Fiction Drama

The day started off normally. I got up and quickly drank my coffee. I texted Dave to check with the caterer if everything was set for Saturday. He replied that I should relax. I laughed and put on my blazer. I had so much waiting for me at work today. I had to represent a client in a civil case in court and prepare all the paperwork for Mitch, my partner, for the three weeks I'd be away.

In the afternoon, I had my final fitting for the wedding dress, makeup, and hairstyle. Saturday was a big day for Dave and me. We had organized a wedding for our closest relatives and friends at his grandparents' nearby estate. A lovely weekend house in a sun-drenched valley, surrounded by greenery. Just how I wanted it. Dave didn’t care much. He wasn’t into ceremonies anyway.

We met three years ago at a dinner with mutual friends. Tall and dark, with piercing blue eyes, he knocked me off my feet the moment I saw him. But I thought I had no chance with him, so I spent the whole evening drinking gin and tonics and smiling nervously. That’s why I was so surprised when he called me the next day and said he got my number from our friends because he wanted to take me out. To say I was flabbergasted would be an understatement, but I pulled myself together and agreed.

I spent the entire day choosing an outfit for that evening. I needed to find something that would make a chubby, freckled blonde like me shine. In the end, I went with a classic knee-length black dress. Whether it was the right choice or something else, I don’t know, but from that evening on, we became a couple.

Dave was often away. He had been running the company since his father retired, and had a busy schedule. I can’t say my situation was any different. That’s why it was a struggle for us to take three weeks off for our honeymoon. We decided to travel to Europe, to Sicily, where we booked a villa and promised to fully dedicate ourselves to each other.

I can’t say I wasn’t nervous because I worried about whether our most beautiful day would turn out as planned. But at the dress fitting, I was finally calm. I looked nice and was satisfied. I walked out of the salon, proud of myself. I had come a long way from an unpopular girl from a small town to a rising lawyer and soon-to-be wife of a successful businessman. Did it all matter so much to me? Something gave me a chill. A strange premonition. But I laughed it off and headed to my car.

Just as I was about to get in the car, a woman approached me. It was already evening, and I didn’t know her, but her eyes seemed so familiar. I just couldn’t place where I knew them from. She thrust a notebook into my hands, and before I could react and run after her, she disappeared into the darkness.

My heart was racing, and instinctively I wanted to throw the notebook away, but something made me keep it, so I put it in my bag and took it home. When I arrived, a sense of dread overwhelmed me, and I couldn’t bring myself to take it out of my bag. I took a shower and had dinner. Then I poured a glass of wine and sat down. I took out the notebook to see what was inside.

The cover was colorful and looked sweet and ordinary. I opened it, and the first page was blank. I turned the page. Then I saw shaky handwriting. It read:


I’m writing this because I want to help you avoid the biggest mistake of your life. I know you’re getting married on Saturday and that everything is ready. Don’t do it. On that day, don’t be there. In fact, you need to leave and disappear. Trust me.”

I took a sip of wine and wasn’t sure if what I was reading was a mirage. The text continued with descriptions of my life up to that point, and panic began to set in. There were things only I knew. I could feel my lips drying out, so I poured myself another glass of wine.

“I’ve written this just to make you understand that I’m not joking. You didn’t meet by chance. Dave is not the person he appears to be. He has been looking for you his whole life because you are promised to him. You’re not going to Sicily by accident. Your grandfather is from there. So is Dave’s. They were two of the most powerful families that went to war. Many souls were lost. Then your grandfather, in a gesture of reconciliation, promised to give his daughter to Dave’s father, but she fled to America. Dave’s father went after her, but he didn’t succeed.

Do you know why he didn’t succeed? She changed her name and married your father. She lived almost unnoticed. But that’s not the reason. He found her. But she was already dead.”

My hands were trembling. I thought about my mother, who died while I was still in high school. She told me she was an orphan from Italy. She never talked much about herself or her childhood. Could this all be true? And if it is, did Dad know? But it’s too late to ask him now, as he hasn’t recognized me for two years.

“They have been following you for a long time and, to some extent, guiding your path. They didn’t have to try too hard because you were a smart girl. Did you think it was a coincidence that you ended up here for your legal internship, that a position opened up, and you decided to stay? I know what you’re thinking, but it’s time to face the truth. They were just waiting to take what was promised to them.

You belong to the Bianchi clan, and Dave is a Rossi, as you know. Once you’re in the mafia, there’s no way out. If you say yes on Saturday, it’s all over. During the honeymoon, he will tell you everything. And you will be theirs. Then, little by little, you will work for them and get involved in their business. And you won’t even notice how your green eyes become dull and dark.

And then you’ll fall in love with him. Just when you think it’s all over, that you can’t love anymore, that you’re empty and dead inside. You’ll love his tousled hair, deep black eyes, and short stubble. And his smile and embrace that heal. Alex will be your great love and your downfall. He will work for Dave. You will want to leave everything for him, but you won’t be able to because of your son. Yes, you will have a son. But you’ll have to give him up. Because Dave will find out about you two. Alex will sacrifice his life for you. You’ll manage to escape. You’ll wander the world with one mission—to make things right.”

I covered my forehead with my hands. My head was throbbing. I barely had the strength to keep reading.

“Leave immediately, and don’t tell anyone where you’re going. Change your name, surname, and everything. Because I am you, and you are me. I’ve tried many times to find you but failed. I wish I had found you before you met Dave. Now I have, and now you listen. Leave immediately and don’t come back.”

My head was spinning. That shaky handwriting, those eyes. That was ME. I must be hallucinating. I’m not feeling well.

I didn’t sleep that night. I paced the room frantically. I sifted through my thoughts. Then I just packed my things and fled into the early dawn.

And here I am, a year later, in a small Greek village with stone houses. I’m sitting in a local tavern, drinking orange juice. I erased every trace of myself. It wasn’t easy, and it cost a lot of money. No one knows where I am. And I’ll make sure it stays that way.

I’m communicating with Dimitrios in my poor Greek, and I hear him proudly tell me that his grandson is back from studying in America. Soon I see a male silhouette, bathed in sunlight, so I can’t make out the details.

“Alex,” he says in a warm voice as he extends his hand.

“Olivia,” I hear myself say, extending my hand as I sink deeply upon seeing his tousled hair, deep black eyes, and short stubble on his smiling face.

July 24, 2024 22:41

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Alexis Araneta
15:03 Jul 25, 2024

Ana !!! Gripping tale here. I just hope in this life Ava and Alex can have a peaceful life !


Ana M
17:52 Jul 25, 2024

Thank you! I hope so too. They deserve it!


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