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Fiction Contemporary


The telephone rings. “Hello Sharon just letting you know I’m no longer with Troy these past few months he’s been very difficult to be with as he’s looking for a spring chicken to have sex with and perhaps a baby at seventy.

I don’t know how he will go since I kicked him out and blocked him on Facebook,” Melanie said. “So, he wants to have a baby at the age of seventy that would be very inconsiderate for any child that he bears especially when Caucasian men who were born in 1949 only have a life span of 80 years, that would give him and the child a mere ten years together, Sharon said. “We had numerous arguments over it.” “Well, how the hell are you supposed to accommodate him these days?” “I can’t, his brain is all over the place a real idiot I tell you.”

“Maybe dementia is setting in,” Sharon stated

“Never thought of that but maybe,” Melanie stated.

“Well, when people start having dementia, they start to think of babies goodness knows why but that seems to be part of dementia setting in,” Sharon said

“He changed when he started on a new insulin injection but dementia makes more sense so I thought it was the insulin changing his behaviour,” Melanie said.

“It’s probably best that you both stay apart as you don’t need to be looking after someone with dementia at your age,” Sharon said with a sigh.

“This is what Troy said to me the other day, “I believe men of my age who have sex with younger women is disgusting, however, the last time I looked it’s my honest opinion is that the reason for a women’s existence is to have babies, and that’s why I am frisky,” Melanie said.

“Oh, Melanie we both know in our old age the whole purpose of a woman on this planet these days is to do what they want not what men want and if they want, they can bear children whether that is by the natural method of intercourse or by IVF facilities and bring them up as lone mothers or in a nuclear family

environment if they so please, Sharon said.

“He’s gone nuts, in the end, I found him hard to talk to, maybe he has dementia and not frisky at seventy after all,” Melanie said.

“I have to go Melanie I have an appointment with the hairdresser in thirty minutes chat later take care sweetie. Love ya, sis.” Sharon said.

Telephone Rings, “Hey Troy how is it going?” Phillip said. “Well as you know by now Melanie has kicked me out she reckons because I desire a baby at my age and I am going nuts, but I have no children so I would like to leave a child on this planet before I depart,” Troy said. “I told you many years ago that Melanie was going to cause you trouble in later years, that’s why I liked her sister Sharon better, Sharon and I haven’t any real problems whatsoever, we get on like two peas in a pod,” Phillip said.

“Well, that might be so, however, Melanie and I have several arguments over me wanting a baby, and I know damn well that she can’t give me one at her age, and I don’t want to get into the cot with some twenty-year-old girl, that is revolting to Me,” Troy said.

“Age isn’t a consideration these days within reason as long as the two people love one another whether they are heterosexual or LGBTQ, Sharon, reckons that you have dementia and are going crazy, especially because you want to have a child at your age,” Phillip said. “I don’t have dementia it's just that as you know I was a virgin until I was fifty-five and didn’t entertain a sex drive as I was too busy running my catering business seven days a week fourteen-hour days,” Troy said.

“Yeah, well I didn’t have a life that bad but being a train driver (Engineer in the USA) did take its toll on me as you know I ended up getting pretty unfit to the point that my sex drive with Sharon became a non-event, especially after I received the pacemaker to get my heart pumping properly and just as well trains

have automatic brakes as I didn’t know that I had passed out while driving the train, and being a one-man train driver system that we have the train controller (Dispatcher in the USA) tried for a few minutes to contact me after the train had stopped, anyway, Troy have you ever thought about donating to the IVF clinics,

that way you will be able to leave many a child on planet earth after you have gone,” Phillip said.

 “I have considered everything Phillip, even going to a massage parlour where the girls offer more than the usual back and leg rubs, you know for a few more dollars they can relieve you of your sexual frustration but that’s not going to bear me a child,” Troy said.

“Well unless you can find someone who is willing to bear you a child you may be leaving the world childless, or maybe you could get a surrogate mother to have your child?” Phillip said with excitement.

“That will cost me dollars, and with this damn covid pandemic going on throughout the world I may never see the child or get back home if I leave the country,” Troy said with a small teardrop escalating down his left cheek.

“Yeah, I suppose that idea has major complications as well,” Phillip said.

“Well, I don’t know what I should do, I booked an appointment to see a female psychiatrist to see what her opinion would be in regards to me being seventy and frisky and wanting a child,” Toy said.

“Phillip your dinner is on the table and who the hell are you talking to?” Sharon yelled from the kitchen area.

“I’m talking to me brother Troy, about his predicament which the man has you know wanting a baby at seventy years of age have to go, bro, the missus has called me for dinner, stay safe love ya bro,” Phillip said.


January 26, 2022 11:31

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1 comment

Howard Seeley
04:41 Feb 03, 2022

I like the part about to telephone conversations, but I'm afraid the story didn't get to a climax (Pardon the pun). Waiting to read your next story. Good luck!


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