The Happy-Go-Lucky Snow Bunny

Submitted into Contest #23 in response to: Write a short story that takes place in a winter cabin.... view prompt



The Happy-Go-Lucky Snow Bunny

By Perry Terrell

               Snow Haven got its name way back in the 1800s. At least, that is what Craig and Lacy were told when they were buying supplies for their winter vacation in the High Sierras.

               They had seen pictures online of the cabins in that area, and they picked out the one they felt was most isolated. They wanted to be totally alone so they could really get to know each other.

               Since they had been dating for two years and only seeing each other exclusively Craig was thinking about asking Lacy to marry him. Lacy was quietly and anxiously hoping he would ask her.

               Craig and Lacy did not live together, nor did they ever spend the night at each other’s apartment. But they did get together.

               Since both of them were paying $2,500 per month for rent, Craig was thinking they could save one of those $2,500 and cut out some financial struggling.

               When they finally got the same two weeks off from work, Craig felt the two of them getting away together would confirm his desire to propose. Lacy just wanted him to propose.

               The Snow Clipper was the smallest grocery store they had ever been in. It was cute, clean, quaint and well stocked. The two cashiers were very talkative and not very busy. However, they did mention they would be getting super busy in about a week or so.

               As soon as they made it to the cabin, unpacked their luggage and supplies, Lacy said, “we need to talk.”

               Immediately, Craig’s heart fell to the bottom of his stomach and he was regretting this vacation before it really got started. He was thinking that the “we need to talk” statement was a definite break-up, aka, parting of the ways.

               “Okay,” he said. “When does this talk supposed to commence?”

               “Oh, let’s get settled in first. I’m hungry, aren’t you?”

               Craig was speechless and already wanting to leave. With every item he unpacked, he was regretting the trip.

               She made a great mile high ham and salami sandwich with split pea soup on the side for him and a mile high bologna sandwich for herself.

               The kettle whistled as the water was ready for them to steep their tea to go along with their meals.

               Craig was still waiting for the talk, but he did not want to start.

               After eating, they looked around the cabin to see what entertainment they could find.

               There were checkers, chess, dominoes, cards, puzzles and movies.

               Lacy wanted to play cards, but Craig didn’t want to do any of those things because he wanted to get that talk out of the way. He wanted to know before he wasted too many days of his vacation whether this would be a good talk or a bad talk.

               He agreed to play cards and Lacy had a good time. She won every game because he was too distracted to concentrate.

               After playing cards and Lacy doing her victory dance, they put on a movie.

               They were exhausted anyway from the long drive, so both of them fell asleep on the sofa right after the movie started.

               Around two a.m., Craig woke up, looked at Lacy for a while then went to look outside. The snow had fallen so quickly, it had covered the windows on one side of the cabin and five feet high in front of the door when he tried to go outside.

               They were snowed in.

               “Oh, hell no,” said Craig because he was still focused on Lacy’s “we need to talk.” How and when would they get out of there if that talk didn’t go in a positive direction.

               He went back to the sofa and starred at Lacy until she woke up.

               “What’s going on?” she asked.  “I went to sleep and didn’t see the movie. Did you?”

               “We are snowed in” was all he could say.

               Lacy jumped up and ran to the door.

               Craig was saying, “Don’t open the door. Don’t open the door. Don’t open the door.” But Lacy yanked the door open anyway. A flood of loose snow came pouring in like powder and they had a big job of clearing it off the floor so they could close the door again. They had snow scooped in all of their bowls and had filled both sides of the double sinks.

               When they finally got the door closed again; they were both freezing. They turned the thermostat up as high as it would go to try and get warm again and to melt that snow in the sinks.

               “We should take our showers and go to bed,” said Lacy.

               “It’s almost daylight,” said Craig. “We have had our good night’s sleep. We need to try and figure out what to do next.”

               “There is nothing we can do outside,” said Lacy. “We are here on vacation and being snowed in is perfect.”

               Craig didn’t say anything and went to take his shower first.

               Lacy was in a happy-go-lucky carefree mood and didn’t notice the mood Craig was in.

               After he finished his shower, Lacy took hers.

               Along the way to the cabin, Craig had hoped they would be taking showers together. But with that “we need to talk” still playing in his head, he didn’t want to be in the same room with Lacy.

               Lacy appeared in the living room after her shower. “Are you hungry,” she asked.

               “I could eat,” he answered. He was thinking that they may as well eat up this food before it goes bad. Then he thought, oh no, we might need to ration. Who knows how long we will be snowed in.

               “Just coffee for me,” Craig said. “I thought I was hungry, but I’m not.”

               “I’m not hungry either,” said Lacy.

               “Well, let’s do your talk. What is it about? Are you dumping me? Have you found somebody else?

               Lacy was rattling around in the kitchen and didn’t hear what he said.

               “Did you say something?” she asked.

               “I love the snow,” he said. “The car is buried and might not start when we get ready to leave.”

               “Don’t worry about that Craigie, somebody will help us. Meanwhile, nobody will bother us while we have our talk.”

               There it was again. The talk. Craig was more uneasy now than he was before. He couldn’t take it any longer. That talk had to happen so he would know whether to stay the two weeks or shovel his way out through that snow. Besides he did not want to waste a whole two weeks in an awkward situation.

               “Let’s talk, Lacy. Now!” he almost demanded.

               “I want to wait and talk over dinner.” Lacy was puzzled by his almost demand and finally noticed his mood.

               “Are you ok, Craig?”

               “Yes, I’m fine. I just want us to talk.”

               “Well, it’s more of an announcement than a talk. But if you are in a bad mood, maybe I shouldn’t say anything at all. Or maybe I should wait.”

               “Now is the time, Lacy. What is it?”

               Craig’s voice was slightly raised and he was agitated.

               Lacy lost her happy mood and flopped down on the sofa.

               “What is it lacy?” he yelled.

               In her mind she was wondering had she wasted the last two years of her life with this non-romantic, impatient man. Then she thought that she may as well yank the band aid off as his eyes were piercing her heart and soul.

               “I’m pregnant, and hell yes, it’s yours.”

January 11, 2020 04:04

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