Fiction Drama

April 15, 2021

(Present day) 

I never planned to be the head chef at the lowest-rated restaurant in town. When I attended the Culinary Arts Academy in Switzerland ten years ago, I didn’t think that this is where I would be now. Of course, it didn’t start like that. To know the full story we’ll have to start a little while back. 


March 6, 2020

I pull my hair back into a tight bun, making sure to show that my long brown hair won’t be a problem in the kitchen. Since I graduated from culinary school in Switzerland, I’ve worked as a line cook at a 4-star restaurant in Amherst and a sous chef at a 4.5-star Italian place in Worcester.  Those job interviews were no big deal though. I wasn’t interviewing for the head chef. For the past three hours I’ve been googling any and all interview questions, I might be asked, formatting the responses in my head. My beagle, Maisy sits next to me on the couch snoring as I continue my research. 

Fifteen minutes later an alarm on my phone goes off, reminding me to start getting ready. 

I say goodbye to Maisy and walk to my Honda Civic parked in the driveway. The restaurant is fifteen minutes away but with Boston traffic, I allow at least thirty-five minutes to get there. I always told myself that I would never move to a big city, I thought the traffic and busy lifestyle was never for me but now that I’m driving through the city, I know this is where I’m meant to be.

 I get to the restaurant,  Sage, in plenty of time and it’s as gorgeous as the first day I saw it. In a perfect location, wedged in between a local bookstore and an ice cream shop. It’s cozy but not small, plants hang from the windows outside. The daily specials are on a chalkboard in front of the door. The building has three floors, the top floor is on the terrace overlooking the city, with the best seats in the restaurant. No wonder it’s already an instant hit after only six months of being open. 

I take one last deep breath in my parked car and walk into the building. I’m greeted by a subtle smell of sage, fitting I suppose. I take a seat at a table by the door where Louise, the restaurant owner, told me to sit. The restaurant is closed to the public until lunchtime, just for this interview. I’m only sitting for about thirty seconds before Louise appears in front of me. She smiles and shakes my hand as if we haven’t been emailing back and forth since I applied for this job. She surprisingly doesn’t ask me any of the questions I had been preparing for such as, “What is your usual role in a team?” or “What made you apply for this position?” Instead, Louise only asks me one question,

“Would having a hot sous chef interfere with your work?” 

I laugh, taken aback. I definitely wasn’t expecting this question. “Um, what?” 

Louise explains that the last head chef she had, fell in love with his sous chef and it created a huge mess causing both of them to quit. A new sous chef was hired just yesterday.

“No. Absolutely not,” I assure her. I’m not lying though, the last serious relationship I had was with my ex-boyfriend Jacob back in Amherst. We mutually parted ways and there was zero drama involved. The last thing I need right now is a distraction from my cooking. I’m expecting more questions but all Louise does is nod and hand me an apron.

“Welcome to Sage.” She grins. “I’ve seen your resume and think you’ll be a great fit. I’ll see you on Monday, Clare.”

I thank her and keep my composure until I get to the car. Once I’m safe in my Civic, I scream and call my mom to tell her the good news.


March 8, 2020

It’s finally Monday, my first day at Sage. It’s ten minutes until the restaurant opens and I’m standing in the kitchen, smoothing out my new apron. I’m pacing back and forth in front of the sink when someone walks in. Instantly I know it’s the “hot sous chef.” He’s tall with short blonde hair, barely visible with his cap on. Our eyes meet and I open my mouth to introduce myself but he walks right past me to the sink. He washes his hands without a word and then turns to look at me. I manage a smile, “Hi. I’m Clare.”

He nods with a solemn look. “Yeah, the new head chef.”

Despite his obvious rudeness, I hold out my hand. “And your name?” I ask.

He wipes his hands on his pants and takes mine in a loose grip. “Andrew,” he says. And just like that he walks away and leaves the kitchen. 

I meet the whole team and everyone seems super friendly except for, well, Andrew. 

My first day of work goes smoothly overall. I have to remind myself to stay calm and that I’ve been cooking since I was four years old, even if it was just in an Easy-Bake Oven.


