Change- a powerful word

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about change.... view prompt



A word with six letters but its power is ultimate as it can turn tables around. Change is not just in our clothes or lifestyle but it implies to everything that tends to change .

Change does not necessarily mean to be in years but it can be in days as well . Change is that powerful word which can either turn us into something unique or into no one . Change is good only if it can turn you into good human being otherwise it can leave you to nothing .

Since earth had been known to exist ,life was also known to exist . It was the change and evolution that turned us homo sapiens from apes and that was how our story began.

This change occured not only in human being but in every living creature known to exist be it small or big and hence, this change has never stopped .

This change is almost heard in every indian household by their grandparents.

Their story usually begins with telling about predecessors and successors. They talk about times when they were young, memories they made , fun they had , stories they heard from their grandparents and their story goes on .

Some of the stories are very common including the epics-Ramayan and Mahabharat.

They divide the period into three 1. Being the period where gods and goddesses were in direct contact with humans ,lived with them.2.being the period of their.3. period of ours (present).

If you are living in an Indian household it's impossible you to not heard of Ramayan starts with birth of Ram ji and their siblings. When they grow up ,they are sent to gurukul for their education .When years passes by ,they grow up to be intelligent ,handsome and qualities which are now quite impossible to be found .After their completion of studies ,they return to Ayodhya .Later on they are invited to Mithila to attend the swyambar of Sita ji .Among all the princes Only Ram ji is able to meet the criteria of swyamvar and gets married to beautiful Sita ji . But as it is said that greed never ends Ram ji alongwith his his wife were exiled to 14years due to the promise made by King Dhasrath to his wife which was made many years ago. But it was not just Ram ji and Sita ji but it was Lakshman who accompanied them for their period of exile due to his passionate love for his brother Ram ji. During their period of exile Sita ji is kidnapped by Lankeshvar Ravan .when Ram ji gets to know about this he does every measure to rescue his dear wife and at end succeeds in his battle against Ravan and comes back home with Sita ji and Lakshman .The day of their return is celebrated as DIWALI which signifies victory over evil .

Another epic is Mahabharat in which Pandavas fought against Kauravas in order to seek revenge for their misbehavior, more precisely (chirharan ) of their beloved wife. After a lot of hardships and sacrifices Pandavas win against kauravs and make them pay for their deeds .

Time has changed ,so the technology ,our lifestyle and even the economy but thinking and behaviour for women has not changed and the society sets a really good answer.

It is usually said that time changes everything but I guess not in case of society .Even after being highly educated ,their has never changed . If we talk about what is society then the answer is Us. That's true. Society does not only consists of men to blame for such thinking but it also consists of women who themselves being one thinks such about other women. They do not realise the situation other has to face even after having a daughter at their home . Some of their famous sayings "Did you see Mr. Sharma's daughter wearing short dress". "Did you know Mr.Chopra's daughter ran away." "Have you heard of mr Khuranna's Daughter not being virgin ."Instead of just minding their own business they are more indulged in other people's life . Its still a mystery for me that from where do they get such information to gossip all around .

Today's life is so hectic that we don't have time for ourselves but ladies in our society are so free that they have lot of spare time to gossip all around without knowing full truth .

In our home we are said that "don't do anything that can make us ashamed in society". It is sad but truth of every girl's life living in such society to not being able to attain freedom to her life ,her dreams because of just one word "Society "fed in her mind .

Maybe more than society ,it might be the fear of her parents getting disappointed at her the main reason but we would never get to know.

Change may seem to be a short and simple word but it has lot of impact in one's life . One of the best practical example is change in us . When we are born due to changes in cell structure ,cell size we grow talker,with change in hormones ee strike puberty and with further changes we grow to be a beautiful lady or handsome man and this change continues till we become old . This is a change we feel in us and every generation that passes by . Therefore ,we can say that change is beautiful .

But with respect to body , artificial changes can also be seen by inducing drugs in one's body for early growth which is not at all good.

With change in our body ,lifestyle ,habits ,clothes we can see change in ruling system. Earlier Kings used to govern with the help of ministers but now this system has changed. Now government takes care of us . But the government changes after completing its term period . This change in government gives every party a chance to fulfill their needs and take measures for their welfare .

Hence ,it would not be wrong to say that change is beautiful , powerful and important feature of our life so that we can be a better person ,enjoy our life fully and create memories so that when we become old we can tell our stories to our grandchildren of our time and continue the legacy which is being carried on from long time ago .

Thank you.

June 09, 2020 07:27

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