
Finally, I have created the perfect boy. No longer will I be alone. No longer will I be mocked and judged. Today is the day I show the world that I have the perfect boyfriend.

His name is Jayden. I have programmed him with all of the top must knows on being in a successful relationship. He is 6'3, has blue eyes and blonde hair. He loves the beach in the summer and the mountains in the winter. He is a romantic. He loves poetry and carriage rides. He is kind, loving, and considerate of other. He always thinks of others and volunteers at the local orphanage.

Everything is perfect! He is programmed with all of the main holidays, including: Christmas, New Years, Independence day, Halloween, Valentines Day, and more. I also gave him the ability to think and feel for himself. I want him to be perfect but I also want him to be real.

"Jayden, my love! Can you hear me?" I lifted his head gently trying to make sure he is awake. All I can hear is a light growl as if he is in pain. "Roses red, violets blue, My heart now beats and beats only for you" He smiled while holding his side. I notice this and lay his head back down slowly and begin lifting up the side of his shirt.

Once the skin was visible I saw a large bruise. I went and gathered ice to apply to the sore spot. After a moment I took the ice off and moved his shirt down to cover the mark. Jayden tries to sit up but his effort did not come easy. He was trying to gain strength.

I took his arm and supported him as he tried to move around. As we began walking through the room he looked at me and smiled. "Natasha, my love, let us go on a romantic stroll tonight. It is going to be a full moon and I know how much you love the starry sky." I could not help but smile and I quickly replied to him. "I would love to."

Could this get any better. I have the perfect boyfriend and now we will be having the perfect date. Could this get any better? I cannot wait for tonight. Not only is this romantic but it will help him get familiar with everything. I made sure that he knows every thing as far as location of different things and how to get there.

~4 Hours Later~

It is getting closer to time for our date and I am still not sure what to wear. This has to be perfect. He is so incredible and even though it has not been that long I think I may love him. I know that is crazy but what can I say I fall in love fast.


What was that? It sounded it like it came from the closet. Maybe I should go check it out. However, I am running behind on getting ready for my date with Jayden. CREEK, I begin to slowly open the door. A dress falls to my feet. I slowly pick it up and the light hits it just perfectly. The gorgeous pastel pink dress is glowing. It has a built in corset with the top half covered in diamonds. The bottom flows elegantly as if the dress was made for a princess.

This, this was the dress I was going to wear on my date tonight. All I needed now was to style my hair and finish my make up. Out of nowhere my alarm begins to ring. This meant that it was 8pm. I had 3 hours left before my date begins.

~3 Hours Later~

It is now midnight. I am in the middle of a garden were we were suppose to meet. He may just be running a bit late not everyone is here right when the event starts. Besides the roses are absolutely divine this time of year. I don't mind wait a few minutes. The moon is so lovely and the stars are dancing across the sky. I begin to stroll through the garden eventually coming to a small bridge.

The water is so lovely with the moon's reflection glistening in the water. The wind is so light and soft. Everything is so calming. It is so enchanting.

~1 hour later~

Where is he? It has been an hour and yet I still have not seen him or heard from him. Maybe he has lost his way? I am not sure since he has the knowledge of location and direction. Maybe he has just lost track of time.

It is okay. I will wait for a little while longer. After all the perfect person is worth the wait. I will just sit under the wise oak tree that I was a little way back during my stroll. Besides the night is so beautiful there is no need to let this beauty go unnoticed or unappreciated.

The tree is magnificent and home to many wonderful creatures. These are some of the most beautiful moments that not many people get to see. However, I am growing slightly tired as time passes by, and still no sign of Jayden.

~4 Hours Later~

The sun is slowly shining on the dew covered grass. The birds are beginning to chirp softly as they sing their morning song. The owls are fast asleep and the squirrels are out to play. The morning has finally come. The moon has already said goodbye and the sun has said hello.


I begin to rub my eyes as I start to wake. "Is it morning already?" My eyes begin to adjust to the light. I begin to look around me and see that I am still under the oak tree. Confused I stand up and dust off my dress. "He never showed. I can't believe that I waited here all this time."

Angrily I rush back home and change out of my dress. I cannot believe this. How can someone be so forgetful. There must be something wrong. When I get to see him I swear I am going to get to the bottom of this.

My birthday is in 7 days. We can try again then maybe then he will remember to show up. I just wish I knew what had happened.

~The Next Day~

"My love, are you home?" I can hear him say as he walks through the door. "My love?" He sounds concerned since I had not replied yet. "Natasha? Are you here?" His voice seems very faint. I throw a blanket around me. "I will be with you in a moment Jayden." I hastily walk to the living room where Jayden is standing.

"Ah my love, you look so beautiful this fine morning. How did you sleep?" I felt myself getting upset since I slept under a tree all night waiting for him the night prior.

"I slept fine my dear. How did you sleep?" He smiled. "I slept wonderfully my love. However, I have the strangest feeling that I had forgotten something." A moment passed by without a word and then he said "Oh well must not have been of great importance." This upset me more to the fact that he referred to it as not important.

"Jayden, My 21st birthday is coming up, and, I was wondering if you would like to hang out. It is on July 13th. So what do you say?" He smiled and hugged me. "Of course my love. I know how much your birthday means to you." I was shocked by this response. How much it meant to me? How could he possibly know that.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me and grabbed my hand. "Natasha, I know how you feel about your birthday. I know your mother calls you a miracle. I also know how your father feels about it. Do not worry I promise I will be there for you."

This made me tear up. I did not program any of that information. However, I never talked about any of this with him either. How could he have learned any of that information? Oh well, it should not be anything to worry about. After all it is just a birthday.