April 15, 2020

By my second month at Sage, it’s rated the #1 restaurant in downtown Boston. Even though Andrew and I aren’t the best of friends, we have an undeniable rhythm in the kitchen. It’s like our minds are synched when it comes to cooking and I can tell that he notices. 


May 8, 2020

By month three at Sage, Andrew and are the best duo any restaurant could want. We also are past our silent treatment and have moved straight into flirting. It’s just small things right now, our fingers will brush and we’ll hold them there for a second too long, or he’ll leave me appetizers he cooked in my locker to take home. Just small gestures like that. 


August 10, 2020

It’s month six when Andrew and I kiss for the first time. We both arrive at the restaurant early and we’re washing dishes in silence. He reaches for a plate at the same time as I do and our hands stay on the plate for a second before he picks up my hand and holds it. He leans over and kisses me, still holding my hand. We kiss for a second more until we hear someone coming and move to opposite sides of the kitchen. 


November 15, 2020

Andrew and I have been dating for about three months now, since our first kiss at the restaurant. He asked me out the next day and we’ve been hanging out at least three or four times a week. In secret of course. If Louise found out… I don’t even want to know what would happen. 

Yesterday he took me on a bike ride to all of his favorite trails. He loves the outdoors but he also loves movies and books. Honestly, he loves everything I love. He’s perfect. 


December 9, 2020

These past months have been the best times of my life. I could see myself marrying Andrew. I haven’t felt that way about anyone, ever, Sure, we fight as all couples do but it’s few and far between and usually over something stupid. Things at the restaurant are great, it’s a huge hit. So much so that we have an average review of 5 stars. I couldn’t be happier. Amazing job. Amazing boyfriend. What else could I want?


February 12, 2021

I’m thirty minutes early to work this morning because I want to run an idea by Louise about some new dishes and she’s always here early. I enter the employees-only door that Louise opens about forty-five minutes before the restaurant officially opens. I’m walking towards Louise’s office when I hear voices coming from the kitchen. I freeze in my tracks. I can tell that one of the voices is Louise’s.  I’m about to open the door and let her know I’m here when I hear a voice that I know is Andrew’s. 

“Louise. Come on.” He says. 

“Andrew, Clare has been a great addition to this team. I couldn’t have asked for a better head chef.”

I beam. 

“Sure, she’s a good cook. But I’m telling you, she’s obsessed with me. I gave her my number in case of an emergency and she texts me almost every day.” 

My mouth drops open. How could he do this? After so long?

Louise clicks her tongue like she’s unsure of what to say. 

Andrew starts again, “Louise, I’m only telling you this because I know you have a policy about this kind of thing. Clare is a good chef though, truly. I would still be willing to work with her but I think she would be a better fit as a sous chef. If you need a new head chef, I’m always here. ” 

“Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will certainly consider you as head chef.” Louise says. 

I debate barging into the kitchen and clearing my name, but I have a better idea. 


April 14, 2021

Andrew was promoted to head chef and I was demoted to sous chef about a month ago. I’ve been pretending like I have no idea what Andrew did and from the outside, I’ve been taking the demotion very well. That’s what I have to do for this to work. 

It’s 6:00 pm, our busiest time of the day and we have a new Spanish soup on the menu called Gazpacho. Andrew as head chef is having some of the kitchen staff chop tomatoes and cucumbers for the soup. Being the kind sous chef I am, I offer to help. Instead of chopping the cucumbers and tomatoes, I go to the cabinet and get all of the containers of sage we have and pour them into a big bowl. Sage doesn’t have a strong taste unless you use a lot of it. When Andrew is plating some other dishes, I pour the entire bowl into the soup and stir it very well.  The new head chef can’t even handle gazpacho? I’ll have my job back before he knows it. And then I’ll end things with us. 

It’s about thirty minutes later when we hear choking sounds from outside the kitchen. Police have been called. Everyone is rushing to help. 


April 15, 2021

(Present day)

No one wants to go to the restaurant where someone died. Our reviews instantly plummeted beyond repair. I did lie though, that’s how I ended up being the sous chef at the lowest-rated restaurant in town. Word of advice, don’t put sage in dishes to get back at your ex-boyfriend. Turns out some people are allergic. 

April 14, 2022 17:12

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