppy” he comes up and puts his hand to my cheek where the other man slapped me.  It still stings and I try to not flinch away from his touch.  “I do hope that Marty here was good to you. Was he good to you dear?”

I nod, thinking that was the answer that he wanted.  The next thing I know his hand is gone, but quickly replaced by another blow that knocks me off my feet.  “What were you doing in our bedroom this morning?” I ask, struggling to get up to at least my knees.  

“You caught that, did you?  Well I was looking for something.  Something I think Spencer has hidden from me.  If he won’t give me my money I am going to get something out of him.  Unlucky for you I couldn’t find what I was looking for, so you will have to do,” he says.  “Tie her up,” he orders as he walks away.  

I feel Marty grab me by the wrists again and a rope tied tightly around them.  He grabs me and pulls me to a different corner of the room where there is a large hook.  He turns me around and I can feel the hook secured through my bindings.  He turns to face me and shoves a cloth in my mouth and covers it with tape.  I try to scream but it is so muffled.  I try to fight but I am tied too tightly and the hook makes it so that I can not move.  

As I am struggling I catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye and stop fighting so hard trying to focus.  I try to turn to look but whatever I saw is just out of my line of sight.  I could have sworn it was Spencer, but it is too dangerous for him to be here.  

I watch Robert and the men and see that they are huddled around a table on the opposite side of  the warehouse and try to figure out a way to get out of here.  Suddenly I feel the hook removed and someone is cutting through the ropes around my wrists.  I turn around and it is Spencer. I knew he would come rescue me.  

He puts a finger to his lips telling me that I should be quiet.  He starts leading me towards the door walking at a slight crouch.  I notice he has a knife in his hand with an ornate handle.  I suddenly realize that this is likely what I felt when I was making the bed this morning.  I got so distracted by Robert’s visit that I forgot all about it.  I wonder if this is also what Robert was looking for.  It looks like the pommel is made of emeralds.  That has got to be worth a fortune.  

I have so many questions, but I want nothing more than to get out of this building.  Right as we get to the door Robert shouts out “STOP!”  he sees us.  Spencer pushes me gently out the door and turns around.  The last thing I hear before the door slams shut is Robert screaming that he’ll get him.  

I am frozen where I stand for what feels like eternity.  Once I snap out of it I look around for the nearest store or place that I could use a telephone to call the authorities.  Spencer needs help.  And I am the only one who knows where he is.  I start running towards some buildings, eventually losing one of my shoes.  I make a note of the street signs to hopefully be able to tell the police where to find them.  

I keep running and eventually kick off my other shoe.  My feet hurt from running in just my stockings and I finally find a store with an open sign.  I walk in and realize it is a hardware store.  I run to the counter and the older gentleman looks up at me with a startled expression on his face.  “My word.  You look a sight.  Can you tell me what happened, Miss?”

“Phone.  I need your phone,” I pant.  “I was kidnapped and just escaped.  They have my husband over in the old warehouse on Hanover.”   My heart feels like it is going to beat out of my chest and I am having a hard time catching my breath. 

The man nods, “I’ll call. Have a seat. I’ll bring you some water once the authorities are on the way.” I can’t do anything but nod and I sit on the stool the man pointed to.  “What’s your name Miss?”

“I’m Barbara Clark. But my friends call me Barbie.  And right now sir, you are my very best friend.”

The man smiles, holding the receiver between his shoulder and ear as he rummages for something behind the counter.  “I’m Bill.  And I don’t want you to worry Barbie.  We’ll get you taken care of and get someone out to check on your husband.” He trails off and then “Hello, yes, this is Billy Waters down at the Main Street General Store.  I have a young lady here who says she was kidnapped and taken to the old warehouse on Hanover and that her husband is still there with the captors.”  He pauses and then says “Yes,  I understand.  We will see you soon.”

Bill hangs up the receiver and walks out from behind the counter with a bottle of water and a bag of frozen peas.  “Here, drink this.  It will help you feel better. At the peas should help the bruising on your cheek.  Sorry I don’t have something stronger at the store.”

I grab it gratefully and take a drink, “Water is perfect right now. Thank you.” I wince as I hold the peas up to my cheek. I didn’t realize it was already bruised.  

“The police are on their way.  They are going to send someone here to take your statement.” I nod.  

It feels like forever before there is another car that pulls up.  I look and it is a police car.  The officer gets out and walks around to the back to open the door.  And out comes Spencer.  As soon as I see him I let out the breath I didn’t know that I was holding.  He looks like he might have a black eye, but I can’t tell for sure.  

The officer walks in before Spencer and says “Mrs. Clark? We need to get your statement before you can see your husband. But I wanted you to see that he got out alive and mostly unhurt.”

“Thank you, Officer.  I am ready to give my statement.” he takes out a notepad and a golf pencil and I start talking about what happened.  He doesn’t stop me to ask questions, but takes notes.  When I finish talking he has a few clarifying questions for me but nothing too outrageous.  “Can I go see him now?”

The officer looks over at Spencer talking to another policeman.  He looks back at me and says “I will go check.  He is giving his statement now, I want to make sure they have given an uninterrupted statement before we connect loved ones together.”  I nod only slightly understanding. The police officer steps out and talks to his partner who was interviewing Spencer.  He holds up a finger to signify it will be another minute.  I sit and lay my head against the shelf behind the stool and close my eyes.  

When I open them again Spencer is right there.  I don’t need to know what exactly happened today, right now, I need some sleep.  “Take me home Spencer.” he puts an arm around me without a word and helps me to my feet.  

“Its over Barbie.  It’s all over” I feel so relieved that we get to go home tonight.  Tomorrow he can explain more, but for tonight, I just want to go sleep in my bed next to my husband. And may tomorrow start a new chapter of our lives, just as bright and happy as it seemed when I woke up this morning.  

July 29, 2023 02:10

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