~7 Days Later~

YAY! I jump out of bed seeing that it is July 13th. I am officially 21 years old. I cannot wait to see everyone. I quickly check my phone and I see hundreds of birthday wishes from friends and family. However, I do not see anything from Jayden. This made me sad. I look over the last time that we text one another and the date of the last message sent (by me) was July 6th. That was the same day that he had come over and I invited him to spend time with me on my birthday.

What is happening? He was not suppose to forget things like this. How many times must I be kept waiting for this boy before I finally do something? Why do I keep letting myself be stood up? Today is the final straw if he is not here before midnight then I give up. I remember his birthday. I remember his sibling's birthday.

I remember everything he tells me. Yet he cannot even remember to respond to a text. How is someone this forgetful? Oh well, I cannot focus on such things. I still need to get dressed for the party. There will not be many people here since most of my family and friends live in other states but you should always want to look your best.

I have everything laid out. I have a gorgeous rose gold and black dress that flows elegantly to the ground. It is off the shoulders and has a small hint of glitter. This is the most wonderful dress for a party. It will go great with the rose gold back grounds and decorations I put up last night.

~2 And A Half Hours Later~

Everything is now set up and I am all dressed for the party. It is already 12pm. The party will be starting soon, and, still no word from Jayden. Does he even really care? What should I do? Should I text him? Should I remind him?

No! This is to big a deal. I cannot be worried over one person. I am finally 21. This is so huge. I cannot let Jayden ruin this for me by not messaging.

~Party Time~

I begin to look around and see so many great people. There are probably 45 people here. It is a small turn out but, it is perfect. Well almost perfect. Jayden is nowhere to be found.

I stand up and hold my glass and begin to speak. "Hello everyone. Thank you all so much for being here today. This means so much for me that you all took time out of your busy schedules to celebrate such a meaningful time in someone's life. I love you all."

I continue to look around once I am done speaking and my mother noticed that I was sad. She walked up to me and could tell that Jayden was not here. "Where is Jayden sweetheart?" My face grew long as I told her "Mother, Jayden is not here. He has not even messaged me in 7 days." My mother comforts me. However, this does not work.

As the party continues many people have walked up to me asking about Jayden and when they get to meet him. However, I do not have an answer for them. I keep hoping they will change the topic but, each time is the same.

The party is finally coming to an end and I begin to clean up. I take one more glance around the room. However, nothing has changed. He promised he would be here but, he never came. How can I trust him if he cannot even manage to stop by for a moment.

Once the last guest left I began to weep. I thought he loved me. Yet he cannot even come see me or message me. I am on my knees picking up trash as I glance at my phone in hopes he would message. However, I see the time and it reads 12:01 am. I meant what I said. If he did not show up by midnight than I give up.

I am going to finish cleaning up from the party and then I am ending it with Jayden. This was the final straw. My birthday has special meaning to me and he knew this. I am no longer going to be in a relationship where I am constantly kept waiting.

~1 Hour Later~

Finally, everything is cleaned up. I am so tired. However, not like a physical tired feeling but mental. I glance at my phone one more time to see that it is now about 1 in the morning. I still have not heard from Jayden and frankly I do not care at this point. He always seems to keep me waiting and I am so tired of it.

I do not care if he showed up at my door with a dozen roses. I would not give him another chance. I cannot take it any more. I need someone who remembers the little things.

*Knock knock*

What is it now? Did someone forget something? I slowly walk towards the door and open it. It is pouring outside. Guess who is at the door? Yep, Jayden finally showed up. in his had is a little box with a bow on it. "I know that I messed up Natasha but please give me another chance. I promise I will not leave you waiting ever again." I looked down at my feet.

Jayden hands me the box and frowns. "I am sorry Jayden however, I cannot be with someone who leaves me waiting. I have realized that all of those things that I programmed did not make the perfect guy." He looked confused so I continued to speak.

"What makes the perfect guy is not looks or romantic dates. What makes the perfect guys is someone who listens. It is someone who puts you first. The perfect guy will remember the little things and be with you. He will be there for you. You may not always see eye to eye but that is what makes him perfect. I am sorry but, I cannot be with you."

He slowly turns around and begins to walk off. "Natasha, I understand but please when I am gone open the box." I nod my head. He walks off into the night and I close my door.

A few moments pass. I keep staring at the box hesitant to open it. What could it be? Should I open it? Okay after a little bit of thinking I have come to the conclusion that I must know what is inside.

I open the box and what is inside will shock you. It is a letter that reads:

"My dearest Natasha,

You are the love of my life. I know I have been forgetting things here and there. I understand how that must make you feel and I swear that I will spend the rest of my life working on that as long as it means we will be together.

You are my everything. You are my one true love. What is in this box was hand crafted just for you. It took me a while to make. I am sorry for the wait. I hope you love it



The note was covering something. It glistened in the light. What Natasha saw would change her life forever.

July 06, 2020 04:35

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Nandan Prasad
15:31 Jul 15, 2020

Hey great story! The concept is extremely imaginative and well-fleshed out. The emotions of the character are well-written and the ending is so sweet. There are a few (very few) grammatical mistakes but nothing that cannot be corrected by quick editing. Overall, very well-written! Also, would you mind checking out my story if it is not too much trouble? Thanks and good luck!


Abigail Boykin
05:32 Jul 20, 2020

Thank you I really appreciate it and I would love to I will go do that now! :)


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07:05 Jul 12, 2020

The use of tenses is confusing at times but the idea of creating the perfect lover is quite clever and I feel you should have develop it more. Keep going!


Abigail Boykin
02:53 Jul 15, 2020

I really appreciate the suggestion to develop it more and for the note on the tense. I will keep that in mind with future stories.


04:58 Jul 15, 2020

You're welcome. Keep going!


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